
2015年8月8日土曜日 -

Phil: Club 9 Lesson

This week I taught Ochanoma Ryugaku's first ever Club 9 lesson.
What is Club 9? Well, Club 9 is a special discussion lesson for level 9 students held every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. The lessons cover a variety of general topics, such as society, health, education, work, politics, the economy, culture, leisure, science, technology and the environment. Each lesson concentrates on one topic and during the lesson students discuss current issues with reference to Japan in the world.

In Wednesday's lesson, we discussed the effects of stress on health and ways to deal with stress. We talked about preventative medicine and alternative activities that help promote good health, and we examined how to have an enjoyable lifestyle while maintaining good health.
Here are some useful words and expressions for talking about stress:
l  stressful
l  pressure
l  to be under stress, for example, She is under a lot of stress.
l  anxiety
l  distress
l  mental tension
l  chronic
l  fatigue
l  to be prone to
l  peace of mind
l  unwind
Here is some student feedback about the lesson:
Ø The sharing aspect was enjoyable. It was fun to give opinions and hear about other peoples views.
Ø It was interesting to study the topic beforehand so that I could improve my knowledge of the topic, and it helped me with my input for the lesson.

12th August: Anthony Hall will be talking about yoga. Is it a sport, a religious practice or an ancient philosophical system? What benefits do people get from yoga? How did it get to be a two billion dollar industry?

15th August: Shawn Mason will be talking about politics, focusing on voter participation. How does Japan’s voter participation compare to other democracies? What affects voter participation? Does participation really matter in a democracy?

16th August: Maria Carbone will be talking about how the media frames news stories. What is “framing theory” and how do news media use it? How information is presented to give alternate perspectives of the same news story. What are the differences in news coverage by Japanese media and Western media?

We look forward to seeing you in a lesson soon.
