
2024年4月27日土曜日 -

Jessie - Filipinos are English speakers -




Filipinos are English speakers

By Teacher Jessie

The Philippines has a long history of English proficiency. English is one of the official languages of the Philippines, and English proficiency has been a major factor in the country's success in the global economy.

One of the main reasons why Filipinos are good at English is the education system. English is mandatory in all schools in the Philippines. It's taught from an early age and is reinforced in higher education. This helps to ensure that Filipinos have a strong grasp of the language and are able to use it for professional and social purposes.

In short, Filipinos are good at English due to the education system and their experience using it.  These factors have helped to create a population with a high level of English proficiency, which is beneficial for both the individual and the country as a whole.

proficiency : 熟練の、熟練度
mandatory : 必須、必修
reinforced : 強化された
ensure : 確保する、確実
grasp : 把握する、
beneficial : 有益

  Image Source: https://gonegosyo.ph/a-passion-to-serve-the-filipino-people/


2024年4月21日日曜日 -

Lovely - Nustar Resort and Casino Cebu



Nustar Resort and Casino Cebu
By: Teacher Lovely

Cebu is known to be an island full of beach resorts. Visitors from around the world go to Cebu to experience an amazing vacation.

Located in the heart of Cebu City is Nustar Resort and Casino. It's a huge resort and Cebu's newest.  It's considered to be a world-class integrated resort development and is envisioned as the region's ultimate leisure and entertainment destination. Luxurious amenities can be found here: exciting gaming places, wonderful dining spots, high-end retail brands, a huge cinema and fascinating recreation lifestyles. This is a perfect place for a vacation or business trip. Spending time with family and friends is more luxurious here. What's more, you can see live performances of famous people as they host concerts and live shows.

So, if you are planning to visit the Philippines for a vacation, don't miss this newest and most luxurious resort found in Cebu City. Everything in the resort has been made to provide you with the utmost  comfort.

ultimate : 究極の
luxurious : 豪華な
utmost : 最大限の
comfort : くつろぎ、安らぎ



2024年4月18日木曜日 -

Grace - Why I Love Japanese Baseball -




Why I Love Japanese   Baseball

By: Teacher Grace

Japanese baseball is an incredible sport that has captivated fans around the world, and I am no exception.

The unwavering support of the fans creates an electrifying atmosphere in the stadiums, with coordinated chants, passionate cheers, and spirited flag-waving. The connection between the players and the fans is truly extraordinary, creating an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

The dedication and discipline displayed by Japanese baseball players are unparalleled. From a young age, these athletes undergo rigorous training and adhere to a strict code of conduct. Their commitment to excellence is evident in their precision, teamwork, and unwavering work ethic. Watching them seamlessly execute intricate plays on the field is a testament to their unwavering dedication.

It is a sport that transcends boundaries and has the power to unite people from all walks of life.

captivated : 魅了する、心を奪う
exception : 例外
unwavering : 揺るぎない、不動の
dedication : 献身
discipline : 規律
precision : 精度
seamlessly : 継ぎ目なく、
intricate : 込み入った
transcends : 超越した


2024年4月7日日曜日 -

Bob - Food in the UK -


タイトルは「Food in the UK」です。



 Food in the UK
by Teacher Bob

I’m often asked about UK food. Some students want to know about typical dishes while others want to know what to try when they visit.
You may have heard that UK food has a bad reputation. Well, it’s true that many people eat pre-prepared meals bought at the supermarket and many people enjoy fried food, which can be greasy. But at the same time, there is plenty of tasty food to eat as well. 
The most famous dish is fish and chips. Typically this is take-out food, which people buy in a fish and chip shop and then take home and eat.  The fish is usually deep-fried cod or haddock (chips = French fries in US English). It used to be a ‘poor man’s dish’ but these days it can be pretty expensive. While it’s probably not that healthy, it is certainly delicious.
The oven is an important part of traditional cooking and roast beef, roast pork, roast chicken and roast lamb, served with vegetables and a sauce, are all very popular. Some desserts like apple pie and blackberry and apple crumble are also cooked in the oven. Served with custard or cream, they are delicious.
A good place to try typical food is the pub. A pub is a place where people go to drink beer and other drinks, but these days almost every pub offers a range of meals. Fish and chips and roast beef are both usually on the menu. 
Other dishes worth a mention are the English breakfast (a combination of fried or grilled bacon, eggs, sausages, tomatoes, and mushrooms, often served with baked beans), afternoon tea (tea with cakes), and curry. Curry is not traditional UK fare, of course, but it is very popular and readily available at Indian restaurants around the country.

reputation 評判、評価
worth : 油っぽい
cod : タラ
haddock : ハドック
worth : 価値
readily : すんなり


2024年4月7日日曜日 -

Andy - Das Wochenende am Wochenende? -




Das Wochenende am Wochenende?

By Andy

Die heutzutage übliche Wochenteilung in Arbeitstage und Wochenende ist noch nicht so alt  wie viele Menschen denken.

Die Einführung der sogenannten Fünftagewoche fand 1965 1966 statt, unter Federführung des DGB "Samstag gehört Vati mir"Davor dominierte die Sechstagewoche Deutschland.


Jedoch ist diese "typische" Wochenteilung heute oft nur ein Relikt, wo sie liegen, hat sich flexibilisiert. Das Bahnpersonal, Polizisten, Feuerwehrleute, Reiseleiter, Taxifahrer, LKW-Fahrer, Restaurangestellte, Mitarbeiter in Museen und Theatern haben eigentlich keine geschützten Tage, an denen sie nicht arbeiten.


Grundsätzlich unterscheiden sich hier Japan und Deutschland. Während Deutschland sich, wenn es um den Sonntag und das Wochenende allgemein geht, liberaliert hat, sind in Japan Orte, die samstags und/oder sonntags geschlossen sind eher die Ausnahme.


Für beide Positionen gibt es gute Argumente. Eltern mit Kindern im Schulalter möchten gerne das Wochenende mit ihrem Nachwuchs verbringen.


Andererseits ist ein Wochenende, das nicht traditionell auf einen Samstag und Sonntag fällt, auch praktisch. Man hat größere Freiheiten u.a. für einen Arzt- oder Bankbesuch. Museen und andere Orte sind nicht so überlaufen, Züge abseits vom Berufsverkehr  sind leerer


Was halten Sie davon? Haben Sie eine typische Arbeitswoche von Montag bis Freitag oder arbeiten Sie am Wochenende? Genießen Sie es oder sind Sie davon nicht so begeistert? Möchten Sie arbeitsfreien Tage selbst bestimmen?



しかし、この "典型的な "週休二日制は、現在では単なる遺物となりつつある。鉄道職員、警察官、消防士、ツアーガイド、タクシー運転手、トラックの運転手、レストランの従業員、映画館・劇場の従業員、美術館や映画館には、実際のところ週末の休みが確保されているわけではありません。


