
2023年1月28日土曜日 -

Bartolomeo - GLI SCACCHI





By Teacher Bartolomeo

Sotto il vostro sguardo di comandante, la fanteria avanza tetramente verso il nemico, mentre la cavalleria imperversa per il campo di battaglia con agilità; dalle torri sono scagliati dardi fulminanti, mentre gli alfieri tagliano al re avversario ogni via di fuga. E' guerra aperta, ma, eccezionalmente, senza spargimenti di sangue! Le truppe sono di legno cesellato, e il campo di battaglia è un mosaico di caselle bianche e nere... Di che si tratta? Di scacchi, naturalmente!

Nato, si dice, nell'antica India, questo gioco giunse in Italia al più tardi nel Medioevo e ancora oggi  gode di una certa popolarità. Gli scacchi sono noti per la loro complessità, ma anche per la loro ampia fruibilità: per giocare, infatti, non sono necessarie scarpe o equipaggiamenti particolari, e imparare le regole richiede solo una manciata di minuti! E' possibile giocare ovunque, da internet ai caffè dedicati, dai parchi alle piazze cittadine, ma i luoghi più pittoreschi sono decisamente le scacchiere giganti in occasione delle festività, dove i pezzi sono interpretati da persone vere! (Nella foto, una partita a Ferrara, Italia)

A voi, amici, piace giocare a scacchi? O preferite gli shogi? Quale dei due è più difficile?

あなたの指揮の下、歩兵は厳かに敵に向かって進み、騎兵は俊敏に戦場を駆け巡り、塔からは稲妻が放たれ、旗手は敵の王の逃げ道をことごとく断ち切っていくのです。これは公開戦争でありながら、例外的に流血を伴わないのです! 部隊は彫刻を施された木で作られ、戦場は白と黒の正方形のモザイク模様。何のことを言っているか分かりますか?それはもちろん、チェスです!




2023年1月22日日曜日 -

Helene - Le gratin dauphinois


タイトルは「グラタン ・ ドフィノワ」です。


Le gratin dauphinois

By Teacher Helene

Avec l'arrivée de l'hiver, les températures diminuent et les gens tendent à vouloir des plats réconfortants qui collent au corps. Des plats à base de produits laitiers épais comme la crème ou le fromage font partie des menus hivernaux. Vous connaissez sûrement déjà la fondue savoyarde voir la raclette mais connaissez-vous le gratin dauphinois ?

Ce plat est originaire du Dauphiné, une région historique du sud-est de la France frontalière de l'Italie et de la Suisse. C'est un plat assez simple à cuisiner et peu coûteux mais dont la cuisson est lente. De base, il vous faudra seulement de pommes de terre à chair jaune pas trop ferme, de l'ail et du lait entier et/ou de la crème.

Après avoir lavé et épluché vos pommes de terre, coupez-les en fines rondelles. Attention, il ne faut pas les rincer ensuite afin de garder leur amidon. Puis, déposez-les en couches dans un plat à gratin beurré et aillé en incorporant la crème et/ou le lait aillé. Une fois l'épaisseur désirée atteinte, il ne vous reste qu'à faire cuire au four pas trop chaud pendant longtemps afin que les pommes de terre se gorgent du produit laitier et diffusent leur amidon.

Il est possible d'incorporer de la noix de muscade et/ou de recouvrir de fromage à gratiner, par exemple.

Et vous, que mangez-vous en hiver ?







2023年1月14日土曜日 -

Ramil - Wellspring of Huge Comfort


タイトルは「Wellspring of Huge Comfort」です。


Wellspring of Huge Comfort

By Teacher Ramil

Life without an interest is like food without the salt and pepper. These are the things which make living intriguing. One of these is keeping pets.

Pets are great mates. These days, an ever-increasing number of individuals keep dogs and cats to assist with shielding the house from hoodlums and thieves. However, for my situation, I keep birds, fish, hamsters and turtles. Would they be able to protect my house? Would they be able to bring joy? Here is my reaction. Absolutely yes!

Pets do amazing things for your life. They rejuvenate your feeling of prosperity. They give you love and laughter; however, above all, they bring you bliss. They couldn't care less about your looks, your monetary status, your social standing, your ideology, your race, or your age. Anyone who has cherished a pet realizes that a pet can be a wellspring of huge comfort in the midst of disappointment or sadness.

Photo credit: https://www.omlet.us/guide/parakeets/varieties_and_types/colors/





2023年1月10日火曜日 -

Silver - New Year's Resolutions




New Year's Resolutions

By Teacher Silver

With the new year, many people around the world are thinking about New Year's resolutions. What is a New Year's resolution you might ask. It's a plan to do something differently at the start of the new year.

For example, one of the most common New Year's resolutions is to lose weight, go on a diet, begin exercising, or eat healthier foods. This is the reason why more people sign up for gym memberships in January than any other time of the year. 

Although many people start the year with a strong motivation to eat healthier and exercise more, the vast majority of people return to their old habits by February. Some researchers have referred to this day when gym visits decline and fast food restaurant visits rise as the "Fall Off the Wagon Day."

Although many people "fall off the wagon," not everyone does. Some researchers have cited a few keys to staying on track with health and fitness goals. Those who exercise in groups, such as running or cycling groups, are more likely to maintain their new exercise habits. Making goals and tracking your progress with an app or journal is another way of maintaining new habits. Incorporating an indoor exercising activity, such as yoga or weight training, is yet another way to increase your odds of persevering.

Do you have any goals or aspirations for the new year?

What steps will you take to increase your chances of success?



多くの人が、より健康的な食事や運動をしようという強い動機を持って1年をスタートさせますが、大多数の人は2月までに以前の習慣に戻ってしまいます。ジムの利用が減り、ファストフード店の利用が増えるこの日を "Fall Off the Wagon Day "と呼ぶ研究者もいます。

多くの人が "Fall off the Wagon "になるものの、全員がそうなるわけではありません。研究者の中には、健康やフィットネスの目標を達成し続けるためのいくつかのキー(解決策)を挙げている人もいます。ランニングやサイクリングなどのグループで運動する人は、新しい運動習慣を維持する可能性が高いです。目標を立て、アプリや日記で進捗を確認することも、新しい習慣を維持する方法のひとつです。ヨガやウェイトトレーニングなど、室内でできる運動を取り入れるのも、継続の確率を上げる方法です。



参考文献 : Bloomberg、 「The Rise and Fall of New Year’s Fitness Resolutions, in 5 Charts」、 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-16/here-s-how-quickly-people-ditch-weight-loss-resolutions (2023年01月10日)