
2021年1月29日金曜日 -

Luke-Mass Appeal


Hello, friends. Here's the task: to write a blog that everybody will be able to enjoy. I am now trying to think of things which are enjoyed by a large number of people.

BTS; they’re rather popular, aren’t they? Unfortunately you could write everything I know about K-Pop on the back of a stamp. Chocolate? Everyone likes chocolate, don’t they? Though I am currently trying to avoid sweet things in a rather desperate attempt to lose weight. Most likely it will be in vain but one must try. It seems a bit disingenuous to write about chocolate if I’m not currently eating the stuff myself.

 Sightseeing! You’re probably a fan of sightseeing, aren’t you? Yet, in the midst of this pandemic, you might say I lacked sensitivity if I wrote about that. Perhaps I could write about flowers, it’s a much loved topic, isn’t it? Alas, my knowledge of botany is barely superior to that of a small child’s. It’s even possible that they can remember many things of that sort that I long since forgot.

 This mass appeal business is proving more difficult than it at first appeared but wait, I might have just the thing, the weather! We’ve all had countless conversations about the weather, haven’t we? It’s raining here today but it’s okay for me, I actually really like the rain. Anyway, thanks for reading. 




attempt :試みる

most likely:ほとんどの場合[

in vain:無駄


midst :真っ只中





