
2023年4月29日土曜日 -



タイトルは「マゼランの十字架 」です。



By Teacher Mae

Perhaps the most significant and well-known historical site in Cebu City is Magellan's Cross. Due to its historical and cultural significance, it is a recognizable tourist destination in Cebu City.

When we visited it, we were surprised to see a large crowd swarming its small chapel. We got a bit concerned because it seemed impossible for anyone to get inside to see the cross. So, we only took a closer look from the outside.

A tiny chapel with marble walls serves as the home of the Magellan's Cross. It has a painting that resembles the Sistine Chapel and depicts the activities of Ferdinand Magellan in Cebu. The interior is exceptionally tidy and well-kept.

Any time is a good time to visit Cebu City. Just be sure to carry your camera so you can capture images of the city's tourist attractions.

Image Source: http://www.hawaii.edu/cps/magellancross.html

recognizable : 認識できる
swarm : 群衆
marble : 大理石
depict : ~を描く
exceptionally : 並はずれて、非常に
well-kept : 手入れの行き届いた


2023年4月22日土曜日 -

Diane - Binignit


タイトルは「Binignit (ビニグニット) 」です。



By Teacher Diane

Binignit is a traditional Filipino dessert soup that has been enjoyed for generations. This sweet and creamy dessert soup is made with a combination of root vegetables, fruits, and tapioca pearls, all cooked together in coconut milk and sweetened with sugar. Some of the common ingredients used in Binignit include sweet potatoes, taro, jackfruit, saba bananas, and yams.

The preparation of Binignit is relatively simple. The ingredients are first cooked until they are tender, and then coconut milk and sugar are added to the pot. The mixture is then allowed to simmer until the coconut milk has thickened and the flavors have melded together. The soup can be served warm or chilled, depending on personal preference.

Binignit is a popular dessert soup in the Philippines and is often served during special occasions and religious holidays, especially Holy Week. Holy Week is celebrated either in the month of April or May. This year, 2023, we celebrated it  from April 6th to April 8th.

It is a comforting and satisfying dessert that is perfect for any occasion. If you're looking for a unique and delicious dessert to try, Binignit is definitely worth a taste. 

root vegetables : 根菜類
sweeten : 甘くする
jackfruit : パラミツ (ジャックフルーツ)
tender : 柔らかい
simmer : とろとろ煮る
meld : 混合させる
religious : 宗教の
holy week : 受難週 (聖週間)
satisfy : 満足させる


2023年4月15日土曜日 -

Cris - A Paradise like Bantayan Island


タイトルは「A Paradise like Bantayan Island」です。


A Paradise like Bantayan Island

By Teacher Cris

Off the coast of northern Cebu sits the paradise-like island of Bantayan. It is renowned for its white sandy beaches and crystal-clear seas, which are excellent for kayaking, swimming, and cliff diving. It has a resemblance to the well-known Boracay Island but is less crowded and less commercialized.   
Bantayan Island is a fishing community in addition to being a stunning tourist attraction. So, if you want to enjoy a feast of fresh seafood without spending much money, consider traveling to the island.

You can savor their mouthwatering seafood: scallops, dried fish, shrimps, and other seafoods. On top of all that, is the peaceful and comfortable atmosphere that the island will offer you. Surely, you will never regret the experience.    
So, what are you waiting for? Bantayan Island is calling you now!

renown : 名声
cliff diving : クリフ ダイビング (崖から水に飛び込むこと)
resemblance : 類似、似ている事
commercialize : 商業化する
stunning : 魅力的な
feast : ごちそう
savor : 味わい
mouthwatering : よだれの出そうな
scallop : ホタテガイ


2023年4月8日土曜日 -


  🤍🤍🤍🤍💙💙💙💙💙🤍🤍🛫🤍🤍💙💙💙💙💙💙 🤍🤍🤍🤍


🤍🤍🤍🤍💙💙💙💙💙🤍🤍🛫🤍🤍💙💙💙💙💙💙 🤍🤍🤍🤍


By Teacher Bartolomeo

Ero in Italia nel Gennaio di quest'anno quando un mio caro amico mi fa una proposta folle: provare a pilotare un vero aereo! Proprio mentre iniziavo a pensare che fosse andato fuori di testa, Tommaso specifica rapidamente che sarebbe stata una lezione di prova, ben organizzata, non troppo cara, e il nostro istruttore sarebbe stato un famoso campione italiano d'aviazione.

