
2017年7月28日金曜日 -

Shawn Tips for tipping your server

One of the most confusing aspects of American culture is our habit of giving tips to people in the service industries. Deciding what to tip your server can be a very stressful thing for people who are not accustomed to this practice. Fortunately, there is a very easy strategy you can remember to always ensure you give an appropriate tip! 
       A good rule of thumb for standard service is to leave 15% of the bill as a tip. So if your total bill is $20, you should leave a $3 tip. If the server did a bad job, you might consider leaving 10% or even a bit less. If it was extremely bad, you can also opt not to leave a tip at all. For exceptional service you should leave 20% or more. If you have a very large group in the restaurant (eight people or more), you should also leave at least 20%.
       In some cases the restaurant automatically adds 20% to the bill for large parties, in this case you do not need to leave an extra tip unless you want to reward exceptional service. If you are not sure, you can ask the staff if the gratuity is included.

       The one thing you should never do is leave a penny as a tip ($.01). This is considered an extremely serious insult and will almost certainly result in the server confronting you about it. So don’t do it!

Word Bank:
rule of Thumb:大雑把な方法



2017年7月21日金曜日 -

Lucy: Memories

One of the things that I love to do most is explore. I’m an avid fan of travelling. I love discovering new destinations and experiencing new food and activities. And there’s no better time to explore than during the summer. In England, the summer season can be a mish-mash of rainy days and sunny days with no two days being the same. Of course, summer is also the season when school has finished for six weeks, and many families are jetting off to exotic locations to embrace the more predictable warm weather.
       However, I enjoy quieter locations with the promise of adventure: small, secluded areas with undiscovered prizes and the promise of peace and quiet. Living in Osaka, there isn’t much opportunity to seek a quiet refuge, however, back home in the UK, there were ample occasions to sneak into the countryside and forget about the world turning for a few hours.
       One of my favorite getaways was travelling to t

he Forest of Dean. This was my grandfather’s birthplace, so the Forest seemed somewhat akin to home. It's a beautiful place with monstrous pine trees towering over you like dark green giants, paths which seem to endlessly spiral around the forest floor with no clear destination, and lakes and ponds that appear still on the surface but which are teeming with aquatic life under the surface. There are picnic sites with families enjoying the infrequent sunny weather, children watching the ducks on the ponds and feeding them the stale bread they brought from home. But I just loved to walk. I would walk for what seemed like days through endless shrubbery, the only noise being the chatter and song from the birds, or the occasional quack from the ducks. This to me was my idea of heaven: a peaceful, serene, tranquil location where I felt like the only person in the world. It was a good place to think and mull things over.
       The other place that I love to visit is Cornwall. During the summer Cornwall becomes a popular place for families who want a typical English seaside holiday. Cornwall also provides some of the most beautiful scenery that England has to offer: white sandy beaches with clear blue water and cliff faces which seem to tower over the beaches. The smell of the salty sea air provides a different experience to a landlocked girl such as myself. And some of the best ice cream is available here too, perfect for that unexpected heatwave.
       Although the most important part of any holiday is the break from the repetitive everyday schedule, the best part of any exploration is the small treasures you find on your journey, whether they are the memories which will forever remind you of the trip, the small restaurants that serve delicious food, or the cute little souvenir shop you find. However, nothing beats the peace and quiet that you sometimes stumble across. England can be very busy, chaotic and sometimes even manic! But it's the small things that make the difference and can turn a bad trip into a good trip. So my recommendation for this summer is to go on an adventure and discover new locations, new cuisines and new people. But most importantly, have a break from the insanity that can be everyday life!

Have a brilliant summer everybody!

jetting off:飛行機で飛んでいく
peace and quiet:平和な静けさ
quiet refuge:静かな逃げ場所
somewhat akin:少し似ている
mull things over:じっくり考える


2017年7月14日金曜日 -

Lawry: A visit from a friend

A few days ago, I got an email from a friend of mine in Australia. I had not heard from him for many years, and I was a little surprised to hear from him. He wrote in his email “I'm coming to Osaka! See you in two days!” He had been able to get a cheap Jetstar ticket, and had made an impulse decision to come to Japan. He was going to stay two nights in Osaka city, then move on to Kyoto for three nights. This was amazing. I was looking forward to seeing him.
     I knew him very well thirty years ago, from my time living in Sydney. But I had not seen him for thirty years. A lot of things were going through my head: Had he changed? Did he still have a full head of hair? (I don't). Had he gotten fat? (I have).
     I met him at Kansai airport. We started talking about all sorts of things, how our lives had changed and what we had done over the last thirty years. We both like the outdoors, so the kinds of adventure experiences we have both had over the years were, of course, a major part of our conversation.

He hadn't decided where to go in Osaka city. So he asked me for my recommendations. This was an interesting question. Even though I have lived in Osaka for quite a few years, I have never acted as a tour advisor. I thought for a while… Then I realized how there are so many things that are worth seeing in the Osaka area. I decided on two places to recommend.

