
2013年5月17日金曜日 -

Hugh - Cherry Blossom and Red Leaves

Before I came to Japan, I never really enjoyed viewing cherry blossoms and red leaves. It’s just not something that we do in England. Of course we do have cherry blossoms and the leaves do change color. However, when I think about autumn leaves I usually think about the huge trees in front of my house and busy weekends sweeping up the dry rustling leaves from my driveway. In England autumn leaves = work!
So it was new and refreshing for me to enjoy cherry blossom and red leave viewing with my friends in Japan. I especially enjoyed my trips to Yoshino Mountain (Nara), Shigi Mountain (Nara) and Arashiyama (Kyoto).

Here's a picture I took of the red leaves in Shigi Mountain. To get there I had to take a train, cable car and bus. The long trip was worth it ! In my experience, this is one of the best places to see red leaves in Japan.

Here's me in Yoshino Mountain. Many Japanese people tell me that it’s one of the best places to see cherry blossoms, in Japan! I think they are probably right! The cherry blossoms looked amazing.

In both Shigi Mountain and Yoshino Mountain the people were very warm towards me. I even had people ask if they could take their photo with me. I had previously found Japanese people to be very shy but this showed me just how open and friendly, they really are.

I look forward to visiting both of these places again!

red leaves = 紅葉
huge = 巨大な
sweeping up = 掃きとる
rustling = (木の葉などが)カサカサと音を立てる
driveway = (自宅の車庫までの)私道
refreshing = ワクワクさせる
worth it = それだけの価値がある
warm towards me = 私に対して温かい/友好的な
previously = これまでは
look forward to = ~を楽しみにする