
2023年3月25日土曜日 -

Doyeong Jeong - 한국과 일본의 버스


今週のブログは韓国語講師のDoyeong Jeong先生です。


한국과 일본의 버스

By Teacher Doyeong Jeong

오늘은 한국의 버스에 대해 한일 어떤 것이 다른지 대해

살펴 보겠습니다

우선 한국의 버스는 일본의 버스와는 다르게 앞문으로 타서 뒷문으로

내리는데요(이로 인해 일본과 다르게 승차권이 없습니다)

그래서 탈때 돈을 먼저 지불하거나 교통카드로 교통비를 지불합니다

또한 일본과 달리 한국에는 스크린(번호와 함께 금액이 적혀있는 화면) 구비 되어있지 않습니다.

그래서 한국에서는 일본과 다르게 구간제가 아니라 일률제로 1300원등 대부분 비슷한 돈을 내고 탑승을 하게됩니다.

또한 버스에 탈때 거스름돈을 받을 있습니다.

만약 버스비가 1300 인데 2000원을 내면 700원의 거스름 돈을 기사님이 주십니다.

그리고 일본에서는 버스가 정차하면 승객들이 일어나지만 헌국에서는

버스가 정차하기전에 일어나서 준비하는 빨리빨리 민족의 모습을 보여줍니다. 일본은 안정성이고 한국은 신속성이죠.

일본에서는 커브를 할때 기사님이 말씀해주시지만 한국에서는 그런거 없이 돌기 때문에 스스로 주의를 요합니다. 주의하지 않으면 다칠수도 있으니 주의하시기 바랍니다.

그리고 한국에서는 환승 제도가 있는데 하차 30분이내(오후 9시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 1시간 ) 같은 차량 이외 다른 버스를 타면 무료/할인 제도가 적용되어 교통비도 일본에 비해 많이 쌉니다









2023年3月18日土曜日 -

Jonathan - OSAKA





By Teacher Jonathan

I am from Toronto, Canada but I live in Osaka. I've lived in Osaka for a while, over eight years in total. Osaka has its own unique character from other places in Japan. I have, over the years, learned not only to speak in its unique dialect, but also to behave like an Osakan. One of these unique characteristics is to haggle, or ask for a lower price.

This week, I had to buy a new laundry machine. My old one broke. I went to the electronic store and asked for some advice from the store clerk. He took me through the many laundry machines and their functions. When it came to the end, I chose and it was time to talk about the price. Like a person from Osaka I haggled the price down and got a good deal. Usually it is a bit of a play that happens in a store. The customer will ask if the store can give them a better deal or cheaper price, the clerk will say it's a bit difficult, the customer will suggest that maybe they will check another store, and the clerk will say they will try their best with a smile. The result is a discount or some kind of extra items. Haggling is a part of Osaka's culture.

There is no harm in asking and often this process is enjoyed by both the customer and the clerk. The clerks are used to it, especially in an electronics store. Why should you spend more of your hard earned money than you need to? I suggest you haggle and get a good deal, especially when in Osaka. It can be great fun as well. Happy bargain hunting!

dialect : 方言、なまり
behave : ふるまう
characteristic : 特徴的な、特色
haggle : 値切る
clerk : 売り子、店員
function : 機能
deal : 取引する
harm : 不都合
earn : (働いて)稼ぐ


2023年3月11日土曜日 -

Yen - Season of Waiting


タイトルは「Season of Waiting」です。


Season of Waiting

By Teacher Yen

As I was moving my thumb to scroll through my phone, without much thought of what I would see, I was taken aback when I saw a picture: a group of my batchmates, all smiling, and looking like they were having the best time celebrating a big life event together. They're living their dream while I'm stuck waiting for my breakthrough.

All too often, people talk about success like it's a competition. I treated it that way for a long time, too, but I finally started taking significant steps into making it into so much more than that.

We just have to take our season of waiting as a time of preparation: a time of growing, and learning. Instead of being envious towards others, invest in yourself in all kinds of new ways.

Photo credit:  https://i0.wp.com/amandakfoust.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/67161522_398834257408246_4243815678613651456_n.jpg?w=750&ssl=1




batchmate : 同級生、クラスメイト
breakthrough : 突破(口)
competition : 競争、試合
significant : 重要な、意味のある
envious : ねたんで、うらやましく思って


2023年3月4日土曜日 -

Bartolomeo - CICCIA





By Teacher Bartolomeo

Una delle cose che più mi manca dell'Italia è Ciccia, il mio cane. E' un bellissimo incrocio tra un bassotto e un bracco, insomma una grande salsiccia nera! Ciccia mi piace soprattutto perchè mi somiglia di carattere: entrambi siamo molto indipendenti e amanti della natura, e apprezziamo la compagnia di altre persone solo in determinate condizioni. Ci furono un paio di episodi, circa 3 anni fa, durante i miei ultimi giorni in Italia, che il suo comportamento mi colpì molto, facendomi sospettare che, forse, i cani hanno una sensibilità e un'intuizione più acuta di quello che pensiamo: erano le 11 di sera inoltrate e io feci per uscire di casa quando lei scese rapidamente la rampa di scale per venire con me. Non aveva mai fatto una cosa del genere.
Due giorni dopo, la data della mia partenza, avevo fatto le valigie ed ero pronto per andare in aeroporto quando mi resi conto di essermi dimenticato di salutarla. Tornai di corsa alla mia porta di casa e Ciccia era seduta lì, con un'aria quasi indignata, come offesa che mi fossi scordato di lei.
Voi cosa dite, amici? Secondo voi Ciccia aveva capito che stavo per partire per il Giappone? O fu solo una coincidenza?


2023年3月4日土曜日 -

Cha - Touching Hearts and Educating Minds




Touching Hearts and Educating Minds

By Teacher Cha

Teaching can be considered one of the most important jobs the world ever has had. My passion for teaching English has always been my driving force to wake up and keep doing this noble profession. In this line of work one has to spend many hours  discussing and interacting with people who may have different cultures and minds. The process might be tough but the aches and pains I feel are always turned into smiles of contentment and merriment. I am always blissful when my students graduate, knowing that I have been part of their struggle in learning English. I feel honored and my heart swells with pride for I have done something other people won't, and that is to teach others painstakingly.

 Image Source: https://www.dreamstime.com
