
2013年5月24日金曜日 -

Chris - My Interest in Japan

    Chris and his wife in New Zealand   
My interest in Japan began at a New Zealand primary school, where I was taught by a man who had lived in Kyoto and Yokohama for 2 years.
My teacher introduced us to the Japanese language, religions and culture in social studies classes. I vividly remember as a 10- year-old, learning to count from 1 to 10 in Japanese and I can still recall those numbers now many years later!
My teacher also taught us PE as well as social studies. In PE classes we were taught Judo that my teacher had studied extensively as an exchange student at Doshisha University, in Kyoto.
I remember the side-throw and the break-falls which I mastered pretty quickly, albeit with a few bruises! I became quite intrigued by Japan from that time onwards and decided eventually to check out the Japanese scene for myself.
So after graduating with a History degree, I decided to make the big trip to Japan and try my hand at teaching English.
Since arriving in the 1990s, I have taught many different levels, and met countless people from all parts of Japan.
This has been on the whole a great experience, which I have never regretted. I have gotten to know people from all walks of life and made many friends. It has been pretty rewarding to live in Japan and experience first hand the challenges of a new diet, language and culture. I feel I have grown alot through this experience and having had my horizons widened, have become a stronger person. Thank you.

primary school = 小学校
introduce = 紹介する
religions = 宗教
social studies = 社会科
vividly = 鮮明に
recall = 思い出す
PE (physical education) = 体育
extensively =長い間
mastere = 習得する
pretty quickly = かなり早く、すぐに
albeit = にも関わらず
bruise = あざ
intrigued = 興味を抱く
from that time onwards = そしてそれ以降
try my hand = やってみる
countless = 数え切れないほどの
on the whole =  全体的にみて
regret = 後悔する/悔いが残る
all walks of life =  さまざまな立場/職業の人
first hand = じかに
having had my horizons widened = 視野が広がった


2013年5月17日金曜日 -

Hugh - Cherry Blossom and Red Leaves

Before I came to Japan, I never really enjoyed viewing cherry blossoms and red leaves. It’s just not something that we do in England. Of course we do have cherry blossoms and the leaves do change color. However, when I think about autumn leaves I usually think about the huge trees in front of my house and busy weekends sweeping up the dry rustling leaves from my driveway. In England autumn leaves = work!
So it was new and refreshing for me to enjoy cherry blossom and red leave viewing with my friends in Japan. I especially enjoyed my trips to Yoshino Mountain (Nara), Shigi Mountain (Nara) and Arashiyama (Kyoto).

Here's a picture I took of the red leaves in Shigi Mountain. To get there I had to take a train, cable car and bus. The long trip was worth it ! In my experience, this is one of the best places to see red leaves in Japan.

Here's me in Yoshino Mountain. Many Japanese people tell me that it’s one of the best places to see cherry blossoms, in Japan! I think they are probably right! The cherry blossoms looked amazing.

In both Shigi Mountain and Yoshino Mountain the people were very warm towards me. I even had people ask if they could take their photo with me. I had previously found Japanese people to be very shy but this showed me just how open and friendly, they really are.

I look forward to visiting both of these places again!

red leaves = 紅葉
huge = 巨大な
sweeping up = 掃きとる
rustling = (木の葉などが)カサカサと音を立てる
driveway = (自宅の車庫までの)私道
refreshing = ワクワクさせる
worth it = それだけの価値がある
warm towards me = 私に対して温かい/友好的な
previously = これまでは
look forward to = ~を楽しみにする


2013年5月11日土曜日 -

Ariell - Shopping in Osaka

One of my favorite things to do in Japan is shopping. For me, shopping in Japan is so much better than in the United States because of my tasteI am not into European high fashion or American casual wear. I like the very feminine “himegyaru” style that is popular in Japan. Himegyaru items are not so popular in my hometown and are usually hard to come by. Despite being unpopular, Himegyaru items in the U.S can also be very expensiveFortunately in Japan these items are easy to find, and there’s a range of prices. My favorite places to shop in Osaka are Umeda, Shinsaibashi, Namba and Tennoji. I really enjoy the never-ending shopping arcades in Osaka. I especially like the “Namba Walk” and “32 Bangai” near Umeda Station

Recently, I had a girls outing with friends. We started the day by going to a nail salon. After that we went shopping in Namba. There were so many shops full of fun and frivolous things. We had a great time but it was a long day and we were all exhausted. We decided to finish the day eating pastries at Fujiya restaurant.

taste = 好み
I am not into = 本当に好きじゃない
high fashion = 最新のファッション/高級ファッション
feminine = フェミニン・女性らしい
hard to come by = 見つけにくい
expensive = 高い
fortunately = 幸いにも
range of prices = 値幅
never ending = 長い
arcades =(商店街の)アーケード
outing お出かけ
frivolous = 取るに足らない・くだらない
exhausted = 疲れ切る・へとへとになる
pastries = 洋菓子


2013年5月3日金曜日 -

Stephen - Family Life in Japan

Stephen (English Team) and Maria (Spanish Team) and their son Lucas enjoying Hanami.

Wherever my family and I go in Japan we hear the thrilling words “Ka-wa-ii”. My son Lucas even thinks that it’s his name! For every time those sweet sounds reach his miniature ears, he turns suddenly to investigate whose voice is calling him, and it’s usually somebody that he doesn’t know. Yes, the people in Japan have welcomed my young family with open arms.  
When visiting the marketplace or exploring the streets of Osaka, we continue to discover unique characteristics that further introduce us to Japanese life, culture and traditions. Knowing more about a country’s traditions makes it easier to understand the people and to live in such a different environment.
Perhaps the most enjoyable experience we have had so far was our first Hanami celebration. We enjoyed partaking in shared food and music with people we had just met for the first time. The atmosphere and energy that resulted from friends and strangers gathering together was almost more impressive than the beauty of the cherry blossoms themselves! The taste of grilled fish, salty snacks, and fresh fruits continue to linger on our taste buds and I will never forget the sounds of crashing symbols from the local high school band and intricate acoustics of guitars the played into the night.
We eagerly anticipate what lies ahead in our newfound home here in Japan.
thrilling =どきどきするような
sweet sounds = 素敵な言葉
miniature = 小型の
suddenly = 急に 
investigate = きょろきょろ探す
exploring = 探検している
discover = 発見する
unique characteristics = 独自の特徴
further = さらに
culture and traditions = 文化と伝統
perhaps = おそらく
so far = 今のところ
partaking = 共にする
gathering together = 集まること
impressive = 印象に残る
snacks = スナック菓子
continue to linger = 後味が残る
taste buds = 舌の上の味を感じる器官
crashing symbols = シンバルを叩く音
intricate acoustics of guitars =複雑な生ギターの音
eagerly anticipate = 未来を知りたくてうずうずする
lies ahead = 待ち受けている
newfound = 新しく見つけた