
2016年5月21日土曜日 -

Johnny Miller:Art in The Big Apple

Hello there, it's Johnny here. I’m very excited because I am going to New York in three weeks’ time and I’ll be there for one week. I haven't been to New York for twenty one years. The reason I know this is because I have been married for twenty one years and the last time I went to New York was for my honeymoon.

As many of you may know, I am a big fan of art and one of my favorite art museums, the Frick Collection, is in New York. The collection was assembled by a nineteenth century American industrialist named Henry Clay Frick and the work is housed in his former residence on Fifth Avenue.

The works he has there are just astonishing. There are paintings by Bellini, Rembrandt, Goya and Rubens to name but a few.

At the moment there is an exhibition of the seventeenth century Dutch painter Anthony van Dyck, who is probably one of the most popular and famous portrait painters ever.
I'm excited to go and see this show as there are over one hundred pieces of his work which have been gathered from famous museums all over the world.

portrait painters肖像画家
work :作品