
2017年11月24日金曜日 -

Luke: Budleigh Salterton

When I was thinking about a topic for this blog, it occurred to me that I have written several blogs about my experiences in Japan but none about England, so I thought I ought to write one about England. To be honest, I've never really done any sightseeing in England so my options here are somewhat limited. I could write about my hometown, but that might not be very interesting. With all this in mind, I have decided to write about a pretty idyllic little place called Budleigh Salterton.

     Every summer my family would travel to Budleigh Salterton for our summer holiday. It used to feel to me when I was young that we were traveling half way around the world. In hindsight, I think Budleigh Salterton is only around an hour from my hometown. Memories of these trips aren't exactly detailed, but I can remember flashes – flashes that I haven't thought about for a long time. I will do my best to describe what I can remember. Hopefully, it will turn out to be a highlights-reel.

     My parents don't drive (they've never driven a car), which may go some way to explaining why I’ve never driven a car, and for this reason a family friend used to drive us on our annual excursions. The earliest of my memories is of my dad's passenger-seat road rage; he used to shout and swear at any passing car that our driver felt had wronged us. My dad, as mentioned, has never driven, and is therefore clueless when it comes to proper road procedure, and it later transpired that our driver had always been in desperate need of very strong glasses. So looking back, it's probably safe to assume that it was our car which was at fault each and every time something happened. 

     Anyway, it's strange to think about these trips now. I can remember so little about them but all of it is pleasant to think on. I can remember sulking for an entire day, though I can't remember why. I spent many hours under the bed refusing to come out unless my demands were met. I can remember 'the hill with three trees', which was not a proper place name; just a hill that looked from one particular angle to only have three trees upon it. I can remember walking to my dad's favourite pub for lunch, to this day he talks about the beer he used to drink at that pub. On the way there one day we saw a very large bull, with horns fearsome enough to frighten a matador. We crowded round the gate that separated us from the bull and watched it for a while. As we were watching, it began to pee and much to me and my brother's delight, it did not stop for what must have been around five minutes. Even years later in my house it was not uncommon to hear the words “remember the bull in Budleigh Salterton?”

idyllic : 牧歌的な
Budleigh Salterton
In hindsight : 後から考えてみると
highlights-reel : 見せ場を釣り上げる
passenger seat : 助手席
road rage : 野次/罵声
clueless : 無知な
when it comes to : ~ということになると
transpired : わかってきた
desperate : たまらなく
sulking : 駄々をこねる
my demands were met : 要求が通る
bull : 雄牛
horns : 角
fearsome enough to frighten a  : 闘牛士を怖がらせられるほど恐ろしい
crowded : 群がった
pee : おしっこをする
much to mine and brother's delight : 僕と弟が大変喜んだことには