
2013年2月22日金曜日 -

Sarah B - Butlers Cafe in Shibuya

During the summer holidays, I took a trip to Tokyo to visit some good friends from college. Because I had already visited many of Tokyo's traditional sightseeing spots, my friends and I wanted to do something a bit whimsical. After much deliberation, we decided to check out a "butler cafe".

Butlers Cafe, located in Tokyo's trendy Shibuya district, is similar to a maid cafe except that the staff are all young men from far flung countries with good looks and charming accents. As my friends and I entered the cafe, the "butlers", wearing chic suits, greeted us in English with smiles and cheerful shouts: "Welcome!" Then they whisked us to our seats at a dainty little table in the middle of the cafe.

Alejandro, the butler serving our table, was handsome, tall, and tan, and spoke with the rolled R of a native speaker of Spanish. He asked us to guess which country he was from. "Argentina?" Nope. "Puerto Rico?" Try again. "Colombia?" Bingo! With a pleased grin, he gave us all tiaras to wear and an elegant menu of teas and cakes to order from.
The cafe was decorated in an old-fashioned style in the Victorian era. Gleefully, my friends and I sipped the pricey muffins and milk tea we had ordered. We enjoyed being doted on by the butlers, just like princesses (or like a prince, in the case of the male member of our group). It was a relaxing atmosphere. Because the service was all in English, I thought it might be a great place for students to practice speaking!

It was an amusing but odd experience, finding such an anachronistic cafe among the noise and neon of Shibuya. Although it was fun being treated like royalty for an hour or two, it was a relief to step back outside into the modern world... But maybe one day I'll miss my life as a "princess", and return to Butlers Cafe for more pampering.
traditional sightseeing spots= 昔ながらの観光地
whimsical= 一風変わった
deliberation= 熟考
butler cafe= 執事カフェ
trendy = 流行の先端を行く
district= 地区
far flung = 遠く離れた
charming accents= 可愛らしい外国訛
chic= シックな
whisked = さっと案内する
dainty= 繊細で美しい
tall, and tan= 背が高く日焼けした
rolled R= 巻き舌のR
Nope= 「いいえ」の米口語
grin= にかっと(歯を見せた)笑い
tiaras= ティアラ
Victorian era= ビクトリア時代
gleefully= 陽気に
sipped= すする
doted on = 溺愛される
amusing= おもしろい
odd= 変な
anachronistic= 時代錯誤の
being treated like royalty = 王侯貴族のように扱われる
a relief = ほっとする
pampering= 過保護に可愛がられること



2013年2月15日金曜日 -

Ian - Enoshima

Whenever Japanese people ask me “Ian, what's your favorite place in Japan?” I always answer “Enoshima.”

The first time I went to Enoshima was in 2011, a few months after I moved to Tokyo. I went with a friend from work. I was really excited because it was the first time to leave Tokyo and go sightseeing in Japan. First, we took the JR line to Kamakura and had a look at the temples and the Daibutsu. It was fun, but honestly I'm not that interested in old buildings or statues. If there was a Playstation 3 inside then maybe I would enjoy it more.

Anyway, we then went back to the station and got on the Enoden line to Enoshima. From the Enoden train you can see the beautiful ocean view. It looked like a painting. Soon we arrived at the station and walked across the bridge to and started climbing Enoshima. There's so much cool stuff to see and do. There was a show with monkeys performing. I love monkeys so I was super excited when I saw that. I wanted to give them a high five but the trainer said no. I also ate some delicious blueberry ice cream. Finally, we climbed to the peak and went to the top of the observation tower. From there I could see Mt Fuji in the distance. That was my favorite day in Japan.

Six months later, my parents came to visit me in Japan. When they asked me where we should go I immediately said “Enoshima!” We took the Enoden, watched the monkey show, ate the blueberry ice cream and looked at Mt Fuji from the tower. It was even more fun the second time!
but honestly... = 正直なところ
statues = 仏像
anyway... = とにかく
ocean view = 海の景色
cool stuff = かっこいいもの
high five = ハイタッチ
peak = 頂上
observation tower = 展望台
in the distance = 遠方に


2013年2月8日金曜日 -

Guy - Arima Hot Spring

  "I love to try the locally brewed beer"   
When I travel, I love to go native - especially in Japan.  And what better way to learn about a place than to sample its culture, food and drink? 
When I travel I especially like to try the local brews and baths wherever I go. So far I’ve had a wonderful journey.

Last weekend I took a trip to the famous Arima hot springs in Hyogo prefecture. In between relaxing in the beautiful, therapeutic pools I was able to sample some equally therapeutic local beers. Rokko Beer comes from nearby Rokko Mountain. It uses a combination of fresh ingredients and natural Rokko Mountain water to create a very fresh and utterly relaxing taste. There’s nothing quite like drinking a cold beer after a hot bath in a traditional Japanese setting. It’s one of my favorite things!

 Speaking of hot springs, I can’t recommend the beautiful water at Arima enough.  It was the perfect weekend getaway. I was able to totally relax and recharge by the time I came back to the real world.  Two days enjoying the sights, smells, tastes, and warm baths of Arima made me feel like I was in a more traditional Japan.

I can’t wait until my next trip in scenic Japan I wonder what I’ll do and drink next?
Please feel free to recommend some places in our lesson together!

go native = 旅行で現地の人のように振舞う
brews = 地酒
therapeutic = 治療効果のある
utterly = すっかり
Speaking of = ~といえば
I can’t recommend _____ enough = ~について勧めきれない程素晴らしい。
Getaway = 日常からの)逃避
Recharge = 再充電
Scenic = 景色のよい
I wonder what I’ll do = 何をしようかな


2013年2月1日金曜日 -

Katie - Luna Sea at the Nippon Budokan

This January I went to Tokyo with a friend to see a concert.  I have loved music since I was very young and one of my hobbies is going to as many concerts as I can.

In high school I became interested in Japanese rock music when a friend introduced me to some bands that she liked. One of these bands was Luna Sea. They had been active for quite a long time so there was a lot of music for me to listen to and I loved it.
Luna Sea has been on hiatus for quite a while so when they announced a tour at the end of last year I knew I had to go.

Ochanoma Ryugaku instructors, Katie (right) and Sarah (left) outside the Nippon Budokan

The venue in Tokyo, Nippon Budokan, is really famous so I was excited to finally have the chance to go. Inside was amazing. The audience completely surrounded the stage and even though our seats were pretty far away and high in the stands, we could see everything! I'm used to attending very small concerts in cramped places so the amount of people in the crowd was shocking. 

    Inside the giant Nippon Budokan    
We went to two shows, one on Saturday and one on the Sunday. They played so many of my favorite songs and it was just as fantastic as I had hoped. Sunday also happened to be the drummer's birthday so instead of calling for an encore, all 20,000 people sang happy birthday. It was surreal to hear so many people singing together.

We also did a little sightseeing and shopping in Ikebukuro and Akihabara, but after the concerts we were pretty tired. This wasn't my first trip to Tokyo and it certainly won't be my last.

became interested in = 興味を持つようになった
active = 活動している
hiatus = 活動休止
announced = 発表した
venue = 会場
surrounded = 囲まれた
the stands = 観覧席/スタンド
cramped = 狭苦しい
crowd = 大勢の人
happened to be = たまたま~だった
instead =~ の他に
encore = アンコール
surreal = 現実を超越してまるで夢のような