
2013年4月19日金曜日 -

Lawry - Mount Everest

The Inspiration.

A few years ago I read a book called "Into Thin Air". It is the story of a group of people who climb Mount Everest. The group of people who climb are amateur climbers, not professionals. Just people who enjoy the outdoors.

Amongst the group there is a postman, a New York celebrity, a novelist, a doctor, an ex-soldier, and also a Japanese climber, Yasuko Namba. The climb starts well, but suddenly the weather becomes really bad. In fact, so bad that they are all split up, become lost, and get stuck in a storm and are not able to get back to their tents!
Some of the climbers were injured, some were healthy. The decisions they faced were interesting: Some had to decide if they would help others before ascending to the summit, or, summit first, before helping those in trouble.
It was a great book, and I have always wondered how I would respond in that situation.

The Journey.

Since reading the book, I always wanted to visit Mount Everest.
The book inspired me to see the place where these characters had faced decisions that they would remember for their entire lives. In 2006, I got the chance, but I didn't climb Everest! Instead I walked as far as a place called Namchee Bazaar, which is where many 'Sherpa' people live. 

The Sherpa people are the native people of the region. From Namchee Bazaar, you can see Mount Everest. It was a great trip, and if I see you in class, I'll tell you all about it!

inspiration =インスピレーション、刺激するもの
amateur =アマチュア、愛好家
outdoors =アウトドア
novelist =小説家
ex-soldier =元兵士
suddenly =突然
split up =バラバラになる、分かれる
get stuck =動けなくなる、立ち往生する
injured =負傷した
faced =直面する、迫られる
ascend =登る
summit =登頂する
since  =~したときからずっと、~以来
inspired =刺激を与える、動機付ける
characters =登場人物
entire lives =人生すべて
instead =その代わりに