
2015年9月25日金曜日 -

Susana:Un 2015 de viajes

A pesar de que me gusta mucho viajar, por una u otra razon hasta ahora apenas he tenido oportunidades para hacerlo. Antes de venir a vivir a Japon solo habia estado en Inglaterra y Francia, y desde que vivo aqui he viajado por el pais y tambien he ido varias veces a Seul (Corea), pero aparte de eso poco mas. El problema siempre es el mismo: o no tengo tiempo, o no tengo dinero, o ninguno de los dos, jaja.

Even though I really enjoy travelling, for one reason or another I haven't had many chances to do it so far. Before I came to live in Japan I had only been to England and France, and since I've been living here I've traveled around the country and been several times to Seoul (South Korea), but apart from that not much. The problem seems to be always the same: either I don't have the time, or I don't have the money, or neither of both, haha.

Pero este anyo he decidido que mientras viva en Asia tengo que aprovechar para viajar a otros paises cercanos, asi que he planeado diversos viajes este verano. Despues de mi viaje a Seul en abril, en junio tuve la oportunidad de viajar por primera vez a Hong Kong. Lamentablemente fue un viaje muy corto y no tuve tiempo para ver mucho, pero lo que vi me gusto. Era la primera vez que viajaba a un pais cuyo idioma no conozco ni siquiera un poquito asi que tuve algunas dificultades para comunicarme, especialmente en restaurantes. Me sorprendio que mucha gente no habla ingles alli.

But this year I've decided that I need to make the most of my time here in Asia and travel to as many nearby countries as I can. Hence I've planned several trips for this summer. After going to Seoul last April, in June I had a chance to go to Hong Kong for the first time. Sadly it was a very short trip so I couldn't see much, but what I saw I liked. It was also my first time going to a country where I don't know the language at all so communication was a bit difficult, especially in restaurants. I was surprised that a lot of people don't speak English there.

Por el contrario en Singapur, el pais al que viaje en julio, parece que la mayoria de la gente sabe ingles asi que es muy facil entenderse. En Singapur me gusto mucho la variedad de  gente que se puede encontrar: parecia haber personas de todas las nacionalidades. Lo mismo en cuanto a comida: hay restaurantes de cualquier pais del mundo. Es el paraiso! Aunque hacia un poco de calor el clima era bastante parecido al de Osaka en verano asi que era soportable. En Singapur tuve un poco mas de tiempo para hacer turismo asi que visite bastantes lugares interesantes, e incluso fui a la playa en la isla de Sentosa. Si no habeis visitado Singapur os lo recomiendo porque me gusto mucho.

On the other hand in Singapore, the country I visited in July, it seems that most people speak English so it was very easy to move around and communicate. In Singapore I really liked the fact that there seems to be people of various nationalities. The same happens with food: you can find restaurants from all over the world. It's like paradise! Even though it was a little bit hot, the weather was quite similar to that in Osaka so it was bearable. In Singapore I had time to go sightseeing so I visited quite a few places; I even went to the beach in Sentosa Island. If you've never been to Singapore, I really recommend it.

En septiembre y octubre tengo otros dos viajes planeados, a Taiwan y Macao, asi que ya os lo contare en otro momento.

In September and October, I have two more trips planned, to Taiwan and Macau, so I'll tell you about them some other time.

Habeis hecho algun viaje este anyo o teneis alguno planeado? Podeis contarmelo la proxima vez que nos veamos en clase. Hasta pronto!

Have you traveled this year or do you have any trips planned? You can tell me about it next time we meet in class. See you soon!

el mismothe same:同じ
Me sorprendioI was surprised:驚かされた
Por el contrarioOn the other hand:一方で
Hasta prontoSee you soon:すぐ会いましょう!


2015年9月18日金曜日 -

Veronica: A trip to India part 2

Aliás, eu fiz uma viagem de Delhi até Himachal Pradesh que durou 12 horas e foi praticamente 12 horas ouvindo música indiana, no começo fiquei muito incomodada, mas no final da viagem, já estava acostumada e até gostando da música.

I remember going from New Dehli to Himachal Pradesh on a twelve-hour trip, and it was twelve hours listening to Indian music. At the beginning it bothered me a lot, but by the end I had gotten used to it and was even enjoying the music.

