
2018年8月24日金曜日 -

Joss: Bouldering

One of my hobbies is bouldering. Bouldering is indoor free climbing, meaning climbers don't use ropes and climb on artificial walls with many brightly coloured “holds”. Generally these holds are colour coded using either the colour of the hold itself or with a label or sticker next to the hold. Climbers try to follow colour-coded routes where they can only use holds of a certain colour for their hands (and sometimes feet too). The colours are usually graded in terms of difficulty, ranging from beginner to doable only by a professional.

I think bouldering is a great form of exercise as it requires the use of muscles all over the body and is especially good for core muscle strength. At first it can seem very difficult or almost impossible especially in terms of hand and finger strength. It can also be very tough on the skin on your fingers. However, strength gradually grows and, especially if you are a beginner, you will probably find that you can climb a little bit further every time you go. The skin on your fingers also gradually hardens and becomes tougher, allowing you to climb for longer without it becoming painful. Seeing the improvement really gives you a great sense of achievement.

The many people who attend the same climbing gym as me come in all shapes and sizes and ages. From kids to people in their seventies, it doesn't seem to matter. Some of the best climbers there are in their fifties and sixties. Kids also tend to be very good at it and improve quickly; lifting their own body weight doesn't seem to be an issue for them.

So if you want to try something different, have fun and improve your health, I highly recommend giving bouldering a try!

in terms of:~の面で
core muscle:インナーマッスル(深層筋)
sense of achievement:達成感
tend to:~になりやすい