
2023年3月18日土曜日 -

Jonathan - OSAKA





By Teacher Jonathan

I am from Toronto, Canada but I live in Osaka. I've lived in Osaka for a while, over eight years in total. Osaka has its own unique character from other places in Japan. I have, over the years, learned not only to speak in its unique dialect, but also to behave like an Osakan. One of these unique characteristics is to haggle, or ask for a lower price.

This week, I had to buy a new laundry machine. My old one broke. I went to the electronic store and asked for some advice from the store clerk. He took me through the many laundry machines and their functions. When it came to the end, I chose and it was time to talk about the price. Like a person from Osaka I haggled the price down and got a good deal. Usually it is a bit of a play that happens in a store. The customer will ask if the store can give them a better deal or cheaper price, the clerk will say it's a bit difficult, the customer will suggest that maybe they will check another store, and the clerk will say they will try their best with a smile. The result is a discount or some kind of extra items. Haggling is a part of Osaka's culture.

There is no harm in asking and often this process is enjoyed by both the customer and the clerk. The clerks are used to it, especially in an electronics store. Why should you spend more of your hard earned money than you need to? I suggest you haggle and get a good deal, especially when in Osaka. It can be great fun as well. Happy bargain hunting!

dialect : 方言、なまり
behave : ふるまう
characteristic : 特徴的な、特色
haggle : 値切る
clerk : 売り子、店員
function : 機能
deal : 取引する
harm : 不都合
earn : (働いて)稼ぐ