
2021年1月29日金曜日 -

Luke-Mass Appeal


Hello, friends. Here's the task: to write a blog that everybody will be able to enjoy. I am now trying to think of things which are enjoyed by a large number of people.

BTS; they’re rather popular, aren’t they? Unfortunately you could write everything I know about K-Pop on the back of a stamp. Chocolate? Everyone likes chocolate, don’t they? Though I am currently trying to avoid sweet things in a rather desperate attempt to lose weight. Most likely it will be in vain but one must try. It seems a bit disingenuous to write about chocolate if I’m not currently eating the stuff myself.

 Sightseeing! You’re probably a fan of sightseeing, aren’t you? Yet, in the midst of this pandemic, you might say I lacked sensitivity if I wrote about that. Perhaps I could write about flowers, it’s a much loved topic, isn’t it? Alas, my knowledge of botany is barely superior to that of a small child’s. It’s even possible that they can remember many things of that sort that I long since forgot.

 This mass appeal business is proving more difficult than it at first appeared but wait, I might have just the thing, the weather! We’ve all had countless conversations about the weather, haven’t we? It’s raining here today but it’s okay for me, I actually really like the rain. Anyway, thanks for reading. 




attempt :試みる

most likely:ほとんどの場合[

in vain:無駄


midst :真っ只中








2021年1月23日土曜日 -


Il Giardino degli Aranci e il Buco della Serratura
The Orange Garden and the Keyhole

Roma è universalmente nota per le sue meraviglie architettoniche, dal Colosseo ai Fori Imperiali. Il problema di questi luoghi è l'enorme folla di turisti che rende le giornate molto stressanti. Se cercate un rifugio dalla frenesia del centro della città, allora il Giardino deg
li Aranci è il posto che fa per voi. Situato sul colle Aventino, Rione Ripa, il parco presenta numerose piante di aranci amari e un bel vedere dal quale si gode un'ottima visione della città.

Rome is universally known for its architectural wonders, from the Colosseum to the Imperial Forums. The problem with these places is the huge crowd of tourists which makes the days very stressful. If you are looking for a refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city center, then the Giardino degli Aranci is the place for you. Located on the Aventine hill, Rione Ripa, the park has numerous bitter orange trees and a beautiful view from which you can enjoy an excellent view of the city.
In aggiunta al frutteto e al panorama, si può assistere ad un altro magnifico spettacolo. Nei pressi del Giardino si trova anche il Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta, un antico edificio appartenente all'Ordine. Se la porta è chiusa, vi capiterà di vedere una fila di persone, in attesa di appoggiare l'occhio sulla serratura e ammirare l'incredibile vista della cupola di San Pietro cirocondata dalle decorazioni del cortile interno. Un'esperienza decisavamente suggestiva e da non perdere, visto che non richiederà molto del vostro tempo ed è completamente gratuita.
In addition to the orchard and the view, there is another magnificent spectacle. Near the garden there is also the Priory of the Knights of Malta, an ancient building belonging to the Order. If the door is closed, you will happen to see a line of people, waiting to rest their eyes on the lock and admire the incredible view of the dome of Saint Peter's surrounded by the decorations of the internal courtyard. A decidedly suggestive experience and not to be missed, since it will not take much of your time and is completely free.
Campo de' Fiori
Campo de' Fiori
Campo de' Fiori è una delle piazze minori di Roma, ma allo stesso tempo uno dei luoghi più autenticamente romani all'interno della capitale, situata non troppo lontano da Piazza Navona. Il Campo ospitava un tempo un grande mercato in cui era possibile comprare una grande varietà di prodotti importati da diverse parti del mondo. Al giorno d'oggi il mercato non c'è più, ma la piazza offre comunque scorci alquanto pittoreschi e una discreta varietà di ottimi ristoranti.
Campo de' Fiori is one of the smaller squares of Rome, but at the same time one of the most authentically Roman places within the capital, located not too far from Piazza Navona. The Campo once housed a large market where it was possible to buy a large variety of products imported from different parts of the world. Nowadays the market is gone, but the square still offers quite picturesque views and a  variety of excellent restaurants.

architectural wonders:驚くべく建築物

hustle and bustle:(都会の)騒がしさ
magnificent spectacle:壮大な光景
internal courtyard:中庭


2021年1月15日金曜日 -

Stefania-La cucina bresciana (2) Brescia cuisine (Part 2)

 Il manzo all'olio è un secondo di carne molto apprezzato nella provincia e il più famoso è quello di Rovato. Anche questo piatto viene tipicamente accompagnato dalla polenta, come lo spiedo (quasi tutti i secondi di carne delle mie parti si mangiano con la polenta :-D). La parte del manzo che viene utilizzata si chiama “cappello del prete,” che risulta morbida grazie alla presenza di una nervatura di grasso al suo interno (potete vederla nell'immagine a fianco).

