
2016年8月26日金曜日 -

Thiago: The Brazil beyond Rio and Sao Paulo

O Brasil é um país de proporções continentais, quinta maior nação do mundo, abriga uma enorme gama de culturas, diversos climas e vegetação. Contudo, turisticamente, raramente se é veiculado essa riquesa. Portanto, falaremos em uma série o que encontramos no Brasil além do trecho Rio-São Paulo.

Brazil is a country of continental proportions, the fifth largest nation in the world. It is home to a range of cultures, climates and vegetation. However, tourists rarely see this diversity. So, we will take a look at what we can find in Brasil beyond the Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo area.

Nesse episódio falaremos sobre o Estado de Minas Gerais.
Minas, como é geralmente chamado pelos brasileiros, tem esse nome devido à presença de muitas minas de minérios como o Ferro, Alumínio e OuroAlém dos minérios, outro produto feito em Minas e conhecido no mundo todo é o café. Nenhum outro produto é associado tanto com o Brasil quanto a bebida. Cerca de metade do café do Brasil vem de Minas.

First, we will look at the State of Minas Gerais (General Mines).
Minas, as it is usually called by Brazilians, takes its name from the presence of many iron, aluminum and gold mines. Besides minerals, another product from Minas, known throughout the world, is coffee. No other product is more associated with Brazil than this drink. Almost half of Brazil's coffee comes from Minas.

A mais famosa cidade nesse Estado é Ouro Preto. Ela leva esse nome devido a enorme quantidade de ouro lá encontrado. Foram cerca de 80 toneladas de ouro comercializados. Assim, a cidade se tornou, na época a mais pujante das Américas, ultrapassando até mesmo Nova Iorque.
The most famous city of the state is Ouro Preto (Black Gold). It takes its name from the huge amount of gold that was found there: about eighty tons were sold in the city. This made it the mightiest city of the Americas at that time, surpassing even New York.

Patrimonio Histórico da ONU, a cidade retém uma arquitetura barroca trazida por seus antigos colonizadores, os portugueses, assim mantendo uma atmosfera européia, porém com um clima mais tropical que te leva aos tempos de Brasil colonia. Lá, se pode encontrar diversas igrejas com bastantes obras de arte do famoso escultor Aleijadinho.

Designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Ouro Preto has a baroque architecture brought by its former colonizers, the Portuguese. It maintains a European atmosphere but with a tropical climate, which takes you back to Brazil's colonial days. You can find many churches there with works of art by the famous sculptor Aleijadinho.

riquesa diversity :豊富さ
minas :  mines :鉱山
Ferro iron :
Ouro gold :
AlémBesides :それ以外にも
conhecido known :知られている
associado associated :関連づけられる
bebida drink :飲み物
Ouro Preto :  Black Gold :ブラックゴールド
arquitetura barroca baroque architecture :バロック建築
atmosfera atmosphere :雰囲気
clima climate :気候


2016年8月19日金曜日 -

Mark Asuncion: Obon and Thanksgiving day

Hello again everyone,

How was your Obon Holiday? In the western world, we don't have a similar holiday to Obon, but we do have holidays that follow some of Obon's customs. My favorite of those holidays is Thanksgiving Day!

When America was still a young country, Native Americans offered help to the European settlers. The Native Americans taught the Europeans how to grow and forage for food. In celebration of a plentiful fall harvest, they held a great feast.

In modern times, families gather together to give thanks for all the happy things in their lives. Some families go on vacation or camping. Most families stay home and prepare a gorgeous home cooked dinner.

Roast turkey, mash potatoes, honey ham, and apple pie are among the modern foods prepared. My family is Chinese, so among the various traditional American foods, we also cook our favorite dishes.
We give thanks for the people who take care of us, enjoy various foods, and relax together. We don't usually pray to our ancestors, but I believe the spirit of the holiday is the same.

Thanksgiving Day:感謝祭
offered help:進んで手伝ってくれた 
European settlers:ヨーロッパからの移住者
grow and forage for food:食べ物を育てたり探したりする
the people who take care of us:お世話になっている人


2016年8月12日金曜日 -

Unsuk: Korean Supper - Chicken

한국의 야식 - 치킨
Korean Supper - Chicken

<치느님,치맥>이라고 들어본 적이 있어요?
후라이드 치킨에 관한 신조어 입니다.