Dopo iniziale sconcerto, decido di accettare.

La settimana successiva io e Tommaso stiamo visitando il piccolo club di aviatori che si nasconde dietro le montagne della zona di Lecco, a pochi chilometri da Milano. L'istruttore, un uomo sui 40 dai modi schietti ma piacevoli, comincia con una rapida lezione di teoria: cos'è un aereo? come funziona?

E prima che potessi assorbire le tante informazioni, mi invita, come se fosse normalissimo, a salire sul piccolo aereo a due posti, pronto a pilotare!

Lo spavento durante il decollo è svanito presto, per fare posto a una sensazione indescrivibile, un misto di stupore, incredulità e acutezza di sensi. Ci è voluto qualche minuto prima che la mia mente si stabilizzasse, e realizzasse quanto stava accadendo: stavo pilotando un aereo sopra fiumi e colline, in una tiepida mattinata di sole invernale!

L'istruttore ha preso i comandi per effettuare l'atterraggio, accompagnandomi fin dove il mio amico mi aspettava trepidante. Sono sceso dall'aereo una persona nuova, e da quel momento mi sono ripromesso di tornare nuovamente a solcare i cieli!

E voi, amici, avreste il coraggio di provare? Venite a lezione e parliamone insieme!

今年の1月、イタリアに滞在していた私は、親友 (のトンマーゾ) から「本物の飛行機を飛ばしてみないか」という無茶な提案をされました!「本物の飛行機を操縦してみたい!」 と私が思い始めたとき、トンマーゾはすぐに、パイロット操縦体験であること、きちんとした運営会社であること、それほど高価ではないこと、そしてインストラクターは有名なイタリアの航空チャンピオンであることを明言しました。








2023年4月1日土曜日 -

Will M - My Hokkaido Trip


今週のブログは英語講師のWill M先生です。
Will M先生のレッスンを受講してみたい!と感じた方


My Hokkaido Trip

By Teacher Will M

Sadly, this will be my last year in Japan. I've seen so much of this country, but also haven't seen so much more. That's why I want to try to see and do as much as I can in this last year. To that end, I went to Hokkaido for this year's Sapporo Snow Festival. It was an amazing trip that reminded me a lot of Canadian winters (so cold!). I think the most memorable bits were the festival, a beautiful countryside hot spring, and the view from the top of Mt. Moiwa.

This was the first time I'd ever seen ice sculptures, even in Canada I never bothered to do anything like that. And some of the snow sculptures were massive, bigger than a building! There was a dinosaur mural, many anime characters, and even a NOVA Usagi sculpture! I went to Hokkaido on vacation from work, but it seems like work followed me anyway…

My friend and I also went to Hoheikyo hot spring. It was fairly out of the way, and definitely felt “in the middle of nowhere”. The snow-covered mountains and gently falling snow created a sense of pure calm and quiet, and it was so, so peaceful. The onsen itself was perfect, with thick layers of snow bordering the bath, and hot water soothing the body. It was truly the ideal Japan hot spring experience, what I picture in my mind when I think of the word onsen. I hate the heat, but the contrast of freezing cold air and hot water is very bracing and refreshing. To top it off, the Indian-style curry afterward was the perfect conclusion. And going outside to wait for the bus back to Sapporo, I was treated to another quiet dusting of snow in the dark of the countryside.

Another impressive bit of the trip was the view up Mt. Moiwa. We took a cable car to the top, which in itself was picturesque, but the view from the top was really something. Excellent panoramic views of the city of Sapporo, seeing mountains in the far distance with ski slopes, and the snowy city were all sights I'm unable to see in such a warm place as Osaka, where I live.

All in all, Hokkaido was an unforgettable experience. I didn't even mention the other impressive things, like Genghis Khan-style yakiniku, Hokkaido ramen, or Asahiyama Zoo. Despite being in Japan for almost seven years, I still have nearly unlimited new experiences to try, and I hope I can touch as many of them as I can before I leave in October!

sculpture : 彫刻
bother to do : わざわざ~する
mural : 壁画
out of the way : 人里離れたところに
bracing : 爽快
picturesque : 絵のような