
2013年3月15日金曜日 -

Mark - Trip to Wales

Last summer, I went to Wales for my summer vacation. It was the second time for my wife to visit my hometown, Cardiff. We stayed at my parent’s house for the majority of the vacation. However, for four days we traveled along the Southern coast of Wales. Our first destination was Tenby, it is a popular tourist destination

Stained glass window from inside Cardiff Castle

Our hotel was very old, and was built on the edge of the cliff. We could see the ocean and walk along the beach every day. 

We visited two popular attractions: Saint David’s Cathedral (Welsh: Eglwys Gadeiriol Tyddewi) and Caldey Island (Welsh: Ynys Bŷr). St. David’s Cathedral is built in the city of St. David’s, which is the smallest city in the United Kingdom. They started construction on the cathedral in 1181, which makes it very old.  Caldey Island is famous for having a Benedictine monastery. However, the first monastery was founded in the sixth century by a group of Celts. The only way to get to the island is by boat. If you are lucky you can see lots of wildlife. On our journey we saw some grey seals!

On our way back to Cardiff we stopped off at Castle Coch. Some people say it is fairytale castle because it looks like a castle from a child’s storybook. My father says it is haunted, but we didn’t see any ghosts!

majority: 半分以上
southern coast: 南海岸
destination: 行き先
tourist destination: 観光目的地
edge of the cliff: 崖の端
walk along the beach: ビーチ沿いを歩く
attractions: アトラクション
Cathedral: 大聖堂
United Kingdom: 英連合王国
construction: 建設
famous for:~で有名な
Benedictine monastery: ベネディクト会修道院
sixth century : 6世紀
Celts: ケルト人
wildlife: 野生動物
journey: 旅
grey seals: 灰色のアザラシ
stopped off: 途中下車した
fairytale: おとぎ話の
haunted: 幽霊が出る
ghosts: 幽霊