Have you ever heard of Chinu-nimu or Chimeck?

They are “neologisms” (newly-coined words or expressions) for fried chicken.

치느님은 치킨+하느님 합한 단어예요.
<언제먹어도, 어디어서 먹어도 우리에게 행복을 내려주신다> 의미로 재밌게 종교처럼 표현한거예요.

チヌニムは チキン + ハヌニム(神様)の単語です。

Chinu-nimu is constructed with two words, “chicken” and “God”. It’s an expression to say that chicken is like God because it makes us happy whenever and wherever we eat it.

치맥은 치킨+맥주를 합한 신조어입니다.
<하느님이라고 말할 정도로 맛있는 치킨에 제일 어울리는 음료수 맥주!!> 의미입니다.
한국 드라마 「별에서 그대
여주인공인 전지현씨가 극중에서 즐겨 먹어서 유명해 지기도 했어요.

チメックは チキン + メッジュ(ビール) の新語です。
<神様 って言えるほど美味しいチキンに一番似合う飲み物ビール>という意味です。

Chimeck is constructed with “chicken” and “beer”. It’s an expression to say that beer is the drink that goes best with chicken. The word became popular when an actress from the popular Korean drama “A Guy from a Star” drank beer whilst eating chicken. 

한국에서 인기가 많은 치킨은 종류 많아요.
기본적으로는후라이드 치킨과 양념치킨이 있어요.
후라이드 치킨은 일반적인 후라이드 치킨과 바삭한 식감의 크리스피 치킨이 있어요.
양념치킨은 맵고 양념이 발라져 있는 일반 양념치킨, 간장 베이스의 간장치킨, 간장 베이스에 다진 마늘을  넣은 마늘치킨이 있습니다.


Chicken is very popular in Korea and there are many different dishes.
Basically, there are two main types of dishes: fried chicken and seasoned (Yanhyong) chicken.
Fried chicken can be prepared in two ways: ordinary and crispy.

Seasoned chicken can be prepared in three ways: ordinary Yanhyong chicken, made with a sweet and spicy sauce; Ganjang chicken, made with soy sauce; and Manulu chicken, made with garlic paste and soy sauce.

맛있지만 단점 있어요.
치킨은 칼로리 폭탄이라고도 해요.
특히 치맥은 뱃살의 원인이라고도 해요.
하지만 <맛있게 먹으면 0 칼로리!!>
한번 먹어보세요~ ^^

特に チメックはお腹のぜい肉の主な原因だとも言われています。
でも、<美味しく食べたら 0 カロリ-!!>

Although chicken is delicious, it also has a downside. Chicken is sometimes called a “calorie bomb. In particular, people say that Chimeck is the main cause of flab around the waist.
But if we can enjoy eating, the number of calories doesn't matter!

Please try Korean chicken at least once!

야식yasig 夜食Supper
하느님haneunim 神様God
단어dan-eo 単語words
종교jong-gyo 宗教
표현한pyohyeonhan 表現expression
음료수eumlyosu 飲み物drink
맥주maegju ビールbeer
종류jonglyu 種類types
기본적gibonjeog 基本的にBasically
일반적인ilbanjeog-in 一般的なordinary
바삭한basaghan サクサクしたcrispy
맵고maebgo 辛くspicy
dan 甘いsweet
간장ganjang 醤油soy sauce
다진 마늘을dajin maneul-eul すりにんにくgarlic paste
단점danjeom 短所downside
칼로리kalloli カロリーcalorie
폭탄pogtan 爆弾bomb
특히teughi 特にIn particular

원인ju won-in 主な原因main cause


2016年8月5日金曜日 -

Chiara: Trip to Miyajima and Hiroshima

Quando vivevo in Italia mi capitava spesso di guardare su interent delle fotografie del Giappone e un giorno fui molto colpita da una fotografia che ritraeva un bellissimo Torii arancione spuntare dal mare. Era il Torii del santuario di Itsukushima a Miyajima. Fui molto affascinata da quel bellissimo panorama e mi dissi che se fossi andata in Giappone avrei dovuto assolutamente andare a vedere quel bellisimo posto.

