
2015年2月27日金曜日 -

Tony : Winter Reading

It might be that February is the best month for books, and it is certainly my favorite month for reading. The damp and overcast weather lends itself to staying home with a good book. Most publishers and writers try to get new books into the stores before Christmas, and now that the holiday season has passed there is time to read what's available and even perhaps get some overstocked items at a significant discount.

For 2015, my interests are mostly in short fiction. I've recently begun collecting modern first editions of genre anthologies. When I was teenager, I gobbled up the science fiction stories of Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert A. Heinlein, Roger Zelazny, Damon Knight, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard and dozens of others. These authors wrote some great novels, but I first discovered them through their short stories. Writing for magazines has long been popular for writers of imaginative fiction, and the market really started growing in the 1930 with the popularity of “Weird Tales”. Through the forties and into the fifties, there were countless colorful magazines printed on cheap paper (pulp) containing every kind of story that you might imagine, set in locations from the graveyard to the bottom of the ocean and back up again, through mad scientists' laboratories all the way to the stars. 

Starting in the late forties, a type of book began to be published which collected some of the best examples from the pulp magazines of the past and collected them into anthologies, usually conforming to the tastes of the editor, or a little later, being organized according to distinct themes such as invaders from space or intelligent machines. It is these anthologies that catch my interest as a reader and collector. I love that there are beautifully produced hardcover anthologies of stories that first were published in trashy magazines seventy years ago and that I can buy them online and have them delivered to my door. 

Books are special and this cold and wet February I'm looking forward to reading a few great ones.

lends itself to~するのに適している
genre anthologies:ジャンルごとに作品を集めた選集
gobbled up:がぶ飲みする(ように読んだ)
Weird Tales1923年に創刊されたアメリカのパルプ雑誌
all the way to:~まで
conforming to~に適合する
according to:~に照らして



2015年2月20日金曜日 -

Gao Xiaohong: Chinese New Year


Do you know when the Chinese New Year is in 2015? It’s on February 19th, and this year it is the year of the sheep. Is there anyone who is a sheep, the same as me? Yes, I was born in the year of the sheep! Do you know how we spend the Chinese New Year, and how the people who are born in the Zodiac sign should spend the Chinese New Year? Let’s study Chinese culture together!

First of all, let’s talk about the food. The people in the north eat boiled dumplings on Chinese New Year’s Eve. Generally speaking, the whole family sits together chatting and wrapping the dumplings. We make more than 100 dumplings in a short time. Since the dumplings are our principal food, we can eat more than 20 dumplings each! Of course, we also have many more gorgeous dishes for the New Year.
The people in the south eat dumpling soup, which you can buy at stores. And they also eat “wontons”, a kind of Chinese dumpling. Some people make wontons at home but recently younger people think it’s tiresome, so they buy them at supermarkets.recently.

   然后说说风俗习惯,大年三十晚上12点过年的钟声响过之后,家家户户,女老少都出来放爆竹,也叫鞭炮。那时,噼哩啪啦地震天响,胆小的人可不敢靠近。放完爆竹之后,小孩子会从爷爷奶奶,爸爸妈妈那里拿到压岁钱。据说压岁钱也涨价了。给少了,小孩子还不高兴呢! 正月初一,大家拜访亲戚朋友和邻居,互相拜年,问候过年好

Now let’s talk about our customs. Right after the midnight bell rings, everybody goes outside and sets off firecrackers. At that time, as the huge sound of BALIBALIBALI…echoes across the countryside, some timid people shy away from the noise. After the firecrackers, kids receive “New Year money” from their grandparents and parents. I heard the amount of the “New Year money” is increasing. If it’s too little, kids can’t enjoy the New Year, can they? On the first day of the New Year we visit our relatives, friends, and neighbors to say Happy New Year to each other.


Finally, let’s talk about the Chinese horoscope. It’s one of our enduring traditions, and the people born in that Zodiac year have to wear red underwear and a red belt during the New Year period. We believe that red protects us from danger, and brings us good luck for the New Year. Do you think it’s too superstitious?


If you have the chance, please enjoy the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year in China!

春节ChūnjiéChinese New Year旧正月
和我一样hé wǒ yíyàngthe same as me私と同じで
本命年běnmìngniánborn in the Zodiac sign年男/年女
大年三十Dà nián sānshíChinese New Year’s eve大晦日
主食zhǔshíprincipal food主食
汤圆tāngyuándumplings soup:もち米で作った団子(中にゴマなどの具が入っている)のスープ
风俗习惯fēngsú xíguàncustom風習
爆竹, 鞭炮bàozhú, biānpàofirecrackers爆竹
胆小的dǎn xiǎo detimid気の小さい
压岁钱yāsuìqiánNew year moneyお年玉

☆Gao Xiaohong's blog☆


2015年2月13日金曜日 -

Lee Dooyoung : It’s a cold winter! How about a cup of hot coffee? part 2

3.      파비올라스 

 마지막으로 추천하고 싶은 카페는 바로!! 제가 일본에 오기전에 바이트생활을 했었던 파비올라스라는 카페에요.
신선한 재료만을 엄선하여 사용하기 때문에
커피 이외에 베이글이나 신선한 샐러드 음식이 정말 맛이있어요.

My last recommendation is a café called FABIOLAS. I had a part time job here before coming to Japan.

They only use vegetables that have been carefully selected for freshness. Their bagels, salads, and the other dishes are really tasty, to say nothing of the coffee.

이곳은 서울에서 2~30분거리에 있는 경기도 고양시 일산동구 식사동이라는 곳에있어요.
커피도 맛이있고 부드러운 재즈음악 흘러나오는 파비올라스바로 옆에는  구운 빵을 파는 파비올라스 빵집도 있으니까    가보는 것은 어떨까요?

This café is located in Go-Yang city Il-san dongku Siksadong, which is about twenty-five minutes from Seoul.

At FABIOLAS, you can enjoy delicious coffee while listening to jazz music playing softly in the background. They also have a bakery adjacent to the cafe where you can buy bread that’s still fresh from the oven. You don’t want to miss such a treat!

바이트baiteupart time jobアルバイト
엄선하여eomseonhayeocarefully selected厳選した
 구운gas guunhot from the oven焼きたての