
2015年3月27日金曜日 -

Dan Choi : My Holiday in Tokyo Disneyland!

Over the winter I managed to visit Tokyo Disneyland, twice! The last time I visited was two years ago, so I was really excited about going there again. The last time I went to Disneyland I experienced their Easter theme. This time, however, I went during Halloween and Christmas.

For my Halloween visit I decided to go on a weekday believing that there would be fewer visitors at the park. I couldn’t have been more wrong! The place was packed. I guess everyone must have had the same idea as me!

I was really impressed with the costumes I saw. Not just the costumes worn by the park staff, but also the costumes that some of visitors were wearing. I assume because it was so close to Halloween, many people had decided to wear costumes! Everywhere I turned stood Belle, Alice, Elsa, and other Disney princesses! It was wonderful! 

My Christmas trip was just as eventful because I managed to meet four of the most famous Disney characters. Prior to my Christmas trip, I had only met one Disney character before… the Genie from Aladdin. This time, I met Donald, Pluto, Mickey, and Uncle Scrooge! I was particularly happy about meeting Scrooge, since he was one of my childhood idols. When I was a kid, I used to watch his cartoons and read his comics all the time. At any rate, when I saw Scrooge, I shouted over and over again, “Uncle Scrooge! Uncle Scrooge!” Finally he came over to me and gave me a nice pat on the back. What a nice fellow!

I wonder… when should I go to Tokyo Disneyland this year?

managed to:どうにか~する 
Prior to~より前
At any rate:とにかく


2015年3月20日金曜日 -

Jessica : Fastnacht

In Baden-Wuerttemberg, ein paar Gebieten in Bayern, der Schweiz, im Elsass und dem Vorarlberg in Oesterreich gibt es neben dem Weihnachtsfest noch ein anderes Fest das man gerne feiert,die Schwaebisch-Alemannische Fastnacht.

In Baden-Wuerttemberg and some parts of Bavaria, Switzerland, Alsace in France and Vorarlberg in Austria, there is another very important festival besides Christmas.

It is called “Swabian-Alemannic-Fastnacht” .

Meistens beginnt Fastnacht am 06.01. An diesem Tag holt man die Haess aus dem Schrank (Fastnachtskostüme) und bereitet sie für die Umzüge vor.
Der erste Tag der Fastnachtshochzeit ist der "Schmutzige Donnerstag". An dem Tag übernehmen die „Narren“ das Rathaus und bekommen einen symbolischen Schlüssel. Es gibt viele Fastnachtsveranstaltungen wie Tänze und Kinder gehen schnurren.
Das Ende der Fastnacht ist der Aschermittwoch, welcher normalerweise 46 Tage vor Ostern ist.
Fastnacht usually begins on January 6th. On this day, Fastnacht club members, which are known locally as Narren, prepare their costumes for the day’s events. The first day of Fastnacht which is called “Duty Thursday” includes parades, big bands, traditional dances and children in fancy dress. The Narren take to the streets in their costumes and receive a symbolic town key. Fastnacht ends on Ash Wednesday

Karneval feiert man schon sehr lange. Anfänglich hat man die Zeit genutzt, um vor der Fastenzeit noch einmal feiern zu können und um leckeres Essen zu essen, welches in der Fastenzeit verboten ist (z. B. Zucker und tierische Produkte wie Milch, Eier, Käse oder Fleisch). Deswegen isst man heute noch viel fettiges und süßes in der Fastnachtszeit.
This German festival has a long history. At first Karneval and Fastnacht meant the same. They were both used to describe a festival in which people consumed food that they were not allowed to eat during lent (usually animal products such as meat, eggs, and milk). This tradition is still true today, as it is common for festival goers to eat sweets and greasy food during Fastnacht. 

Um 1800 war Karneval verpönt, da die Feier als veraltet galt und es oft zu Ausschreitungen kam. 
Daraufhin begann sich der Karneval zu ändern und der rheinische Karneval und die Schwäbisch-Alemannische Fastnacht teilten sich.

During the 1800s, the Karneval lost its popularity. It was considered old fashioned and people became intolerant of the bad behavior associated with the carnival. Slowly the Karneval split into the “Rhenish Carnival” and “Fastnacht”.

Beim rheinischen Karneval sieht man oft viele Paraden mit großen Festwägen bei denen man sich über politisches lustig macht. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die Fastnacht stark an die Sagen und Brauchtümer der Schwaben und Alemannen gebunden. Karikatur

At The Rhenish Carnival, the parades include a lot of floats which mostly satirize contemporary politics. Fastnacht, on the contrary, is less political and more connected to the myths and traditions of the Swabians and Alemannics. 
Oft benutzt man anstatt Schminke eine Maske aus Holz, die Tiere, „Wilde Männer“, Hexen, Teufel, Joggele oder Sagenfiguren darstellen.

The Narren wear mostly wooden masks, which represent jesters, animals, witches, devils and mystical figures.  

Manche sind nett und geben einem Süßigkeiten, Alkohol, Blumen oder andere kleine Geschenke, andere stopfen einem Konfetti in die Kleidung.

