
2014年2月21日金曜日 -

Jorge –The public transport system in Japan

Una de las cosas que me sigue impresionando es el sistema público de transporte en Japón.

One of the things that keeps impressing me is the public transport system in Japan

La red de ferrocarriles en Japón es impresionante, especialmente alrededor de las grandes ciudades como Tokio u Osaka. ¡La estación de Shinjuku sola mueve cada día a más de 3 millones de pasajeros!, cuando intento imaginar tal cantidad de gente andando cada día por la misma estación me hago una idea de la importancia del transporte público en la vida diaria.

The rail network in Japan is really impressive, especially in big cities like Tokyo and Osaka. Shinjuku station alone moves more than 3 million passengers every day! When I try to imagine that many people walking through the same station each day I get an idea of the importance of public transport in everyday life.

Nada más llegar a Japón me acostumbré a tomar el metro cada día, donde todo el mundo viaja en silencio, y da la impresión que cada japonés dispone al menos de un dispositivo móvil para leer internet o jugar, en esos minutos en blanco que el transporte toma.

Soon after I arrived in Japan I got used to being a commuter on the subway, where everyone is quiet and where it seems like every Japanese commuter has at least one mobile device to check the Internet, or to play games on during these blank minutes that commuting takes. 

Es también increíble cómo todos los trenes son perfectamente puntuales, siendo raro el retraso en el horario previsto, y solo causado por motivos fuera del control de las compañías ferroviarias. Esto hace del transporte diario un ritual que empieza y termina exactamente en el mismo minuto, día tras día. Puede parecer alienante, pero realmente hace más fácil la vida del oficinista.

It is also amazing how every single train seems to be perfectly punctual. Only rarely is there a delay, and when there is a delay the cause is often outside of the control of the train companies. This makes the everyday commute a ritual that starts and ends at the very same minute, day after day. It may sound alienating, but it makes life easier indeed for employed workers.

Con razón muchas de las empresas ferroviarias están entre los negocios más rentables en Japón, y además muchas de ellas expanden el negocio a otras áreas, como el sector inmobiliario o comercial. Los grandes almacenes al pie de las estaciones se convierten en el centro de la vida diaria, y son el lugar donde millones de viajeros pasan el tiempo antes y después de trabajar.

There is no doubt why many rail companies rank among the most profitable businesses in Japan, and most of them expand their business into real estate or commercial areas. Department stores nearby the stations have become the center of daily life, being the places where millions of commuters spend time before and after work.

Cuesta creer la cantidad de tiendas y restaurantes que se amontonan alrededor de las estaciones, pero supongo que tiene su sentido para el ocupado trabajador japonés; tener un lugar convenientemente situado cerca de la estación para quedar con los amigos, ir a beber con sus compañeros de trabajo, o para comprar esos cordones de zapato que necesita desde hace días.

It is hard to believe how many shops and restaurants are bundled around stations but I guess it makes sense for the busy Japanese worker; to have a place conveniently located near the station to meet friends, go to drink with coworkers, or to buy those shoe laces he or she has intended to buy for the last few days. 
Es verdaderamente sorprendente.

It is quite amazing.

one mobile deviceun dispositivo móvil:携帯機器
a ritualun ritual:儀式
day after daydía tras día:来る日も来る日も
real estateinmobiliario:不動産


2014年2月14日金曜日 -

Sara- Valentine's Day

A Febbraio il giorno più famoso è sicuramente San Valentino, che rappresenta la festa dell'amore. Non è una festa nazionale, ma è considerato cosi' importante che celebrato in tutto il mondo.

The most famous day in February is certainly Valentine's Day, which is a celebration of love. This is not a National Holiday, but it's such an important day that it is celebrated worldwide.

Di solito i giovani, soprattutto delle scuole medie o superiori, approfittano di questa festa per dichiarare il proprio amore regalando cioccolatini e fiori, oppure scrivendo lettere d'amore. Di solito sono i ragazzi che prendono l'iniziativa, ma anche le ragazze a volte con molto coraggio fanno la prima mossa.

Normally, young people, mainly junior high and high school students, take advantage of this day to profess their love by giving chocolate and flowers or writing love letters. Boys normally take the initiative, but some “brave” girls also make the first move.

Tra gli adulti San Valentino è la festa per le coppie, che normalmente trascorrono una serata romantica, magari con una cena a lume di candela in un ristorante di alta classe. In questo caso i regali non si limitano a cioccolatini, ma veri e propri mazzi di fiori e altri regali molto costosi (orologi, collane, etc).

Among adults, San Valentino is a day for couples. They spend a romantic evening together, such as enjoying a candlelit dinner in a high class restaurant. The gift, in this case, is not only chocolate but also a big bouquet and really expensive presents (watch, necklace, etc...)

Quando ero una ragazzina mi piaceva molto questa festa, e aspettavo con ansia che qualcuno mi regalasse dei cioccolatini a San Valentino. Ma crescendo questo giorno ha perso il suo fascino e ora mi sembra solo una festa commerciale, un pretesto per spendere tanti soldi o per passare una serata con il proprio fidanzato o marito. Per questo da quando sono all'università ho smesso di festeggiare San Valentino e normalmente passo questa sera a casa sul divano con il mio gatto, leggendo un libro o guardando un film (ovviamente d'amore).

When I was younger, I used to like this day a lot and I was always waiting for someone to give me chocolate on Valentine's Day. As time passed, though, this day lost its charm for me and now I see it as simply a commercial celebration, a pretext for spending a lot of money or an excuse to spend an evening with your boyfriend or husband. For this reason, I haven’t celebrated Valentine's Day since university and I prefer to spend the evening on the sofa with my cat, reading a book or watching a movie (of course a love story).

take advantage ofapprofittano:~を利用する


2014年2月7日金曜日 -

Rie- A short trip to Ishigaki Island


Recently, I went to Ishigaki island on my days off.

Though Ishigaki island is known for its beautiful sea and great diving and snorkeling, it was too cold for swimming in January. Despite it being off season, however, I could thoroughly enjoy the slow pace of life and several kinds of fine food on the island.


You might wonder why I went to Ishigaki island in the winter. The reason is that it was really cheap! As you know, LCC have been catching on recently, Additionally, I bought the tickets on special offer. I could fly there in two and a half hours for just 1990 one way! Taking advantage of this extraordinary “price destruction”, I started my trip to Ishigaki island on the 7:10am flight. Even though it was early in the morning, almost all of the seats were occupied and it was a bit cramped, but I didn’t complain at all, because the flight was so cheap!


According to a book I read before I arrived, Ishigaki beef is very delicious because the cows live in a rich and warm pasture, and the local liquor is delicious because it is made with hard water. I also read that Mozuku-seaweed is thicker than the mainlands’ and more delicious, and the salt is tasty because it comes from the beautiful ocean. Anyway, it seems there are so many things to eat there. So, starting with a tasting of Awamori liquor at my hotel, I visited several restaurants introduced in the guidebook, and some restaurants recommended by local people.


I also visited Taketomi island by boat, and enjoyed the views from a water buffalo drawn cart. At night, I could see millions of stars. It was just amazing! I could fully enjoy the kind of nature that doesn’t exist in Osaka. I felt like my heart became as clear as the beautiful waters around Ishigaki Island during my 2 day trip.


Thanks to LCC, we can travel around the world with light hearts. Where shall we go next?

LCClow-cost carrier:格安航空会社
catching on:人気を博す
drawn cart:(動物が)引くカート
Thanks to:~のおかげで
light hearts:軽い気持ち