
2018年5月11日金曜日 -

Anna Moric - Travel

Although I don't talk about it very much, when I first came to Japan, I decided to make a “mission” for myself to make my experience here even more fun. It will probably take a very long time to complete, but I decided that I want to visit all forty-eight prefectures at least once. I've now lived in Japan almost five years, and so far I've been to ten different prefectures. Hopefully, by the end of the year, that number will increase to twelve.

When I was living in America, I rarely traveled anywhere within my own country, since my family mostly only traveled to places where our other family members were living, or places that they knew well. Since my hometown is in the countryside, the only way to travel was by car, and to travel somewhere far away could take over one day to drive. Now that I live in Japan, transportation is much more convenient, and even without a car it's very easy to go wherever you want compared to where I lived before. That's one of the points I like best about living here.

When I travel in Japan, I usually take the bus if I have time. It's usually the cheapest option, and traveling by bus feels much more fun to me since it's like an adventure. I don't like flying very much, and I've never taken the bullet train before, so I'm glad there are so many places I can go by bus in Japan, even if they're far away from Osaka. Riding the bus really lets you feel the distance you're traveling, since it's much slower than a plane or the bullet train, so you can understand and see the places you go much better. I really like driving through Shizuoka because the mountains and ocean are so beautiful.

After this year, the part of Japan I want to go to the most is Shikoku! I've never been there before, and all the pictures I see look so nice and calm. If I have a chance, I want to be able to experience the Japanese countryside for a while.

Compared to:~に比べ
even if:たとえ~だとしても
the bullet train:新幹線