
2018年10月12日金曜日 -

Tony - The Search Game

What do you like to do to jump-start your brain?

Let's say there is a topic that you are mildly interested in: popular music, games, or food, for example. I'm into music at the moment, so that's my choice.

Take the topic and a letter/character from the alphabet. Since I'm writing this on the 25th of August, I'll take the 25th letter in the alphabet: Y.

Now that I have my topic and letter, all I need to do is open the internet and do a search. Here's my search string: "y popular music".

Now I can scroll through the search results until something catches my attention. The third result is for a Wikipedia article on the subject of Yé-yé.

Let's see what that is.

Yé-yé: French: a type of popular music from the early 60's. Yé-yé comes from the English "Yeah! Yeah!" made famous by the Beatles.

So, it turns out that as Beatlemania swept Europe and kids from all over picked up guitars and started banging out Beatles covers and songs of their own it got labeled as "Yeah! Yeah!" music, or in French,  Yé-yé.

You can learn something new every day. All you have to do is go looking for it.
jump-start : 活性化させる
mildly : いささか
catches my attention :興味を引く
turns out :明らかになる
swept :風靡する
banging out :大きな音で演奏する