When I was living in Italy, I would often look at pictures of Japan on the Internet. One day I was struck by a photograph depicting a beautiful orange torii rising out of the sea. It was the torii of the Itsukushima Shrine at Miyajima. I was fascinated by that beautiful scene and I told myself that if I ever went to Japan I would definitely go to see that beautiful place.

Ed eccomi qui, anni dopo, finalmente il mio sogno è diventato realtà.
Questa estate sono andata a visitare Miyajima e Hiroshima.
Dopo essermi fermata ad Okayama per la notte, mi sono svegliata all'alba per raggiungere Miyajima in mattinata. Alle otto ero già sul traghetto diretta all'isola con pochi altri turisti. Era una bella giornata e appena sbarcata sull'isola vengo accolta da alcuni cerbiatti ancora un po' assonnati. Mi sono subito diretta verso il santuario e il Torii è apparso davanti ai miei occhi sommerso per metà dal mare. Era una vista stupenda! Guardare quel panorama mi rilassava e mi rendeva felice.

And here I am, a few years later, and my dream has finally come true. This summer I visited Miyajima and Hiroshima.
After staying in Okayama for the night, I woke up at dawn to arrive at Miyajima in the early morning. At eight o’clock I was on the ferry to the island with a few other tourists. It was a beautiful day and when we got off the ferry we were greeted by some sleepy fawns.
I immediately headed towards the shrine and the torii appeared before my eyes, half-submerged by the sea. It was a wonderful sight! Looking at that scene made me feel relaxed and happy.

Dopo aver fatto un numero infinito di foto, sono entrata nel santuario. C'era l'alta marea e il santuario sembrava galleggire sull'acqua. C'erano sono pochi turisti e sono riuscita a godermi in tranquillità la magia del posto. Mi trasmetteva una sensazione di calma e serenità.

After taking numerous photographs, I entered the shrine. It was high tide and the shrine seemed to be floating. There were only a few tourists so I was able to enjoy the magic of the place in peace and quiet. I had a feeling of calm and serenity.

Lasciato il santuario di Itsukushima ho fatto una passeggiata per Miyajima e poi sono andata nella via principale, piena di negozi, per assaggiare le famose ostriche.
Verso mezzogiorno sono tornata nella città di Hiroshima per mangiare il piatto tipico, l'Okonomiyaki.
Nel pomeriggio ho visitato il Parco della Pace. Ho passeggiato lungo il fuiume fino alla Cupola della bomba atomica. Nonostante ci fossero molti turisti l'atmosfera era silenziosa, quasi nessuno parlava, tutti sembravano rispettare la sacralità del luogo. Ho pregato per tutte le vittime della bomba atomica.

Leaving Itsukushima Shrine, I took a walk around Miyajima and then went to the main shopping street to try the famous oysters.
Around noon, I went back to Hiroshima city and ate okonomiyaki, a typical local dish.
In the afternoon I visited the Peace Memorial Park. I strolled along the river to the A-Bomb Dome. Although there were a lot of tourists, the atmosphere was quiet: hardly anyone spoke, everyone seemed to respect the sanctity of the place. I prayed for all the victims of the atomic bomb.

Dopo aver attraversato il parco ho visitato il Museo della Pace. È stata un esperienza forte e dolorosa, ma molto importante. Credo che tutti dovrebbero conoscere gli effetti terribili della bomba atomica affinché nel fututo non accada più una tragedia simile.
È stata una giornata intensa, ma sono tornata a casa arricchita dalle esperienze fatte. Sia Miyajima che Hiroshima mi hanno emozionato molto, spero di poterci tornare presto.

After crossing the park, I visited the Peace Memorial Museum. It was a hard and painful experience, but a very important one. I think everybody should know the terrible effects of the atomic bomb so that a tragedy like that won't ever happen again in the future.
It was a long day, but I came back home enriched by the experience. Both Miyajima and Hiroshima moved me a lot. I hope I can visit them again soon.

sbarcata get off:下船する
alta mareahigh tide:満潮
affinchéso that:だから
