
2017年7月28日金曜日 -

Shawn Tips for tipping your server

One of the most confusing aspects of American culture is our habit of giving tips to people in the service industries. Deciding what to tip your server can be a very stressful thing for people who are not accustomed to this practice. Fortunately, there is a very easy strategy you can remember to always ensure you give an appropriate tip! 
       A good rule of thumb for standard service is to leave 15% of the bill as a tip. So if your total bill is $20, you should leave a $3 tip. If the server did a bad job, you might consider leaving 10% or even a bit less. If it was extremely bad, you can also opt not to leave a tip at all. For exceptional service you should leave 20% or more. If you have a very large group in the restaurant (eight people or more), you should also leave at least 20%.
       In some cases the restaurant automatically adds 20% to the bill for large parties, in this case you do not need to leave an extra tip unless you want to reward exceptional service. If you are not sure, you can ask the staff if the gratuity is included.

       The one thing you should never do is leave a penny as a tip ($.01). This is considered an extremely serious insult and will almost certainly result in the server confronting you about it. So don’t do it!

Word Bank:
rule of Thumb:大雑把な方法