     Firstly, Ura-Namba. I live near Namba, and I felt that some of the side streets around Ura-Namba give a really unique, traditionally Japanese impression to visitors. The second place I recommended was, of course, Osaka Castle. This is a must-see for all tourists coming to the Osaka area.

     Fortunately, we also had time to get to the Shinsaibashi Dotonbori area, which is kind of fun too, though very crowded. I was just a little disappointed that the building that was used for the 'Black Rain' movie (made in the 1980's and starring Michael Douglas), had disappeared. I loved that movie so much.
     All in all, we had a great couple of days. And I think he was particularly impressed with the food in Osaka.
     I am yet to find out exactly what he did in Kyoto for his three nights there, though I suspect he visited as many of the bars he could fit into his schedule.

heard from: ~から連絡をもらう
had made an impulse decision: 衝動的に決めた
going through my head: 頭をよぎる
a full head of hair: ふさふさの髪
worth seeing: 見る価値がある
side streets: 横道
all in all: 概して
particularly: 特に

fit into: 組み込む


2017年7月7日金曜日 -

Ervan: La pétanque

Les championnats du Monde de pétanque se disputent ce mois-ci en Belgique et c'est le moment de rappeler que la pétanque est aussi candidate pour entrer au programme des Jeux Olympiques à partir de 2024. A mi chemin entre le sport et le loisir, ce jeu de boules inventé à la Ciotat en 1910, est très lié à la ville de Marseille, en Provence, et il fait souvent penser à un loisir de sémillants retraités qui se pratique à l'ombre des platanes. Mais quel est le but du jeu? C'est de lancer les boules le plus près possible du but, le “cochonnet”, qui est une petite boule de couleur.

The Petanque World Championships are taking place this month in Belgium and it's time to remind everyone that the game is also a candidate to join the Olympic program from 2024. Halfway between sport and leisure, this game of bowls was invented in La Ciotat in 1910 and is often linked to Marseille in Provence because it conjures up images of retired folk practicing beneath the shade of plane trees. But what is the purpose of the game? It is to throw the balls as close as possible to the goal, the "cochonnet", which is a small colored ball.

Pour la petite histoire, au XIXe siècle, les méridionaux se passionnent pour un jeu de boules appelé “le jeu provençal'. Sa spécificité : le tireur doit prendre trois pas d'élan avant de propulser sa boule. Lors d'une partie en 1907, un certain Jules Hugues a lancé sa boule à l'arrêt depuis un cercle tracé au sol. Cette façn de faire a donné son nom à la nouvelle discipline, “pétanque” venant du provençal “pé” (pied) et “tanca'” (pieu). Autrement dit, jouer “pés tanqués”, signifie jouer les pieds bien au sol, en opposition au jeu provençal et à la prise d'élan des tireurs.

A little history: in the nineteenth century, southerners were passionate for a game of bowls called "The Game of Provence". The rules were that the shooter must take three steps before throwing the ball. During a game in 1907 a certain Jules Hugues threw his ball to the stake from within his starting circle. This way of doing it gave its name to the new discipline "petanque," coming from the Provençal "pé" (foot) and "tanca" (stake). In other words, playing petanque means to play with the feet firmly planted on the ground, rather than using momentum as in the game of Provence.
En réalité la pétanque à une dimension très internationale. Traditionnellement, la géographie de la discipline s'explique en partie par les relations entre la France et ses anciennes colonies. Ainsi, l'Afrique du Nord est souvent bien représentée lors des compétitions internationales. Idem pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest, comme le Sénégal ou encore Madagascar.

Actually, petanque has gained a lot of interest internationally. Some of its popularity can be explained by France's relations with its former colonies. Thus, North Africa is often well represented at international competitions and the same goes for West Africa, which includes Senegal and Madagascar.

Concernant l'Asie, le Cambodge, le Vietnam ou le Laos, trois pays qui ont longtemps constitué une grande partie de l'Indochine française, pratiquent la pétanque, mais le pays le plus passionné est… le royaume de Thaïlande. La pétanque s'y est développée grâce à la Reine, qui l'a découverte lors d'une séjour en Europe. En revanche, le Japon n'a pas encore succombé au charme de la pétanque.

As for Asia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos are three countries that have long constituted a large part of French Indochina and practice petanque. The most passionate country, however, is the kingdom of Thailand. It was developed there thanks to the Queen, who discovered it during a stay in Europe., Japan, in contrast, has not yet succumbed to the charm of petanque.

Dans l'avenir, la pétanque veut devenir un sport olympique. Avec l'espoir que si Paris obtient l'organisation des Jeux Olympiques en 2024, le rêve deviendrait réalité.

Many of those involved in petanque hope that it will become an Olympic sport. If Paris wins the bid for the Olympic Games in 2024, the dream will become a reality.

Les championnats du Monde de pétanqueThe Petanque World Championshipsペタンクというスポーツの世界大会
il fait souvent penserconjures up images:イメージを連想させる
au XIXe sièclein the nineteenth century19世紀
en oppositionrather than:~というより
ConcernantAs for:~はどうかというと
