
2019年1月4日金曜日 -

Dan :An-eating we will go!

Life has been quite hectic as of late, and I've found that I've not been able to enjoy one of my    primary hobbies of travelling and sightseeing. With the limited time that I have, I've been spending many of my weekends in Osaka. And in Osaka, one of the most popular things to do is to eat. So,

an-eating we will go!

I've been eating a lot of Korean food these days. Now, I don't particularly like Korean food. I would guess that the reason for eating all this Korean food is that it must be popular in Japan. Recently, I ate the standard fare of pajeon (chijimi) and naengmyeon (reimen), but I was also able to try for the first time, a kogo (cheese dog). It was much better than I expected! The next time I'm in Myeong-dong, I'll definitely have to try an authentic one.

While not a food exactly, I've also really taken a liking to bubble tea (tapioca tea). I'd have to attribute this to my recent trip to Taiwan. But at any rate, I'm generally always on the lookout for a bubble tea similar to what I had in Taiwan. I would have to say that one sign of a good bubble tea shop is customizable levels of sweetness. If it doesn't offer that, I would hesititate to order one. I've also grown to like xiaolongbao (shoronpo). For me, this was most definitely an acquired taste; I initially hated them. The hot soup within the dumpling shell seemed unnecessary, but I've come to appreciate it and enjoy even the process of eating them.

There are still more things I have to try. Why, even this weekend, I'm planning to eat some fish and chips from the UK and hamburgers from the US. The only thing I haven't eaten recently in Japan is Japanese food! (^_^')

Hectic: てんてこ舞い
authentic: 本物の
taken a liking to:~を好きになる
on the lookout: アンテナをはる/探す
customizable levels of sweetness:甘さを調整できる