Stefano-Il Volo della Scopa: tradizioni e ricorrenze legate al folklore della Befana(Il Volo della Scopa:traditions and celebrations linked to the folklore of Befana)
Il 25 Dicembre è probabilmente
la data più famosa del Mondo. Chiunque riconosce i personaggi ed i colori
tipici di questa festività: dal gioviale gigante rosso San Nicola, allo
spietato e crudele Krampus, il Natale presenta un colorito insime di leggende,
storie e folklore che tutti possiamo, in un modo o nell'altro, identificare o
December 25th is
probably the most famous date in the world. For anyone who recognizes the
characters and colors typical of this holiday (from the jovial red giant Saint
Nicholas, to the ruthless and cruel Krampus), Christmas presents a colorful set
of legends, stories and folklore that we can all, in one way or another,
identify or recognize.
However, one of
the most important characters of the Italian Christmas tradition remains
relatively unknown outside of the country: Befana. Befana is an elderly and
kind lady who, riding a broom, flies and visits the homes of Italians in the night
between 5th and 6th January.
Il suo ruolo è simile a quello di Babbo Natale, nel senso che anche lei si occupa di premiare i bambini buoni e punire quelli cattivi. Chi si è comportato bene tutto l'anno riceverà nella proria calza natalizia diversi dolci, caramelle o anche piccoli giocattoli. I bimbi più dispettosi invece riceveranno dei tozzi di carbone.
Her role is
similar to that of Santa Claus in the sense that she is also concerned with
rewarding good children and punishing bad ones. Those who have behaved well all
year round will receive various sweets, candies or even small toys in their
Christmas stocking. The most mischievous children will instead receive muddy
The figure of
Befana and the association with the Christmas stocking are a set of various
myths and legends from different cultures and traditions.
La maggior parte delle
informazioni che abbiamo riguardanti la calza natalizia provengono dalla
tradizione pagana: in particolare si dice che Numa Pompilio, uno dei Sette Re
di Roma, avesse l'abitudine di appendere una calza vuota all'interno di grotte
e caverne nei primi giorni di gennaio con la speranza che una ninfa la
riempisse di doni ed omaggi naturali.
The pagan
origins of the stocking
Most of the
information we have regarding the Christmas stocking comes from the pagan
tradition: in particular it is said that Numa Pompilius, one of the Seven Kings
of Rome, used to hang an empty stocking inside caves and caverns in the early
days of January with the hope that a nymph would fill it with natural gifts and
Roman families began to hang them in the same way to celebrate this imperial
I primi miti pagani collegati
alla figura della Befana risalgono al periodo tra il X e il VI secolo a.C. in
questi anni è infatti possibile notare la presenza di diverse figure femminili
legate all'inverno ed al raccolto in tutta Europa: Sàtia e Abùndia a Roma,
Frigg in Scandinavia, Bertha in Gran Bretagna e tanti altri ancora.
The pagan
origins of Befana
The first pagan
myths connected to the figure of Befana date back to the period between the
10th and 6th centuries BC. In these years it is in fact possible to notice the
presence of various female figures linked to winter and harvest throughout
Europe: Sàtia and Abùndia in Rome, Frigg in Scandinavia, Bertha in Great
Britain and many others.
All the women
praised in these myths are often depicted flying in the night sky on the
occasion of the winter solstices. Later, with the spread of Christianity, the
church tried to maintain the customs linked to these ancient holidays by
combining them with a biblical narrative more conforming to the Christian
Per capire come La Befana sia
stata “cristianizzata” dobbiamo quindi guardare alla Bibbia. Nel Nuovo
Testamento infatti, si racconta la storia di come i 3 Re Magi, un volta
arrivati a Betlemme, abbiano chiesto indicazioni ad un'anziana signora del
posto per trovare la stalla di Gesù; tuttavia, lei non credeva nella nascita
del Salvatore, quindi ignorò la richiesta dei Re.
The Christian
origins of Befana
To understand
how Befana was "christianized" we must therefore look to the Bible.
In fact, the New Testament tells the story of how the Three Magi, once they
arrived in Bethlehem, asked an elderly local lady for directions to find Jesus'
stable; however, she did not believe in the birth of the Savior, so she ignored
the request of the kings.
A few days
later, when she learned of the birth of Jesus and the true nature of the three
men who asked her for directions, the grandmother bitterly repented of her
actions; then to make amends she began to visit all the houses in the city,
bringing gifts to the children of each family, hoping that one of them was
The villagers,
moved by her generosity, began to leave shoes and socks outside their homes as
a gift to the old woman to repay her for her generosity. But the woman chose to
fill her stockings with even more gifts and keep her old and iconic broken
Her repentance
also explains her name: Befana derives from the word "epiphany" which
indicates the sudden understanding of a concept or an error, such as the
failure to recognize the Magi.
Later she will
also join the figure of Saint Lucia, as protector of children.
La Befana viene quindi
rappresentata come un'anziana, spesso ingobbita, vestita con degli abiti molto
poveri e semplici, quasi degli stracci. Come detto in precedenza le sue scarpe
sono consumate al punto di essrsi rotte, simbolo della sua umiltà e penitenza.
The iconography
of Befana: a mix of traditions
Befana is
therefore represented as an elderly woman, often hunched over, dressed in poor
and simple clothes, almost rags. As mentioned earlier, her shoes are worn to
the point of being broken, a symbol of her humility and penance.
In recent
centuries, with the spread of the stereotype of the British witch, Befana has
also begun to be represented in a similar way, albeit with some key
differences. Both fly astride a broom, but in the case of Befana, tradition has
it that her sweep is back to front, with the branches pointing in front of her.
In addition, Befana doesn't wear a pointed hat, but rather a handkerchief or a
scarf tied around her chin.
The character of
Befana is also quite distinct from that of witches, she is in fact considered
"the grandmother of all children", she is very indulgent and maternal
with them, limiting herself to admonishing them when they do not behave well.
In tutta Italia si festeggia
l'Epifania nel giorno del 6 Dicembre, ed ogni comune celebra questa festa in
maniera diversa. Nella maggior parte dei casi, i festeggiamenti includono una
festa in piazza in cui un'attrice travestita da Befana “vola” attraverso la
città reggendosi su di una fune o un cavo.
The Modern
Befana: a symbol of Italian spirit
Throughout Italy
the Epiphany is celebrated on December 6th, and each municipality celebrates
this holiday in a different way. In most cases, the celebrations include a
party in the square in which an actor disguised as Befana “flies” through the
city holding onto a rope or cable.
Befana has also
become the protagonist of nursery rhymes, cartoons, illustrated books and even
films for a more adult audience, as in the case of the 2018 long film "La
Befana vien di notte" in which the actor Paola Coltellesi is seen taking
the role of Befana. The title of the film also comes from the iconic nursery
rhyme of the same name, whose main verse reads as follows:
«La Befana vien di notte
con le scarpe tutte rotte
attraversa tutti i tetti
porta bambole e confetti»
«Befana comes at night
with shoes all broken
she crosses all the
brings dolls and sugared
almonds "
cruel :残酷
mischievous children :いたずらっ子
muddy water:泥水
date back to:さかのぼる
depicted :描かれている
winter solstices:冬至
bitterly repented:ひどく悔い改めた
as mentioned earlier:先に述べたように
nursery rhymes:童謡