
2019年9月20日金曜日 -

Conner – Going Back Home

This month, I´ll go back to the United States. Before I go back, I’d like to tell you about some of my favorite parts of Japan.

The parts that I think will stay with me are the little things: random smiles from strangers, a warm welcome in a strange bar, or a toilet seat that raises up on its own. Of course, I’ll remember the peak experiences, but sometimes the unexpected things are the most cherished. For example, random conversations with strangers.

Lots of Japanese people have studied English at one point, but they’re rusty. So, many people are eager to chat with you. They ask you where you’re from, why you’re here, what you like about Japan, etc. The interesting part isn’t what we talk about, but where we talk. People have approached me in the onsen, on the train, it doesn’t matter. Some conversations really take me by surprise, which is the best part.

I mentioned in a previous blog that during my first hour in Japan, I was completely and totally lost. The first guy I asked for directions went well out of his way (literally walked me to my station) to make sure I got to the right place. Amazing. Unheard of where I come from. That experience will stay with me for a long time.

Japanese food is also just incredible. It’s actually difficult to find a bad meal. Even the konbini food is good. The first month I was here, I ate a lot of konbini food and didn’t really get tired of it! Most convenience stores in the US just sell simple stuff like hot dogs and chips. Another thing about konbinis is that most are open twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. Where I come from, only about a third of the convenience stores are open all night. So Japan is great in that respect. If you’re hungry at 3 am, you can get a good meal instantly!

So, at the end of the day, what I’ll remember most are the unexpected spontaneous conversations, kind people, and the food. I can’t wait to come back.

eager to:~に熱心になる