
2014年7月18日金曜日 -

Jessica : My favorite place in Kobe

Bisher war ich noch nicht oft in Kobe, aber dies wird sich aendern. Ich habe einen Ort entdeckt, den ich etwas mehr erforschen will.
Es handelt sich dabei um das Filmarchiv in Shin-Nagata.
In einem Filmarchiv kann man alte Filmzeitschriften, Drehbuecher, Kameras, Kostueme und aehnliches sehen. Zusaetzlich gibt es in Kobe Stummfilmvorfuehrungen und Praesentationen zu verschiedenen Themen. Ich habe einen Vortrag ueber den Schauspieler Buster Keaton() angesehen.

So far, I haven't spent much time in Kobe but this might change now. I recently discovered a nice place, which I want to explore more.
I am talking about the film archive in Shin-Nagata.
In a film archive, you can read old movie magazines and screenplays and look at old cameras and movie costumes. Additionally, the film archive in Kobe screens silent movies and presentations on movies. I have seen one about Buster Keaton().

Ich denke, manche hier fragen sich, was Stummfilme sind. Stummfilme sind die ersten Filme, die gedreht wurden. Sie hatten noch keine Dialoge. Die Era der Stummfilme begann in den 1890gern und endete in den spaeten 1920gern, als man anfieng, Tonfilme zu drehen, wie den “Jazz Singer”.

Some of you might be wondering what silent movies are. Silent movies were the first movies. They had no dialogue. The first ones were shot in the 1890s and the silent movie era ended when movies with sound started to be produced in the late 1920s, after the movie “The Jazz Singer” was screened.

Viele Leute fragen mich, warum ich Stummfilme mag. Ich denke Stummfilme sind grossartig. Lilllian Gish (eine Stummfilmschauspielerin, die bekannt war fuer ihre dramatisches Schauspielern) hat einmal gesagt dass Stummfilme keine Dialoge hat, darum versteht man sie ueberall auf der Welt.

I can imagine many of you may be asking yourselves why I like silent movies.

Silent movies are great. As Lillian Gish (a silent movie star who was famous for her dramatic acting style) said, silent movies have no dialog; therefore it’s possible to understand movies from all over the world, without problems.

Frueher hatte man noch keine moderne Technik und hat zum Beispiel einen Mann mit Pudding im Gesicht als Mond genommen. Man hatte wenig und war kreativ. Das gefaellt mir an den Stummfilmen.

At that time, people did not have the technology that we have nowadays. They used a man with pudding on his face as the moon, for example. They had little and made the best out of it. That is why I enjoy silent movies.

Wenn man in das Archiv in Kobe geht, fuehlt man sich in diese Zeit zurueckversetzt. Man sieht die alte Technick, kann Drehbuecher und Zeitschriften mit Artikeln von Sessue Hayakawa() oder Marlene Dietrich lesen. Es gibt aber nicht nur alte Filme dort. Das Archiv unterstuetzt auch junge Filmkuenstler und fuehrt die Filme von ihnen vor. Darum denke ich, das Archiv ist ein toller Platz fuer Filmfreunde und Fans.

The Kobe film archive brings those times back to life. You can see the old techniques, people used back then and you can read movie magazines with articles about Sessue Hayakawa() or Marlene Dietrich. The archive also supports young, current film makers and helps them to shoot and screen movies. That is why I think that the film archive in Kobe is quite a nice place to spend a day, especially if you are a film buff like me.

Wenn Sie noch nie einen Stummfilm gesehen haben, empfehle ich Ihnen die Filme “The Kid” von Charlie Chaplin, “Das Kabinet des Dr. Caligari (ein deutscher Film) und “Der General” mit Buster Keaton.

If you have never seen a silent movie, I recommend either “The Kid” from Charlie Chaplin, “Das Kabinet des Dr. Caligari” (a German movie) or “The General” with Buster Keaton. 

Buster Keaton war ein Stummfilm Komiker, der fuer sein “steinerndes Gesicht” beruehmt war. Sein Gesicht veraenderte sich nie. Er hat nie gelaechelt oder war veraergert. Darum bekam er diesen Spitznamen.
Buster Keaton was a silent movie comedian who was famous for his stone-like face. His facial expression never changed. He never smiled or looked annoyed. That is why he got his nickname. 

Sessue Hayakawa war der erste japanische Filmschauspieler, der in Hollywood erfolgreich war.
Sessue Hayakawa was the first Japanese actor to become famous in Hollywood.

