
2016年3月25日金曜日 -

Benjamin Mott : Muscle Training Is For Everyone

Before Arnold Schwarzenegger came along, gyms in the US were seen as places only for body builders and muscle men.  After his first major debut in Terminator, Arnold brought gym and fitness culture to the forefront. Today, Americans of all walks of life head down to the gym to train with barbells, dumbbells, and machines, even if they don't have aspirations of being professional body builders.

In Japan, a healthy body image is slim rather than muscled. This is fine, but here are some reasons why you should really consider getting a gym membership, and not just going on a diet.

Firstly, everybody gets older. And as our bodies get older, they get weaker.  Especially the bones. Research has shown that lifting weights not only makes your muscles stronger, but also helps to increase bone density. So you'll be able to live an active lifestyle even in older age.

Secondly, dieting is boring and can often make people unhappy. By weight training you'll build more muscle. These new muscles will need extra fuel which means you can enjoy eating more food. The extra calories will be used to help build and support your new muscles instead of making you fat. More muscle will make your body more efficient. Your body will start to burn more calories even when you're not doing anything. 

Lastly, the gym is a great place. There are many friendly people and trainers to offer you advice and assistance, and probably a smoothie bar. Don't worry if there are a lot of people much stronger than you. Just think about your goals, and why the gym is important to you. 

The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.

came along:現れた
muscle men:マッチョマン
rather than~~というよりむしろ
gets older:年をとる
Research has shown that~:研究が~だと示しています。
bone density:骨密度
instead of~~の代わりに
offer you advice:アドバイスしてくれます



2016年3月18日金曜日 -

Jessica; Easter

Heute möchte ich über Ostern schreiben. Viele von Ihnen haben das Wort „Ostern“ vielleicht schon einmal gehört, aber gerne mehr darüber wissen möchten. 

Today, I’d like to write about Easter. Many of you may have heard of Easter and I’d like to explain some details about it.

Ostern ist ein beweglicher Feiertag und findet am Sonntag nach dem ersten Frühlingsvollmond statt. Im gehen Gründonnerstag und Karfreitag vorraus.

Easter is a movable festival and takes place on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring (or vernal) equinox. It follows Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Gründonnerstag wird heute nicht mehr gefeiert. Karfreitag nutzen manche Katholiken um  die innere Ruhe zu finden. 

Maundy Thursday is no longer celebrated these days but for many Good Friday is considered a day of rest.

Am Sonntag darauf folgen der Ostersonntag und der Ostermontag. An diesen Tagen feiert man die Auferstehung von Jesus.

The following days are Easter Sunday and Easter Monday and on these days people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Heutzutage gehen Deutsche eher selten in die Kirche, aber an Weihnachten und Ostern sind die sonst leeren Kirchen oft sehr voll.

Nowadays German people rarely go to church but at Christmas and Easter the otherwise empty churches are crowded.

Ostern ist ein sehr beliebter Feiertag für Kinder. An Ostern färben wir in Deutschland Eier in verschiedene Farben. Manchmal verzieren wir sie mit Wachs, Stickern oder Glitter.

Easter is a very popular holiday for children. At Easter, we dye eggs in different colours and  sometimes decorate them with wax, stickers and glitter.

1.   Manchmal bläßt man die Eier aus und dekoriert Weidezweige oder an einen Baum im Garten damit. Es wird auch viel gebacken. Oft backen wir Osterlämmer oder Osterschafe aus Kuchenteig um sie dann an Familienmitglieder und Freunde zu verschenken.

We sometimes decorate willow trees or other trees in the garden with the eggs. We also bake a lot. We often bake Easter lambs, a lamb-shaped cake, and give them to our family and friends.

An Ostersonntag füllen Eltern einen kleinen Korb, den wir Osternest nennen, mit kleinen Geschenken (eine CD, Kleidung, ein Computerspiel), den bunten Eiern und viel Schokolade. Dann verstecken die Eltern das Osternest im Garten oder im Haus und die Kinder suchen es.

On Easter Sunday parents fill small baskets, which are called Easter nests, with small presents, coloured eggs and chocolate. Then they hide the Easter nests in the garden or in the house and the children search for them.

Ostern  :  Easter :イースター 
beweglicher Feiertag  :  movable festival :日にちが固定されていないお祭りで今年は327日(日)
Auferstehung von Jesus  :   resurrection of Jesus :イエスの復活
färben  Eier  :  dye eggs :卵を染める
dekoriert  :  decorate :飾ります
verstecken  :  hide :隠します

suchen  :   search :探します


2016年3月11日金曜日 -

Jason: Pets and Christmas vacation 2015

I recently went home for Christmas and New Year's, and while I enjoyed seeing friends and family, being around my mom's pets was a big highlight for me. I would love to get a cat here in Japan, but unfortunately my apartment building has a no pets policy, so I have to wait until I go home to be around animals.

Over the years, my mother has had various dogs and cats, a bird dog named Katie, a tomcat named Tippsy, a black lab named Dixie, a German shepherd/chow mix named Odie, a Maine coon named Callie, and a tabby cat named Two-Socks. Currently, she has two black cats, a golden retriever and two cows. The two black cats she got as kittens about five years ago, a brother and sister named Pepper and Kuro. Pepper is a large, muscular cat, about eight kilograms, but he's a total softie. He craves attention, and any time my mom sits down he jumps into her lap.  His sister, Kuro, was the runt of the litter and as a result tends to be skittish around new people, but once she warms up to you she will sit by your side waiting for you to give her a treat.

Three years ago, my mom got Jessie, a golden retriever. Being so young, she has tons of energy and loves to be outside, playing fetch or being around the other dogs in the area. A very strange thing she likes doing is chasing the red dot of a laser pointer. Most people think only cats do this, but many animals will do this. I've even seen fish do it!