Beef in oil is a very popular second course of meat in the province and the most famous is that of Rovato. This dish is also typically accompanied by polenta, like the spit. (Almost all the main courses of meat in my area are eaten with polenta.) The part of the beef that is used is called the "priest's hat" in Italian, which is soft thanks to the presence of a rib of fat inside. (You can see it in the image.)         

La carne viene cotta in un liquido composto da parti uguali di acqua e olio (di solito un bicchiere di uno e dell'altro). Una volta che la carne è cotta, si prende il liquido rimasto e si crea una salsa unendovi acciughe, prezzemolo e parmigiano tritati.

The meat is cooked in a liquid consisting of equal parts of water and oil (usually a glass of both). Once the meat is cooked, take the remaining liquid and create a sauce by combining anchovies, parsley and chopped parmesan.

 La tinca al forno è un secondo di pesce tipico di Clusane, un paese sul lago d'Iseo. La tinca è un pesce

d'acqua dolce e nella provincia di Brescia viene pescato proprio nel lago d'Iseo. Viene riempita con un ripieno
composto di pane grattato, burro, olio, formaggio Grana e un mix di spezie (cannella, noce moscata, chiodi di garofano, sale e pepe) e di aromi (prezzemolo, alloro e aglio). La tinca viene poi fatta cuocere in una teglia di terracotta bagnata con olio insieme alle foglie d’alloro e coperta con una parte del ripieno. Si aggiunge qualche noce di burro e si fa cuocere in forno. Infine viene servita con una bella fetta di polenta, ovviamente.

Baked tench is a fish main course typical of Clusane, a town on Lake Iseo. Tench is a freshwater fish and in the province of Brescia it is caught right in Lake Iseo. It's filled with a filling made of breadcrumbs, butter, oil, Grana cheese and a mix of spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, salt and pepper) and herbs (parsley, bay leaf and garlic). The tench is then cooked in an earthenware pan dipped in oil together with the bay leaves and covered with part of the filling. Add a few knobs of butter and cook in the oven. Finally, it's served with a nice slice of polenta, of course.

 I biscotti bresciani sono un dolce che ho sempre mangiato da quando sono piccola e che compravo in panetteria. Sono dei semplicissimi biscotti di pasta frolla ricoperti di zucchero, ma sono uno dei dolci più buoni che possiate assaggiare. Probabilmente io sono un po' di parte, però li consiglio sicuramente.

Brescia biscuits are a dessert that I've always eaten since I was little and that I bought at the bakery. They are very simple shortbread cookies covered with sugar, but they are one of the best desserts you can taste. I'm probably a bit biased, but I definitely recommend them.

 liquid consisting:液体からなる

remaining :残り




chopped parmesan:パルメザンのみじんぎり


earthenware pan:陶器鍋


2021年1月15日金曜日 -

Stefania-La cucina bresciana (Brescia cuisine )(Part 1)

 Per gli appassionati di cucina, oggi ho pensato di farvi conoscere qualche piatto tipico della mia zona: la provincia di Brescia.

For cooking enthusiasts, today I thought I'd introduce you to some typical dishes of my area: the province of Brescia.

 I casoncelli (in

dialetto i casonsèi)
sono la variante bresciana del raviolo ripieno, presente in quasi tutto il nord Italia. Possono essere di carne o verdura, serviti con burro fuso, salvia e abbondante parmigiano, sono tra i piatti tipici più diffusi e amati. Si trovano in tutti i ristoranti della provincia e nelle sagre di paese.

Casoncelli (casonsèi in dialect) is the Brescian variant of stuffed ravioli, present in almost all of northern Italy. They can be meat or vegetable, and served with melted butter, sage and abundant Parmesan. They are among the most popular and most loved dishes. They are found in all the restaurants in the province and in the village festivals.

  Il risotto con i loertis (cime di luppolo o asparagi selvatici) è un buon primo piatto che viene cucinato principalmente in primavera, periodo in cui è possibile trovare i loertis. La preparazione è molto semplice, basta seguire la procedura solita del risotto (utilizzando un brodo vegetale) e quando mancano 10 minuti alla fine della cottura si aggiungono i loertis. Quando il risotto è pronto, si manteca con burro e formaggio grana.

