
2013年2月1日金曜日 -

Katie - Luna Sea at the Nippon Budokan

This January I went to Tokyo with a friend to see a concert.  I have loved music since I was very young and one of my hobbies is going to as many concerts as I can.

In high school I became interested in Japanese rock music when a friend introduced me to some bands that she liked. One of these bands was Luna Sea. They had been active for quite a long time so there was a lot of music for me to listen to and I loved it.
Luna Sea has been on hiatus for quite a while so when they announced a tour at the end of last year I knew I had to go.

Ochanoma Ryugaku instructors, Katie (right) and Sarah (left) outside the Nippon Budokan

The venue in Tokyo, Nippon Budokan, is really famous so I was excited to finally have the chance to go. Inside was amazing. The audience completely surrounded the stage and even though our seats were pretty far away and high in the stands, we could see everything! I'm used to attending very small concerts in cramped places so the amount of people in the crowd was shocking. 

    Inside the giant Nippon Budokan    
We went to two shows, one on Saturday and one on the Sunday. They played so many of my favorite songs and it was just as fantastic as I had hoped. Sunday also happened to be the drummer's birthday so instead of calling for an encore, all 20,000 people sang happy birthday. It was surreal to hear so many people singing together.

We also did a little sightseeing and shopping in Ikebukuro and Akihabara, but after the concerts we were pretty tired. This wasn't my first trip to Tokyo and it certainly won't be my last.

became interested in = 興味を持つようになった
active = 活動している
hiatus = 活動休止
announced = 発表した
venue = 会場
surrounded = 囲まれた
the stands = 観覧席/スタンド
cramped = 狭苦しい
crowd = 大勢の人
happened to be = たまたま~だった
instead =~ の他に
encore = アンコール
surreal = 現実を超越してまるで夢のような