
2016年7月7日木曜日 -

Club 9 Lessons: July Week Two

7/09John K

The term “helicopter parent” is used to describe a parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of their child or children. Some parents believe that putting too much pressure on children has adverse effects. Others argue that such pressure is necessary to motivate children who are lazy or uninterested in school. What do you think is the best way to motivate children to learn or study? How much pressure is too much pressure? What other challenges do modern-day parents and educators face and what are the best ways to deal with them?

Social Media

The application Line, which is used for instant communications on electronic devices such as smartphones, tablet computers and personal computers, now has 50 million users in Japan (40% of the population). With such widespread use of Line and other social media, communication and lifestyles have changed world wide. What impact has social media had on your life? How do you think social media use has changed Japan and the world? What does the future hold for social media and communication?

7/13 – LawryThe News

We’re going to talk about what’s been happening in the world and in Japan.