
2020年1月24日金曜日 -

Kira - New Year

This New Year's my family from South Africa visited me. It took over a day for them to get to Japan, ten hours from South Africa to Dubai, then ten hours from Dubai to Osaka. I was very excited because we booked a few nights in Hakuba, Nagano. (I asked my students for a great place to go snowboarding and many recommended Hakuba due to the snow being like powder.)

My family and I have never seen snow before, so we couldn't wait to see it. It was our first ever winter Christmas. (December in South Africa is summer and in the UAE, where I've also lived, it's never winter.) We arrived in Nagano via the bullet train and a small town called Itoigawa. It was such a small town that the trains only arrived every two hours. Once we got on the train it was a ninety-minute ride to Hakuba. It was the most beautiful train ride I've ever had. The deeper we got into the mountains, the more the countryside filled up with fluffy snow. It was everywhere: on the trees, cars, road signs and all over the giant mountains. It felt like I was in a winter wonderland.

We arrived in Hakuba and got picked up to stay at our hotel called Mont Blanc. Since we'd spent the whole day traveling, it was night time when we arrived and minus 5 degrees Celsius. Still in awe of the snow, we were told that the town was small so everything was in walking distance. We walked to a traditional Japanese restaurant, where we had a delicious hot pot and made friends with the waiter! His name was Kazuki and he said the next day he would teach my sister and I to snowboard.

The ski slope was a five-minute walk from our hotel. We got up, rented some gear and met Kazuki for our first ever lesson. Instead of being taught on a small slope, he pointed to the top of the big ski slope and said, 'We'll go up there'. My sister and I were frightened as we'd never snowboarded before but we agreed because we wanted an adventure. Kazuki brought three friends along and they all helped. It was actually very easy and by the end of the day we were learning mini jumps! We then ended the night with a beautiful hot spring bath that was half inside and half outside so you could bathe with the snow all around the edge of the bath. It was magical!

The next day we went to visit the snow monkeys. It was a one-hour bus ride and a thirty-minute walk in the snow to see the snow monkeys, who love to relax in a hot spring. It was beautiful and the monkeys were so cute.

That evening, we heard there was a DJ playing at one of the bars. And the bar was across the road from our hotel! So my sister, my mother and I went along. After a few drinks, we ended up dancing and making friends with some other tourists and locals until 3 am!

I was sad to leave as I'd found a love for snowboarding and made friends with some wonderful locals and eaten such delicious food. It definitely was a winter wonderland and I will hopefully be back soon! I recommend Hakuba Goryu for a ski trip!

booked: 予約した
via: ~経由で
bullet train: 新幹線
filled up with: ~でいっぱい
fluffy: ふわふわ
giant: 巨大な
awe: 畏れ
walking distance: 徒歩圏
frightened: 怯えた/ぎょっとした
hot spring: 温泉
ended up: ~で終わる