Comprei a passagem de ônibus que estava disponível, um grande arrependimento. Pois o estado do ônibus não era os dos melhores. Um ônibus velho e muito apertado, parecia até um filme pois uma galinha também viajou junto. Os indianos levavam sua própria comida e o cheiro forte da comida estava em todo o ambiente. A estrada tambénão era as das melhores, muitos buracos e muitas curvas, sem dizer que o motorista corria demais. Mas apesar de tudo cheguei bem ao meu destino e o mais importante cheguei viva.

I took one bus journey that I really regret. The bus was very old and not in good condition. It looked like it was from an old movie because it was very crowded and a chicken traveled with us. The Indians took their own food and the strong smell of the food was everywhere. The road was in a bad state with many holes and curves, and it goes without saying that the driver drove really fast. Despite all this, I arrived safely at my destination, and more importantly I was still alive.

O trânsito é uma atração a parte, os motorista buzinam muito enquanto dirigem e estão sempre correndo. Se voce parar para reparar todos os carros tem algum arranhão ou estão amassados. O ar também e bastante poluído, principalmente em Delhi.
Visitei também a cidade de Dharamsala localizada ao norte da India nas encostas do Himalaia, muito conhecida por abrigar Tibetanos exilados. Há muitos restaurantes e lojas tibetanas, que sobrevivem principalmente do turísmo, tem um clima mais húmido e muito chuvoso. E interessante conversar com o povo local, pois eles sempre tem muitas histórias sobre como eles ou seus parentes chegaram na   India, histórias de aventuras; histórias de vida.

The traffic is an attraction in itself. The drivers use the horn a lot and drive very fast, and all of the cars have dents and scratches. The air is also quite polluted, especially in New Dehli.
I also visited Dharamsala, which is located in the north of India in the Himalayas. It is a very humid and rainy city, and is well-known for giving shelter to Tibetan refuges. There are many Tibetan restaurants and stores there. It is interesting to talk to the local people as they have many stories about how they or their relatives got to India; adventure stories and life stories.

Em Dharamsala também vi muitas vacas, que ficam solta durante o dia, geralmente comendo lixo, mas ao me informar me disseram que todas as vacas tem dono. Que ao entardecer elas retornam para suas casa. Já em Delhi não vi muitas vacas pela cidade.
Viajar pela India foi uma experiência fantástica, um país de pessoas geralmente alegres, de muitas cores, de muita contradição e tradição, vale a pena conhecer e visitar, ir de coração aberto para tentar compreender esse povo tão antigo que preserva sua cultura e costumes.

In Dharamsala I also saw a lot of cows. They are free to walk around the streets. They often eat the garbage, but I was told that every cow has an owner and in the evening they return to their homes. In New Delhi I didn’t see many cows.
Travelling around India was an amazing experience. It is a country of generally happy people, many colors, tradition and contradiction. It is worth visiting and getting to know, but go with an open heart to try to understand the ancient civilization that preserves its culture and beliefs.



2015年9月11日金曜日 -

Veronica: A trip to India part 1

 Há quase um ano atrás viajei para India. Uma viagem cheia de surpresas e aprendizados.

Almost a year ago I traveled to India. It was a journey full of surprises and learning.

Primeiro, fui surpreendida com as mulheres indianas, que apesar de ainda estarmos no ano 2015, elas continuam a usar suas roupas típica: O Sari. Mesmo com muitos turistas e a globalização, elas mantém a tradição de continuar a usar o Sari.

Firstly, I was really surprised by how the Indian women were dressed. Even now, in 2015, with all the tourists and globalization, they keep the tradition of wearing the sari (Indian traditional cloth).

Outra coisa que me chamou a atenção foi ver pessoas de diversas religiões conviverem tão pacificadamente juntos. Os indianos são muito religiosos e levam muito a sério suas crenças e costumes.
Another thing that struck me was how people of different religions can live together peacefully. Indians are very religious and take their beliefs and customs very seriously.