Filmarchivfilm archive:映画資料館
einen Film drehento shoot a movie:映画を撮影すること
ueberall auf der Weltall over the world:世界中の
einen Film vorfuehrento screen movies:映画を上映する


2014年7月11日金曜日 -

Josue: My favorite sport's team

During my childhood, I did not like playing sports very much. I also did not enjoy watching sports. The only exception was baseball and soccer. My brother liked playing baseball, so I would sometimes play with him. My father later enrolled us in a children's baseball league, but my brother and I were the worst players on our team, so the coach would hardly play us. 

As for soccer, I would sometimes play it during recess time when I was in elementary school. While playing soccer one day, I accidentally scored a goal for the opposing team. All the kids on my team were angry with me and called me names. Therefore, I grew to dislike team sports.

 During high school, my physical education class often had me playing basketball. I was very bad, and I was always the last person to be chosen to be on a team. I couldn’t dribble. I couldn't shoot. I couldn't pass. I couldn't do anything! I hated basketball. A few years after high school, when I was 21 years old, I read a short biography on a basketball player by the name of David Robinson. I enjoyed reading about him, and I thought he was a genuinely nice guy. I wanted to know more about him, and wanted to see him. One day, I went to my parent's house, and my younger brother was watching NBA basketball. I told him that I recently became interested in a basketball player named David Robinson, and he told me that he was watching him now play on his favorite team, the San Antonio Spurs. This was in 1997.

My brother started telling me about the Spurs. He told me that the Spurs had a new rookie player by the name of Tim Duncan and how he was an excellent player. He also told me about their coach, Gregg Popovich. The organization always tries to bring to the team players who have good character and are good citizens. The Spurs were a good team when I started watching them, and they won their first championship in 1999. It was an awesome experience.

As for:~はどうかといえば
recess time:休み時間
called me names:悪態をつく


2014年7月4日金曜日 -

Riccardo: The city of Nara, Kansai, Japan

Qualche giorno fa ho finalmente visitato per la prima volta la bellissima e suggestiva città di Nara.

A few days ago I finally visited the beautiful and charming city of Nara for the first time ever. 

Questa città, tanto tempo fa tra il 710 e il 794, fu dapprima un’antica capitale e solo successivamente divenne un luogo di alto interesse culturale e artistico. Denominazione che vanta ancora oggi essendo anche stata dichiarata patrimonio dellumanità dall’Unesco.

A long time ago, between 710 and 794, this city was the ancient capital of Japan. It has since become a valuable place still today known for its culture and art as well as its UNESCO World Heritage Site status   

La maggior parte delle guide turistiche indica che Nara puo’ essere facilmente visitata in mezza giornata. Sembrerebbe essere quindi il luogo ideale per trascorrere una tranquilla domenica in famiglia o con gli amici assaporando il fascino di un Giappone incontaminato dall’architettura moderna.

Most travel books say that Nara can be easily visited in half a day. It thus seems to be the ideal Sunday place for families and friends.

In questa citta’ sicuramente una delle attrazioni principali è la presenza dei molti cervi dall’aspetto quasi divino che vagano per i bellissimi parchi e le vie della città alla richiesta esplicita di cibo da parte dei numerosi turisti.

One of the greatest attractions in this city is the presence of deer roaming the beautiful parks and city streets with their majestic look, explicitly requesting food from the many tourists. 

Tra i numerosi templi buddisti che possiamo visitare, il più significativo è sicuramente quello di Todaiji al cui interno è possibile visitare, per una modica cifra pagata all’ingresso, una gigantesca scultura di 16 metri di altezza rappresentante il Budda, simbolo di una religione che ha avuto una grande diffusione in Giappone. 

Among the many visitable Buddhist temples, the most significant is Todaiji’s temple where it is possible, for just a few yen, to see a giant Buddha statue which is 15 meters tall.  

La mia giornata di visita si è poi conclusa pernottando in un caratteristico ryokan giapponese, dove ho potuto tentare per la mia prima volta di “entrare“ in un ofuro, gustare un’ottima cena tipica servita in una tranquilla stanzetta arredata secondo i canoni tradizionali e indossando lo yukata e infine appisolandomi felice e soddisfatto sopra un soffice e accogliente futon.    

After visiting the city, I decided to stay overnight in a traditional Japanese ryokan, where I could “enter” an ofuro for the first time, eat a wonderful typical dinner served in a nice room furnished in Japanese classic style while wearing a yukata and, finally, fall asleep happy and grateful on a soft and cozy futon.

la prima voltathe first time:初めて
mezza giornatahalf a day:半日
templi buddistiBuddhist temples:仏教寺院