
2024年6月18日火曜日 -

Sam - Are you aware of Cebu's rainy season dates?



Are you aware of Cebu's rainy season dates?

By Teacher Sam 

Cebu's rainy season, stretching from June to December, transforms the island's landscape into a lush, verdant paradise. Temperatures during this period typically range between 25-30°C, providing a welcome relief from the sweltering heat of preceding months. However, precipitation levels surge, manifesting as frequent afternoon showers and sporadic thunderstorms. Rainfall distribution across Cebu varies, with some regions experiencing heavier downpours than others. Despite the rain, Cebu's natural beauty thrives, painting a visually attractive scene of vibrant greenery against the backdrop of moody skies. Thus, while umbrellas are essential, the rainy season in Cebu offers its own enchanting allure.

verdant : 青々しい、緑豊かな
sweltering : 暑苦しい
precipitation : 降水量
thunderstorms : 雷雨
distribution : 分布
Despite : にもかかわらず
thrives : 反映
enchanting : 魅惑的な