A pobreza chama muito a atenção, ver crianças passando fome sem ter o que vestir, não há como ficar indiferente, também vi muitas pessoas idosas na mesma situação pedindo esmola, infelizmente tudo que se passa a ver de mais se torma “normal”.
The poverty is very noticeable. I saw children starving on the streets, with nothing to wear; you can’t be indifferent about it. A massive number of elderly people live in the same situation, begging on the streets. Unfortunately, this all seems pretty normal.

Apesar da pobresa evidente, os indianos é um povo muito alegre e receptivo, todos me recebiam com um largo sorriso, eles também adoram ouvir música, é muito normal pegar um táxi ou tuc-tuc e ouvir música indiano no caminho.

Despite the obvious poverty, Indians are very hospitable and happy people. Everyone makes you feel welcome with their big smile. They also love to listen to music. It is very common to take a cab or a “tuc-tuc” and listen to Indian music on the way.

Aliás, eu fiz uma viagem de Delhi até Himachal Pradesh que durou 12 horas e foi praticamente 12 horas ouvindo música indiana, no começo fiquei muito incomodada, mas no final da viagem, já estava acostumada e até gostando da música.

I remember going from New Dehli to Himachal Pradesh on a twelve-hour trip, and it was twelve hours listening to Indian music. At the beginning it bothered me a lot, but by the end I had gotten used to it and was even enjoying the music.

Comprei a passagem de ônibus que estava disponível, um grande arrependimento. Pois o estado do ônibus não era os dos melhores. Um ônibus velho e muito apertado, parecia até um filme pois uma galinha também viajou junto. Os indianos levavam sua própria comida e o cheiro forte da comida estava em todo o ambiente. A estrada também não era as das melhores, muitos buracos e muitas curvas, sem dizer que o motorista corria demais. Mas apesar de tudo cheguei bem ao meu destino e o mais importante cheguei viva.

Ha quase um ano atrasAlmost a year agoほぼ一年前
Cheia de surpresafull of surprises何度も驚いた


2015年9月4日金曜日 -

Mouy-Ly: A coffee, please!

Ah le soleil brille, les oiseaux gazouillent ! Un petit vent frais qui effleure vos cheveux…Ca y est les beaux jours sont (enfin) là. Qui dit printemps, dit aussi chaleur et terrasse avec ses parasols, jaunes, bleus, rouges, blancs, rayés ou unis…Même si la chaleur ne plaît pas toujours à tout le monde, il y a une chose que tous les Français adorent et qui est unanime: se détendre et paresser en terrasse avec un bon bouquin ou un canard (ou encore avec son smartphone ou sa tablette, sa liseuse pour les plus modernes) mais surtout, surtout…se relaxer en buvant une bonne bière blonde, brune ou rousse ou tout simplement en sirotant une tasse de café. C’est ce qu’on appelle la French Way of Life.

Ah, the sun is shining, birds are chirping! A little fresh wind brushing against your hair… Here it is, summer weather, at last. And with spring comes warmth and terraces covered with multicolored parasols, yellow, blue, red, white, striped or plain. Even though not everyone likes the sun and the heat, there is one thing all the French love and are unanimous about: to unwind and sit around on a terrace with a good book or a newspaper (or with one’s smart phone, one’s tablet or even one’s e-reader for the modern people) but above all,…to relax while drinking a nice glass of lager, stout or bitter or very simply while sipping a cup of coffee. This is what one calls the French Way of Life.
Il est bien connu que le café de France est apprécié par tout le monde et est l’un des meilleurs au monde, et certains touristes vont même en France juste pour ça. Contrairement au Japon, on le boit souvent, voire exclusivement chaud.
Vous pouvez commander toute une variante : l’incontournableun café” (ou appelé aussi un petit café, un café simple, un café noir, un petit noir, un café express ou un express ou tout simplement un expresso) et les autres “un café crème, un café au lait, un café noisette, un café serré, un café allongé (ou café léger), un (café) déca(fféiné)”…Le matin très tôt dans un bistrot ou au comptoir d’un bar ou après un bon déjeuner ou un diner dans un restaurant ou chez soi…C’est la détente garantie.
Le prix d’un petit noir en salle à Paris (selon les quartiers) varie entre 1,50 euro (Aux Folies à Belleville) à 8,00 euros (chez Fouquet’s sur les Champs-Elysées). Si vous voulez le déguster dans Le Train Bleu de la Gare de Lyon, ça vous reviendra à 6,10 euros ou encore au Café de Flore dans le VIe arrondissemen,t 4,60 euros et au Starbucks Avenue de France dans le XIIIe, 1,95 euros.