Risotto with loertis (wild asparagus) is a good first course that is mainly cooked in spring, when it is possible to find loertis. The preparation is very simple, just follow the usual risotto procedure (using a vegetable broth) and when there are ten minutes left to cook, add the loertis. When the risotto is ready, stir in butter and parmesan cheese.

I loertis vengono, inoltre, utilizzati spesso anche nelle frittate.

Loertis is also often used in omelettes.

  Lo spiedo (el spèt) è una modalità di cottura della cacciagione, di solito coniglio, pollo e uccellini. La carne tagliata a pezzi di media grandezza viene infilzata su degli spiedi di ferro (da qui il nome) e cotta molto lentamente a temperatura costante per circa 5 o 6 ore. I pezzi di carne sono alternati a pancetta e verdure come cipolle, patate e peperoni. Durante la cottura la carne viene spennellata con burro fuso e aromi vari per darle sapore. A cottura terminata viene servito con la polenta e un buon vino rosso.

The spit is a way of cooking game, usually rabbit, chicken and birds. The meat, cut into medium-sized pieces, is skewered on iron skewers (hence the name) and cooked very slowly at a constant temperature for about five or six hours. The pieces of meat are alternated with bacon and vegetables such as onions, potatoes and peppers. During cooking, the meat is brushed with melted butter and various aromas to give it flavor. When cooked, it is served with polenta (a dish of boiled cornmeal) and a good red wine.

To be continued...





parmesan cheese:パルメザンチーズ



constant temperature:一定温度


during cooking:調理中



2021年1月9日土曜日 -

Christian Bollare-The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland


There can be some confusion around what to call someone who is from London. Are they English, British? What's the diffe
rence? Well, to answer, they are both. However, being English and being British also means two different things. Let me clarify.

     The official name of the country is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Let's break that down into digestible parts.

     The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK, for short) is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

     Great Britain is not the name of any country, rather it is the name of the island which is home to England, Scotland, and Wales. Therefore anyone who is from Edinburgh, Scotland could be called British, same applies to anyone from Cardiff in Wales, and of course London in England.

     Northern Ireland is on the island of Ireland, which is home to two countries: Northern Ireland (which is part of the UK) and the Republic of Ireland (an independent country which is not a part of the UK). The history of Ireland is complex but in summary the island is divided by passports, and religious and political views.

     One important note is that the countries which make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is that they are exactly that: countries.

      They all have their own government, laws, and control of their own education and healthcare systems, as well as the police and other emergency services, and can have their own version of the state currency "the Pound Sterling".

     They also all have a very strong cultural identity and their own dialects, languages, traditions, and folklore. For example, men in Scotland wear kilts during ceremonies (a type of Highland dress, usually with a tartan design and resembles a skirt). The Welsh have their own language which is used in everyday life especially on road signs next to the English translation. (Note, a slang term in Wales for microwave is popty ping, however the real Welsh is actually microndon.) English folklore is very famous not only in the British Isles but worldwide. Names like "Robin Hood" and "King Arthur" are well known and are both great English legends.

   As Northern Ireland was once part of the Republic of Ireland (before Ireland became an independent country), it shares a great deal of heritage with its neighbour but one thing that the Northern Irish celebrate (which tends to be controversial) is "The Twelfth" – the celebration of the Battle of the Boyne which was on the 12th of July 1690. After the battle, Protestantism became the main religion of the north of the island.

     With that in mind each country is very patriotic about its identity, some more than others. For example, call an English person British and they will for the most part not think anything of it, now call a Scottish or Welsh person British (or worse English) and you may have a very different response.

     The UK's capital city is London, which is also the capital city of England, but of course the other countries in the union have their own capital cities too. Scotland has Edinburgh, Wales has Cardiff, and Northern Ireland has Belfast.

     Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland generally view England as the domineering force and have some reservations which stem from centuries of internal conflicts. English people generally have a positive view of the United Kingdom and like to keep past indiscretions in the past and prefer to focus on all the benefits which the country has gained thanks to the union. However, recent events such as the referendum for Scottish Independence from the UK in 2014, and the UK's referendum to leave the European Union in 2016, (as well as the most recent 2019 general election) have called into question the unity of the United Kingdom, and the results have caused more division between the countries. Only time will tell if the United Kingdom will stay as a country we all know.



digestible: 消化可能

divided by:~で割った



in summary:要約すると

religious and political views:宗教的および政治的見解


Republic of Ireland:アイルランド共和国




the domineering force :支配的な勢力

internal conflicts:内紛



