
2013年6月8日土曜日 -

Samuel - My Return to Osaka

I only recently moved to Japan, arriving just in time to enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom! I attended two different viewing-parties, actually. First, I met an old friend and fellow expatriate at Sakuranomiya. We enjoyed sipping cold beers while strolling along the river. It was a pretty hot day, so eventually we decided to sit down under the shade of the many cherry trees. Every time the wind blew, we were treated to a heavy rain of cherry blossom petals. It was absolutely enchanting!

We  marveled at the beauty of the trees.

This is actually my second time living in Japan, so I met some Japanese friends for a picnic outing at Osaka Castle. I really enjoy seeing the contrast of modern skyscrapers surrounding a traditional Japanese fortress. It was a little chilly that day, so when the sun began to set we decided to move our party to a "bar and grill" nearby. 

I really enjoy the Japanese style of ordering lots of small dishes for everyone to share - I get to experience so many tasty new foods! And the best part was the view from the restaurant -  we could see the illuminated castle, standing tall and proud, with the beautiful Osaka skyline behind it. Though I had been here for over a week, that was the first time it really hit me: I truly am living in Japan once again. It feels good to be back.

just in time = ぎりぎり間に合う
full bloom = 満開
viewing-parties = お花見仲間
expatriate = 自国を離れて暮らしている外国人
strolling = ぶらぶらする
shade = 日陰
enchanting = うっとりさせる
marveled = 驚嘆した
picnic outing = ピクニックに出かけること
contrast = 対比
skyscrapers = 摩天楼
fortress = 城塞
chilly = 肌寒い
sun began to set = 日が沈み始めた
bar and grill = 食事も楽しめるバー
tasty = おいしい
the view = 景色
illuminated = 照明された
skyline = 山や建物などが空に描くライン 
hit me = 実感がわく 
to be back = 戻ってくること