A pesar de que me
gusta mucho viajar, por una u otra razon hasta ahora apenas he tenido oportunidades
para hacerlo. Antes de venir a vivir a Japon solo habia estado en Inglaterra y Francia, y desde que vivo aqui he
viajado por el pais y tambien he ido varias veces a Seul (Corea), pero aparte
de eso poco mas. El problema siempre es el mismo: o no tengo tiempo,
o no tengo dinero, o ninguno de los dos,
Even though I really enjoy travelling, for one reason
or another I haven't had many chances to do it so far. Before I came to live in
Japan I had only been to England and France, and since I've been living
here I've traveled around the country and been several times to Seoul (South
Korea), but apart from that not much. The problem seems to be always the
same: either I don't have the time, or I don't have the money,
or neither of both, haha.
Pero este anyo he
decidido que mientras viva en Asia tengo que aprovechar para viajar a otros paises cercanos, asi que he planeado diversos
viajes este verano. Despues de mi viaje a Seul en abril, en junio tuve la
oportunidad de viajar por primera vez a Hong Kong. Lamentablemente
fue un viaje muy corto y no tuve tiempo
para ver mucho, pero lo que vi me gusto. Era la primera vez que viajaba a un
pais cuyo idioma no conozco ni siquiera un poquito asi que tuve algunas
dificultades para comunicarme, especialmente en restaurantes. Me sorprendio que mucha gente no habla ingles
But this year I've decided that I need to make the
most of my time here in Asia and travel to as many nearby countries as I
can. Hence I've planned several trips for this summer. After going to Seoul
last April, in June I had a chance to go to Hong Kong for the first time. Sadly
it was a very short trip so I couldn't see much, but what I saw I liked.
It was also my first time going to a country where I don't know the language at
all so communication was a bit difficult, especially in restaurants. I was
surprised that a lot of people don't speak English there.
el contrario en Singapur,
el pais al que viaje en julio, parece que la mayoria de la gente sabe ingles
asi que es muy facil entenderse. En
Singapur me gusto mucho la variedad de
gente que se puede encontrar: parecia haber personas de todas las
nacionalidades. Lo mismo en cuanto a comida: hay restaurantes de cualquier pais
del mundo. Es el paraiso! Aunque hacia un
poco de calor el clima era bastante parecido al de Osaka en verano asi que era
soportable. En Singapur tuve un poco mas de tiempo para hacer turismo asi que visite bastantes lugares
interesantes, e incluso fui a la playa en la isla de Sentosa. Si no habeis
visitado Singapur os lo recomiendo porque me gusto mucho.
On the other hand in Singapore, the
country I visited in July, it seems that most people speak English so it was
very easy to move around and communicate. In Singapore I really liked
the fact that there seems to be people of various nationalities. The same
happens with food: you can find restaurants from all over the world.
It's like paradise! Even though it was a little bit hot, the weather was quite
similar to that in Osaka so it was bearable. In Singapore I had time to go sightseeing
so I visited quite a few places; I even went to the beach in Sentosa Island. If
you've never been to Singapore, I really recommend it.
En septiembre y
octubre tengo otros dos viajes planeados, a Taiwan y Macao, asi que ya os lo
contare en otro momento.
In September and October, I have two more trips
planned, to Taiwan and Macau, so I'll tell you about them some other time.
Habeis hecho algun viaje este anyo o teneis
alguno planeado? Podeis
contarmelo la proxima vez que nos veamos en clase. Hasta pronto!
Have you traveled this year or do you have any trips
planned? You can tell me about it next time we meet in class. See you soon!
el mismo:the
Me sorprendio:I
was surprised:驚かされた
Por el contrario:On
the other hand:一方で
Hasta pronto:See
you soon:すぐ会いましょう!