
2016年2月26日金曜日 -

Tony: Happy March everybody!

As you might know, I'm from Canada. Vancouver Island specifically, but since most of the cities on the Island are relatively small, I thought you might be more interested in hearing about Vancouver city and what kinds of things happen there in March.

The biggest thing going on during March is March Break (or Spring Break). Public school students have two weeks off starting March 14th to gather their energy before the final push to the end of the school year in June. Amusement parks, shopping centres, and ski hills can be quite busy around this time.

Then there is the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. Vancouver's climate is quite similar to parts of east Japan which means that ornamental cherry trees do very well there. Japan has far more parks and avenues where people can see the cherry blossoms, but as a country that has serious winters, you can rest assured that Canada's early blossoms are highly anticipated.  The festival runs from the end of March into the first weeks of April. That's according to the city calendar. The blossoms themselves will follow their own schedule, just like in Japan.

Tons of activities are scheduled in March throughout the city: Farmers' Markets, The Polar Plunge (a Special Olympics Charity event where people jump into the Ocean on March 5th to raise money for charity), the Vancouver Canucks have several home games in the month, the Festival du Bois (a francophone festival), Madam Butterfly at the Vancouver Opera, and dozens more.

Like other world-class cities, Vancouver has more going on at any one time than could possibly be kept track of. In my opinion, the greatest thing about a Canadian spring is that the idea of spring arriving is so seductive after the long winter that people step out and start living the idea even though it is, to be truthful, still pretty cold in March.

March Temperatures in Vancouver:
Average Daily High: 10 degrees Celsius

Average Daily Low: 2 degrees Celsius

rest assured that:ご安心ください
Tons of:たくさんの(少し大げさに言いたい時)
raise money for charity:チャリティにお金を募る
The Polar Plunge寒中水泳イベント
the Vancouver Canucks:バンクーバーを本拠地にするアイスホッケーチーム
the Festival du Bois:「森祭り」フランス系カナダ人のカルチャーフェスティバル
kept track of:把握する


2016年2月24日水曜日 -

CLUB 9 Lessons: February Week 4

大好評のレベル9向けのスペシャルレッスン「Club9」。お茶の間留学Instructor Blogでは、「Club9」の情報をお届けします!ぜひレッスン前にご覧ください!

February 27th @ 16:40 – Shawn

American Presidential Primary Election

The top candidates (thus far) in the US presidential primaries are an interesting group of people. One is being investigated by the FBI; another is a self-proclaimed socialist and another is a billionaire businessman whose opinions are polarizing his political party. We’re going to discuss why these three have risen to the top of the field. Do you think they would be popular as candidates in Japan? What about the rest of the candidates? Do you think any of them could seriously challenge the top three?

February 28th @ 13:20 – Tony

The art of fictional storytelling precedes the invention of writing and has helped people make sense of the world. Could you imagine if there were no works of fiction? Which specific piece of fiction, either a novel, a song, a play, a movie or a television show, is your favorite? How has it affected you? Are there any pieces of fiction you think everyone should read or see? If so, why?

March 2nd @ 20:00 – Alan
Driverless Cars

Major Japanese car manufacturers expect to have autonomous vehicles to market by 2020. Tesla Motors expects to have one available in 2018. How do you feel about owning a driverless car in the future? Would you trust a computer to drive your car for you? Why or why not? Computers sometimes crash and have to be rebooted. How do you think this will be addressed in driverless cars? We’ll discuss the pros and cons driverless cars. We’ll also discuss liability issues. If a driverless car causes an accident, who is liable . . . the owner of the car or the computer manufacturer?


2016年2月20日土曜日 -

CLUB 9 Lessons: February Week 3

お茶の間留学Instructor Blogでは、「Club9」の情報をお届けします!

February 20th @ 16:40 - John K

Evolution of Different Cuisines

We’re going to look at a current food trend happening at restaurants called global flavors. This trend marries the signature flavors and ingredients of different national cuisines to create an entirely different world of tastes. For example, in Chicago, one of its iconic foods, the all-beef hot dog, is topped with kimchi salsa and egg noodles. Other examples of these “mash ups” are Moroccan spices on pizza and Korean BBQ in a taco shell. What do you think of these combinations? Do you see distinct national cuisine giving way to an international cuisine?

