
2014年5月23日金曜日 -

Er Jun : My hobbies


My name is Er Jun, I'm from Shanghai.


My hobbies are traveling, playing tennis, and taking photos.


I have been to Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, the Philippines, Korea and more. I like Switzerland the best because the scenery is beautiful and the people are easygoing.  


Last month, I went back to Shenyang in China. I visited the Imperial Palaces of the Qing Dynasties and the Zhao Mausoleum in Shenyang. Those places are scenic and historic sites with 400 years of history and are also World Heritage sites. I also went to a place called Xida in Shenyang. There are so many Korean people living there and a lot of Korean restaurants. Their Korean dishes are genuine and the prices are very reasonable. There are North Korean restaurants as well as South Korean restaurants. All the staff working in the North Korean restaurants come from North Korea and it is all very beautiful.

好相处Hǎo xiāngchǔeasygoing:人懐っこい
沈阳故宫Shěnyáng gùgōngthe Imperial Palaces of the Qing Dynasties瀋陽故宮(清朝の離宮)
清昭陵Qīng zhāo língZhao Mausoleum昭陵(清の初代皇帝とその妻の墓)
名胜古迹Míngshèng gǔjīscenic and historic sites:有名な遺跡