
2015年4月24日金曜日 -

Richard:Springtime in Osaka

Spring is here again. It is one of my favorite seasons. The weather is gradually getting warmer. My body is welcoming the daytime warmth and looking forward to the nighttime coziness. As the temperature gradually rises and the smell of the air changes, you really get the feeling that spring is here again.

I have never heard anyone say they don't like spring. Spring is a season for everyone. The elderly won't feel as cold, kids can return to the parks, families can resume their barbecues, and young people can hang out outdoors once again.

Why do I like spring?

The answer is in the air. The answer is in the trees, in the flora and fauna. The answer is in the atmosphere. The answer is in the sunrise and the sunset.

You can smell the blossoming flowers, you can see the hedges, bushes and trees alike, blossoming and bearing fruit.

You can see birds and other animals with what seems to be a renewed energy, a renewed spirit that says: “Winter is over, spring is here”. The sunset seems more beautiful in spring, as does the sunrise. As if they are saying: “Change is here, I have brought you the warmth of spring.”

It seems as though everything is renewed in spring.
Spring brings renewal and freshness.
Spring brings the happy laughter of kids.

Spring brings peace and relaxation.


hang outブラブラする


2015年4月17日金曜日 -

Youlee: Self-Wedding, the new fashion in Korea

안녕하세요 노바 학생 여러분!
저는 유리라고 합니다. 블로그로는 처음 인사드리네요.
벚꽃 만개하는 4월이네요.
한국에서는 봄에 결혼식 많이 치뤄진답니다. 지인들도 이번 봄에 결혼식을 치룰텐데요, 커플은 요즘 한국에서 유행하는셀프웨딩스타일로 결혼식을 진행할 예정이라고 합니다.
오늘은 한국에서의셀프웨딩트렌드를 소개해보도록 하겠습니다.

Hello everyone. My name is Youlee Choi. I think this is the first time for me to say “Hi” on this blog.
It's already April, the time when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. In Korea, spring is the most popular season for getting married. A few of my friends will get married this spring, and some of them will have a ‘Self-Wedding’. 'Self-Weddings' are fashionable in Korea right now. Do you know what they are? Let’s check out the 'Self-Wedding' trend in Korea.

 커플마다 다르지만, 대개 결혼식 비용 줄이기 위해 '셀프웨딩' 선택합니다. 조사결과에 따르면 1 평균 결혼식 비용은 5천만원을 넘는다고 합니다. 하지만, '셀프웨딩' 경우 600만원으로 해결하는 경우도 있기에 돈보다 시간이 많이 들여서 준비하는 경우가 많아진 것입니다. 나아가 직접 결혼식이 치뤄질 장소와 드레스 장식품들을 준비하기 때문에 원하는 원하는 스타일로 진행할 수도 있으니 일석이조 셈입니다.

So, what is a 'Self-Wedding'?
Weddings in Korea can be expensive. According to research, couples pay on average 10,000,000 yen for their wedding ceremony. In order to reduce costs, couples have started organizing their own weddings. This trend is known as the “Self Wedding”. By arranging their own wedding, couples can reduce the cost to as little as 600,000 yen. Also, since the couple makes all the arrangements themselves, they can add their own unique style to the wedding and in doing so kill two birds with one stone.

셀프 스튜디오나 교회 같은 곳도 인기가 있지만 최고로 인기가 많은 곳은 서울의 전통한옥레스토랑들입니다. 오늘날 한옥 보거나 그곳에서 사는 것은 아주 드물기 때문에 젊은 커플들에게 한옥은 특별합니다. 또한 한옥일 뿐만 아니라 레스토랑이기에 손님들에게 제공할 음식 또한 해결할 있어서 번거로움을 줄일 있습니다.

Many 'Self-Weddings' are held in churches, but the most popular venue for a 'Self-Wedding' is a traditional Korean house, known as a ‘Han-ok’. Since it's not common to live in or even see a ‘Han-ok’ these days, many couples view the traditional architecture as a special place for a wedding. As many ‘Han-oks’ are now restaurants, the happy couple can often get a great deal on catering, too.
인생 . 여성들에게 웨딩드레스가 가지는 의미는 큽니다. 하지만 벌을 사기에는 너무 비쌉니다. 그래서 신부들은 인터넷으로 원하는 스타일의 아름다운 드레스를 구매합니다. 만약 하나만 고르기 너무 어렵다면 모두 사서 셀프웨딩촬영 입기도 한답니다.

For a once in a lifetime experience, everything must be perfect - particularly the wedding dress. As it can be very expensive to buy a dress from a store, many young brides search online for beautiful dresses at cheaper prices. If they can’t decide on one, they will buy all of the ones they like the best and wear them for their 'Self-Wedding' photo shoot.

, 친구들이 DJ 되어주거나 축의금 대신 사랑을 듬뿍 담은 음식을 파티에 가져오는 등의 색다른 즐거움도 많이 찾아 있는 '셀프웨딩'입니다. 많은 시간을 준비하는 데에 보낼수록 많은 사랑을 나누는 기회가 되는 같습니다. , '셀프웨딩', 여러분도 어떠세요?
감사합니다. :)

As well as the above, there are many more fun things about a ‘Self Wedding’. For example, having your friends DJ at the after party or bringing food as a gift instead of the more traditional envelope of money. The more time you spend preparing your wedding, the more you can share the love with all of your guests. So, why don’t you try this style of wedding for yourself, or suggest it to one of your friends?

Thank you. J

벚꽃 bo-kkot cherry blossom
결혼식 gyo-ron-sikwedding (ceremony)結婚式
비용 bi-yongcost費用
평균 pyeong-gyunaverage平均
일석이조 il-sok-i-jokilling two birds with one stone一石二鳥
교회 gyo-hwea church教会
전통 jeon-tongtradition伝統
한옥 ha-nokthe Korean-style house韓屋(韓国の伝統的な家屋)
인생 in-senga lifetime人生
아름다운 a-rum-da-unbeautiful美しい

축의금 chu-gi-gummoney gift for happy occasionsご祝儀