February 21st @ 13:20 – Mark H

“Old School” vs. “Digital Age”

Music went from vinyl records to cassette tapes to CDs to digital downloads. Movies went from VHS tapes to DVDs to streaming video. Taking pictures went from using 35 mm film to instamatic film to memory cards. We are going to discuss the shift from an analog world to a digital world. No one can argue that the quality of digital is amazing, but some say that the unique sound of a vinyl record cannot truly be captured digitally. What do you think? Do you miss the analog products of yesterday? Are there any analog products that you still use today?

February 24th @ 20:00  – Katie

Changing Holiday Customs

We are going to look at how the customs associated with certain holidays have changed over the years. For example, Halloween costumes originated from the Celts to disguise themselves as spirits and demons so the real ones couldn’t hurt them. Nowadays, children are dressed in costumes so they can go out and get candy from their neighbors. We’re going to look at how holiday celebrations and customs have changed over time. Can you think of any Japanese holidays that are celebrated differently now than in the past? Which type of celebration do you prefer?


2016年2月19日金曜日 -

Jinhyoung: 6 tips to help you fight the cold

안녕하세요 다들 지내고 계신가요? 저는 연말에 한국에 다녀왔는데요. 역시나 한국은 정말 추웠습니다. 저는 추위를 타기 때문에 항상 몸을 따뜻하게 하려고 하는데요. 좋은 정보가 있어서 여러분에게 추위를 이기 방법 6가지를 소개해드릴려고 합니다.

Hello, everybody. How are you? My name's Jinhyoung. I went back to Korea at the end of last year. It was really cold there. When it's cold, I try to keep myself warm because if I don’t, I always catch a cold. So, I’d like to share six tips for beating the cold.

첫번째는 잠에서 깨면 누워서 발끝 세우기 입니다.
아침잠에서 깼을 , 간단한 운동으 몸을 따뜻하게 할수 있습니다. 발목을 돌리기 전에는 발가락을 세웠다 내리는 동작을 20 반복합니다. 그리고 나서 다리에 힘을 줬다 빼는 동작을 10 반복하고 그후 같은 방법으로 엉덩이에 힘을 줬다 빼는 동작을 10회정도 합니다. 동작은 혈액순환 증진시켜 몸을 따뜻하게 해줍니다.

The first tip is an exercise that starts with the toes when you wake up.
When you wake up, you can warm your body up with a simple exercise while you are still lying in bed. Point your toes towards the ceiling and then lower them twenty times. Then, flex and relax your leg muscles ten times and do the same with your buttocks. This exercise will improve your blood circulation and warm up your body.

두번째는 털모자 쓰지 않기.
몸에서 발생하는 열의 30% 머리로 빠져나가기 때문에 모자 쓰는 것이 체온유지에 좋다고 하지만 모자를 골라야합니다. 귀까지 덮는 모자가 좋고, 울로 털모자보다는 천연섬유보다가볍고 보온력이 좋은 폴리스 재질 모자를 쓰는 것이 좋습니다, 폴리스 재질의 모자는 머리와 모자 사이에 생기는 공기를 잡아주기 때문에 열이 사라지는 것을 막아줍니다.

 The second tip is not to wear a fur hat.

It’s said that thirty per cent of our body heat is lost via the head so pick a good hat. A good hat covers the ears, and heat-generating fleece hats are better than wool or natural material hats because they are better at trapping the air between the head and the hat and preventing the heat from disappearing.

세번째는 커피 마시지 말기.
뜨거운 차나 커피는 몸을 따뜻하게 해줍니다. 하지만 카페인 함유된 음료는 몸이 따뜻해지는것을 방해합니다. 카페인이 추위와 싸우는 혈관을 막기 때문입니다. 때문에 밖에서 먹는 카페인 성분이 음료는 추위를 느끼게 할수 있습니다. 따라서 카페인 성분을 줄인 디카페인 커피나 허브티 마시는 것이 좋습니다.