It is well known that everyone likes French coffee, which is one of the best in the world. Some tourists even go purposely to France just for that. Contrary to Japan, the coffee is often and even exclusively drunk hot.
You can order different kinds of coffees: the inevitableun café” (or also called “un petit café”, “un café simple”, “un café noir”, “un petit noir”, “un café express” or “un express” or simply “un expresso”) and the others “un café crème”, “un café au lait”, “un café noisette”, “un café serré”, “un café allongé (or “café léger”), “un (café) déca(fféiné)”…Have it early in the morning, in a bistrot or at the counter of a bar or after a nice lunch or dinner in a restaurant or at home... You are sure to be relaxed.
The price of a coffee served at the tables in a café in Paris (depending on the area) ranges from 1.50 euros (at The Folies in Belleville) to 8.00 euros (at Fouquet’s on the Champs-Elysées Avenue). If you want to drink it in Le Train Bleu in the Gare de Lyon, it will cost you 6.10 euros or 4.60 euros at the Café de Flore (VIe arrondissement) and 1.95 euros at Starbucks Avenue de France (XIIIe arrondissement).

Bien sûr, certains diront que le café de France se boit en deux petites gorgées et ne vaut certainement pas le prix de 8 euros comparé à un café “américain”. Mais il ne faut pas comparer ce qui est incomparable. Rien ne vaut cette odeur de café moulu directement des grains et ce goût amer et fort, qui plaisent tant aux vrais connaisseurs de café.

Some people will say, of course, that French coffee is finished in only two small sips and is certainly not worth 8 euros if you compare it to an American coffee. However, you can’t compare what is not comparable. Nothing is worth more than the smell of the freshly ground coffee beans and the bitter and strong taste of the café that appeals so much to real coffee connoisseurs.

Personnellement, j’adore (et je dirais même que j’y suis accro) l’odeur qui se dégage de cette petite tasse. Par contre, je ne pourrais pas la boire. J’ai pourtant tout essayé (avec du lait, du sucre, de la crème, et même en déca), et à mon grand dam, rien n’y fait. Je n’aime pas du tout le goût du café. Je suis plutôt thé, c’est comme ça.

Personally, I love (I would even say I am addicted to) the smell which comes out of the small cup of coffee. On the other hand, I couldn’t make myself drink it. And yet, I have tried many times (with milk, sugar, cream, and even decaffeinated), but much to my dismay, I just couldn’t. I don’t like the taste of the coffee at all. I am more of a tea person. There are no two ways about it.

Et vous, êtes-vous thé ou café ?

How about you, are you a tea or a coffee person?

gazouiller: to chirp 鳴く
une terrasse a terrace: テラス
un parasola parasol: パラソル
unanimeunanimous: 一致する
paresserto sit around: あちこちに座る
un bouquina book: 
un canarda newspaper: 新聞
en sirotant (siroter)sipping (to sip): すする(少しづつ飲む)
incontournableinevitable: 必然的な
un cafécoffee or expresso: コーヒーまたはエスプレッソ
un café crèmecoffee served in a large cup with hot cream: クリーム入りの大きなカップに入ったホットコーヒー
un café au laitcoffee served with steamed milk: スチームミルク入りのコーヒー
un café noisetteexpresso with a dash of cream in it: クリームが少なめののエスプレッソ
un café serréstrong expresso: 濃いエスプレッソ
un café allongé (café léger)expresso with double the water: 水が2倍のエスプレッソ
un café décafféinédecaffeinated coffee: カフェイン抜きのコーヒー
un bistrota bistrot: ビストロ、フランス料理の一品料理屋
un comptoira counter: カウンター
une gorgéea sip: 一口
un connaisseura connoisseur: 鑑定家
j’y suis accroI am addicted to: 夢中である
à mon grand dammuch to my dismay 恥ずかしながら
c’est comme çathere are no two ways about it: 世の中そんなものです