
2017年2月17日金曜日 -

Luke: My days off in Japan Part1

One of the most difficult things about living in Japan is choosing where to go on days off; there are just so many wonderful places to choose from. Of course, that's a good problem to have. Anyway, last weekend, when again confronted with this choice, I found myself trawling through various lists, for example, “Fifteen best hikes in Japan” and “Twenty best temples in Kansai”. There are almost as many such lists online as there are places to actually visit in Japan. Luckily, I have always enjoyed a good list.
              After much searching, I decided on the destination for my next trip. I shall go hiking in the Harima Alps, which I believe are located in Hyogo. According to the internet it's a bit steep in parts but I'm excited about the prospect of a challenging hike. I hope there isn't much clambering over rocks involved as I’m not much of a climber nor much of a clamberer. I enjoy the views and although I enjoy exercise I generally prefer exercise where there is almost no chance of slipping and injuring oneself. Having said that, what is life without a small degree of risk?
              According to the list that sold me on this particular hike there are some wonderful rock formations along the trail, numerous man-made lakes, shrines and even some sort of cave. I'm not sure what exactly the latter will be like but I'm excited to see for myself. So, perhaps that's all I'm able to say for now. Hopefully, I'll be able to provide you all with my verdict on the Harima Alps in a subsequent blog post. All the best and look forward to seeing you all in class.

days off : 休み
confronted with : 直面した
trawling : (底引き網で魚をごっそり捕る様に)大量に調べること
destination : 行き先
According to : ~によると
steep : 急勾配の
prospect : 期待
not much of : 大した~ではない
climber : 登山者
clamberer : (ロッククライマーのように)よじ登る人
slipping : 足を滑らせる
injuring : 怪我をする
trail : 小道
numerous : 数多くの
cave : 洞窟
latter : 後者
verdict :(陪審員が裁判長に提出する)評決

subsequent :続きの