The second tip is not to wear a fur hat.

It’s said that thirty per cent of our body heat is lost via the head so pick a good hat. A good hat covers the ears, and heat-generating fleece hats are better than wool or natural material hats because they are better at trapping the air between the head and the hat and preventing the heat from disappearing.

네번째는 단백질이 풍부한 음식먹기.
전문가들은 탄수화물, 지방보다 단백질 체내에 흡수되기 어려워서 단백질을 소화시킬때 많은 에너지를 소비하게 된다고 말합니다. 과정에서 만들어진 열은 몸을 따뜻하게 합니다. 단백질이 풍부한 음식으로는 치즈와 우유가 있고 요거트에 견과류를 올려 먹어도 단백질을 섭취 있습니다.

The fourth tip is eat more protein.

Experts say that protein is harder to digest than carbohydrates and fats. To digest protein we need more energy, and the heat generated in this process raises the body temperature. Milk and cheese are common foods rich in protein. We can also try adding some nuts to yoghurt to increase our intake of protein!

다섯번째는 수분크림 바르기.
습진 피부염 겪고 있는 사람이라면 날씨가 추울 때는 평소보다 수분크림 바르는 것이 좋습니다. 염증이 있는 피부는 몸에서 많은 열을 빼앗아가는데 감연균이 피부표면에 혈관을 조절하기 때문입니다. 이런 현상을 방지하기 위해 수분크림을 많이 발라주거나 스테로이드 크림같은 소염제품을 발라주는 것이 좋습니다.

The fifth tip is moisturizing cream.

If you have delicate skin and suffer from eczema and dermatitis, I recommend applying more moisturizing cream than usual when it’s cold. It’s said that the thermoregulatory function is weaker on inflamed skin. So, to protect yourself from skin trouble, moisturizing cream might help. 

여섯번째는주머니에 넣지 않기.
추울 주머니 손을 넣는 것은 자연스러운 행동입니다. 하지만 손을 넣지 않고 걷는 것이 추위를 있다고 전문가들은 말합니다. 자연스럽게 손을 흔들면서 걷는 행동은 근육을 움직이게 혈류 증가시키고 몸의열을 발생시킬 있기 때문입니다.
The sixth and final tip is not to put your hands into your pockets.

When it’s cold, we usually put our hands into our pockets, but some specialists point out that it’s not a good way to beat the cold. Swinging your hands while walking is good exercise for the muscles and increases the flow of blood, and can generate heat in the body.

추위를 타기chuwileul tagi: catch a cold:風邪をひく
좋은 정보joh-eun jeongbo: tips:いい情報
추위를 이기는chuwileul igineun: beating the cold:寒さに打ち勝つ
운동으undong: exercise: exercise:運動
줬다 빼는jwossda ppaeneun: flex and relax:力を入れたりいたりする
혈액순환hyeol-aegsunhwan: blood circulation:血液の循環
증진jeungjin: improve: improve:改善する
모자moja: hat:帽子
폴리스 재질polliseu jaejil: fleece:フリス素材
천연섬유cheon-yeonseom-yu: natural material:天然
카페인kapein: caffeine :カフェイン
방해합니다banghaehabnida: disturb :妨げる
디카페인dikapein: decaffeinat:カフェインきの
허브티heobeuti: herbal teas:ブティ
탄수화물tansuhwamul: carbohydrates:炭水化物
지방jibang: fats:脂肪
단백질danbaegjil: protein:タンパク質
소화sohwa: digest:消化
섭취seobchwi: intake:
습진seubjin: eczema:アトピ性皮膚炎
피부염pibuyeom: dermatitis:皮膚炎
수분크림subunkeulim: moisturizing cream:湿クリ
주머니jumeoni: pockets:ポケット
흔들면서heundeulmyeonseo: Swinging:振る
혈류hyeollyu: flow of blood:血流