The most unusual pets my mom has are cows. Over the years she and her husband would get ten to fifteen cows and breed them, and after the calves were born they would sell them at market. One year, one of the cows they bought was pregnant without them knowing, so my mom was quite surprised to see a calf in the field! She named the cow Miss Mildred, after an old friend of hers. My mom decided to keep her, and when she was old enough they bred her, naming the calf Miss Millie. When Miss Millie was old enough, they bred her, and just last year she gave birth to Miss Maybeline. Unfortunately, Miss Mildred died from old age about five years ago, but her family line lives on in her daughter and granddaughter.

being around そばにいる
highlight 最も興味のあること
a bird dog 鳥猟用猟犬
a tomcat オス猫
lab ラブラドール
German shepard/chow mix ジャーマンシェパードとチャウチャウの雑種
maine coon メインクーンという種類の猫
a tabby cat トラ猫
muscular ムキムキの
softie 弱虫
craves ほしがる
lap スカートなどの膝の上
runt of the litter ちびっ子
skittish around ~に物おじする
warms up 心を開く
treat おやつ
fetch 物を取ってくる
laser pointer レーザーポインター
unusual 珍しい
breed 繁殖
calves 子牛(calf)の複数形

family line 血統


2016年3月4日金曜日 -

Woonghui: Neologisms

최근 한국에는 다양한 신조어 생겨나고 있습니다. 또한 젊은 사람 뿐만 아니라 다양한 연령층의 사람들이 신조어를 사용하고 있습니다.
여러분은 한국의 신조어에 대해서 얼마나 알고 있으신가요?

Recently, various neologisms have been created in Korea. It’s not just the younger generation who use them either. Elderly people also use them. Do you know any neologisms?

신조어란 neologism
사회,시대,문화 변화에 따라 새로운 것들을 표현하기 위해 새롭게 만들어진 말이나 표현.

What is a neologism?
A neologism is a newly coined word or phrase that has found its way into everyday use.

취향저격취향은 자신이 좋아하는 타입 혹은 성향을 의미하는 단어입니다.
그러한 취향이라는 단어에 저격 당하다, 라는 말을 합성하여 취향저격이라는 단어가 생겨났습니다나의 취향에 들어 맞다 라는 의미입니다.
자신이 좋아하는 인물이나 사물 혹은 분위기를 보고 듣고 느꼈을 때에 취향저격이다. 취향저격 당했다. 라는 표현을 사용합니다.
최근 SNS에서도 많이 있는 표현입니다.
EX )       
A: 여기 레스토랑 분위기 어때?
B: 여기 레스토랑 분위기 정말 취향저격이야.
최근에는 아이돌가수 iKON 노래제목에서도 사용 되었던 표현입니다.

Chwihyangjeogyeog - Chwihyangjeogyeog is “snipertaste”: Chwihyang is “taste” and means a strong liking or favorite type. And jeogyeog is “sniper”. A neologism has been created by combining these two words. Chwihyangjeogyeog means a sniper for things that are exactly to our taste. When we see or hear or feel something that really matches our taste, we can use this word. For example, “It’s the sniper of my taste.” We often see this expression on social networking sites these days.

A: What do you think of this restaurant?
B: The atmosphere is just my snipertaste!

This expression Chwihyangjeogyeog is the title of a recent song performed by the K-pop group I KON.

완전완전+동사 형태로 말할 있으며 정말,많이,매우,진짜 등과 같은 표현과 의미가 비슷합니다
EX )       
   A: 어제 빅뱅 콘서트 어땠어?
   B: 완전 멋있었어.
EX )       
   C: 여기 레스토랑 완전 맛있다

.Wanjeon. Wanjeon means “perfect”. If we add a verb after wanjeon, it changes to an adverb or adverbial clause, such as “truly”, “so many”, “extremely”, or “really”.

Example 1            
A: How was the BIG BANG concert yesterday?
B: It was really great!
Example  2           
C: This restaurant is really good.

심쿵심쿵하다, 혹은 심쿵이다와 같은 방법으로 사용 있으며 심장이 쿵쾅 거린다. 라는 의미를 갖고 있습니다. 이러한 단어는 일본에서도 찾아볼 있는데요. 무네큥 이라는 단어와 비슷하다고 있습니다.
마음에 드는 이성의 모습이나 사진을 봤을 사용할 있습니다
EX )       
A: 아까 페이스북에서 배우 사진 봤는데 정말 심쿵했어!
B: 나도 사진 봤는데 정말 심쿵했어!

Simkung. You can use this word as simkunghada or simkung-ida and it means “heart-pounding”. There is a similar expression used in Japan, as well. Japanese people say it as “mune- kyun”, though. Just the same as in Japan, when we find our favorite type of boy or girl, we can use this expression.
A: The actor I saw photos of on Facebook just now is really simkung.
B: Oh, I think so too! He’s really cute!

생겨나고 있습니다saeng-gyeonago issseubnida have been created生まれています
좋아하는 타입 혹은 성향을 의미하는 단어입니다joh-ahaneun taib hog-eun seonghyang-eul uimihaneun dan-eoibnidameans a strong liking or favorite type好きなタイプや傾向を表す言葉です
많이 있는 표현입니다manh-i bol su issneun pyohyeon-ibnidaWe often see this expressionよく見かける表現です
어제 빅뱅 콘서트 어땠어? eoje bigbaeng konseoteu eottaess-eo?How was the BIG BANG concert yesterday?昨日のBIG BANGのコンサートどうだった?
사용 있으며sayong hal su iss-eumyeoYou can use this使えます