
2023年7月30日日曜日 -

Baphiwe - Things I find intriguing in public places around Japan




Things I find intriguing in public places around Japan

By Teacher Baphiwe

1. Pedestrians and cyclists sharing a side-walk. As someone who likes listening to music and texting while walking, I find myself a little scared that someone on their bicycle might crash into me or I into them.

2. Vending machines without a disposal can attached to them. Where should I throw away the pet bottle? 

3. The constant and combined noise coming from trains, door chimes, train announcements, promotional vehicles and digital adverts is interesting. In South Africa, people`s loud and constant talking and laughing drowns out these sounds so I never noticed them like how I do now.

4. Restaurants designed for single dining. I am accustomed to going out with a group of people and sitting around a table facing each other. Sitting shoulder to shoulder was a new experience for me.

disposal : 処分
chime : チャイムの音
drown out : (音を) 消す
accustom : 慣れる


2023年7月25日火曜日 -

Bartolomeo - OFELE', FA EL TO MESTE'!

  🤍🤍🤍🤍💙💙💙💙💙🤍🤍🤍💙💙💙💙💙💙 🤍🤍🤍🤍

タイトルは「OFELE', FA EL TO MESTE'!」です。

🤍🤍🤍🤍💙💙💙💙💙🤍🤍🤍💙💙💙💙💙💙 🤍🤍🤍🤍


By Teacher Bartolomeo

Se fate un salto su piattaforme come Facebook, Twitter o simili, sono sicuro che non passerà molto tempo prima che vi accorgiate di una cosa: i social media sono strapieni di persone che parlano, litigano, discutono, disquisiscono di argomenti di cui sanno poco o niente.

Quando leggo commenti confusi e sgrammaticati che pretendono di spiegare, in poche righe, come il problema delle tensioni razziali, o del cambiamento climatico, dovrebbero essere risolti, mi viene in mente un'espressione dialettale milanese che adoro, e che recita 'Ofelé, fa el to mesté!', ovvero 'Pasticcere, fa' il tuo lavoro!'. Nato nella vecchia Milano, quando la maggior parte della gente svolgeva lavori modesti, è un'esortazione a limitarsi a fare ciò che si è capaci.

E' vero, le sofisticate tecnologie del nostro tempo ci permettono di fare tante cose diverse, e il 'multi-tasking' oggi va senz'altro molto di moda, dunque questo detto potrebbe apparire obsoleto; io, invece, lo considero sempre molto attuale, essendo dell'opinione che sia meglio lasciare le faccende che non ci competono a chi se ne intende.

Voi, amici, siete dello stesso parere? In lingua giapponese esiste un'espressione analoga?






2023年7月15日土曜日 -

Park Jeonghoon - 로제 떡볶이(ロゼトッポギ)


講師のPark Jeonghoon先生です。
タイトルは「로제 떡볶이(ロゼトッポギ)」です。



로제 떡볶이(ロゼトッポギ)

By Teacher Park Jeonghoon

로제 파스타에서 이름을 따온 로제 떡볶이는 한국 사람들이 즐겨 먹는 빨간 떡볶이에 크림 소스와 우유를 더한 요리입니다. 로제는 프랑스어로 핑크빛이란 뜻으로 핑크빛을 내는 로제 떡볶이의 소스 색과 로제 파스타의 그리고 크림 소스를 이용한다는 점이 같다는 것에서부터 유래되었습니다. 로제 떡볶이는 고추장 소스의 매운 맛의 떡볶이에 부드러운 크림 소스가 더해져 특히 매운 음식을 즐기지 못하는 사람들도 맛있게 먹을 있는 요리입니다. 로제 떡볶이는 보통 떡볶이에 크림 소스와 치즈를 더해 매콤 달콤한 맛을 느낄 있습니다.



2023年7月8日土曜日 -

Baphiwe - Souvenirs That I Often Buy




Souvenirs That I Often Buy

By Teacher Baphiwe

Wasabi-Flavoured Snacks
Wasabi is not popular in my country. You can only find wasabi in a few sushi restaurants so I didn't know that wasabi snacks existed before I came here. The wasabi rice crackers are the best. I have also bought wasabi-flavoured nuts, chips, and candies for my friends as souvenirs.

The Japanese Folding Fan
I have bought these fans as gifts for friends. They loved them so much because of the beautiful, traditional patterns. The anime-related patterns and the cherry-blossom patterns seem to be a big hit. My friends usually carry them when they attend events such as weddings and birthday parties.

Sake Cups
These make for great souvenirs for everyone. The size, shape and patterns are adorable. South Africans don't generally drink sake because it's not available in stores, so they use the porcelain cups to drink tea, coffee or water. 

adorable : かわいらしい
porcelain : 磁器


2023年7月1日土曜日 -

Riz - My hometown, Argao


タイトルは「私の故郷 アルガオ 」です。


My hometown, Argao

By Teacher Riz

My hometown is Argao. This name came from a plant called sali-argaw, which was abundant in the coastal areas of this place. Years gone by, locals then used this name until it became Argao.

Argao is one of the biggest first-class municipalities in the southeast of Cebu and is approximately sixty-seven kilometers from Cebu City. It is famous for its tablea and torta. I can remember when my grandma and mother used to make and prepare these for special occasions like Fiesta and All Saints Day. Tablea is a ball of ground-up cacao beans, usually heated and combined with water to make a traditional Filipino chocolate drink. Torta is a sweet and spongy pastry that originated in Cebu.

Argao is also blessed with some beautiful beaches, caves, waterfalls, springs and more. It's an amazing place.


abundant : 豊富な
municipality : 地方自治体
ground-up : すりつぶした
pastry : パン菓子