Some of the people participating in the parade may try to give you a treat. If you are lucky you may receive a small present such as a sweet, an alcoholic drink or even flowers. If you are less fortunate you may find yourself having your clothes stuffed with confetti!

Schwaebisch-Alemannische Fastnacht A Carnival in Switzerland, parts of Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Alsace in France and Vorarlberg in Austria シュヴァーベン·アレマンというドイツからスイス地方のカーニバル
Schmutziger Donnerstag“Dirty Thursday”First day of the carnival week汚れた木曜日( カーニバルが始まる日)
schnurrendress up and ask for sweets 仮装してお菓子をもらうこと
AschermittwochAsh Wednesday (The beginning of Lent) :灰の木曜日(Lentが始まる日)
FastenzeitLent (A time in which Christians should not eat animal products, drink alcohol, have parties and so on.) :キリスト教徒が肉食、アルコール摂取、パーティなどをしてはいけない禁欲の期間
war Karneval verpöntlost its popularity :カーニバルが人気がなくなってくる
Sagenmyths (local fairytales) :この地方の神話
Konfetticonfetti (small pieces of paper):コフェットと呼ばれる小さな紙

☆Jessica's blog 1☆

☆Jessica's blog 2

☆Jessica's blog 3☆


2015年3月13日金曜日 -

Anna: An Italian restauran in Osaka

Di solito non vado spesso nei ristoranti italiani, perche' ogni giorno cucino italiano, percio' quando esco, mi piace andare al ristorante giapponese o cinese, eppure qualcosa e' cambiato
A gennaio ho conosciuto una signora giapponese molto simpatica e siamo diventate amiche. Suo marito gestisce un risorante italiano a Osaka e ci sono gia' andata due volte.

I don't go to Italian restaurants very often because I usually like to cook Italian food at home. When I go out, I like to eat Japanese or Chinese food. This used to be the case, at least. In January, I met a really nice Japanese woman who I have since become good friends with. Her husband manages an Italian restaurant in Osaka and I have already been there twice.

Lui ha studiato in

Emilia Romagna, quindi prepara solo piatti emiliani. Per esempio, la prima volta che andai a mangiare in questo ristorante, per anipasto preparo' gli gnocchi fritti con prosciutto. Era davvero da tantissimo tempo che non li mangiavo!! Appena li ho assaggiati, mi sono ricordata di quando andavo a Modena a trovare i miei zii e mia zia cucinava questi gnocchi. E' stato davvero nostalgico!!

Her husband studied cooking in Emilia Romagna, so he usually cooks Emilian food. The first time I went there he served fried gnocchi with ham as an appetizer. It had been a long time since I last ate gnocchi. Eating it brought back memories of visiting my uncle’s house in Modena

A parte l'ottima cucina, pero', quello che mi ha fatto piu' sentire a casa e' stata la musica, dal momento che lui ascolta la radio italiana!
E' un locale piccolo, ma molto accogliente, percio', rompendo la mia 'proposito', credo che d'ora in poi andro' piu' spesso a mangiare italiano quando esco e chissa' se un giorno non ci sara' uno scambio di ricette: lui mi insegnera' qualcosa di emiliano e io gli faro' assaggiare qualche piatto napoletano!!!

Aside from the food, the thing that made me feel most at home was the music. He always plays Italian music!

The restaurant is small, but really welcoming. Visiting his restaurant has changed the way I dine. I think from now on I'll keep going there, and who knows, one day maybe we will exchange recipes. He will teach me how to cook Emilian food and I’ll share something from Naples!!

eppure qualcosa e' cambiatoThis used to be the case以前は~だった
gestisce manages営んでいる
Emilia RomagnaEmilia Romagna:アドリア海に面したイタリア中北部の州
anipasto appetizer前菜


2015年3月6日金曜日 -

Maria : Adopting a Pet

All my life, my family owned pets. In America, we had many animals, such as dogs, cats, and rabbits. When I moved to Japan, I found life at home was lonely without a pet. I missed my cat in America very much. So, my friend and I decided to look into pet adoption.

There is an animal shelter in Osaka called Animal Refuge Kansai, or ARK. We traveled to the shelter in hopes of bringing home a cat. ARK shelters many animals, including dogs, and there are many sweet animals to meet. It was very difficult to choose which cat to bring home because we wanted to adopt them all!
Adopting an animal is a good way to find a loving pet. Animals in shelters range from young to old, and from big to small. Animals end up in shelters for many reasons. Sometimes they are abandoned and other times their owners can no longer look after them. Whatever the reason, you will definitely find a pet at a shelter which suits you and your lifestyle. When you adopt from a shelter, you are giving an animal a second chance of happiness!

The adoption fee is much less than if you buy a pet from a pet store. The animals are also all healthy, up to date on their shots and microchipped, which is important for the safety of your pet!

We were able to bring home a beautiful black kitten from the animal shelter. Now, I am very happy with such a sweet cat at home. Won’t you consider adopting a pet?

look into 探す
pet adoptionペットの里親になること
end up行き着く
up to date最新の状態
