
2016年12月9日金曜日 -

Dan: Adventure World

Have you ever been to Adventure World? For those of you who have, high-five! For those of you who haven't, get going! For those of you who don't know what Adventure World is, it's a safari park / theme park located in Shirahama, Wakayama. I've lived in Japan for almost nine years, and I'd say I've been there around nine times.

I recently went there on October 30th. Actually, I had gone earlier this year during the summer, so it was a bit soon to be heading back, but I had a special reason for going back: a baby panda was born! I had missed the chance to see a baby panda last year, so I wanted to take the opportunity to see it before it grew up.

There were some strict rules on seeing it, however. It was only visible twice during the day, and for twenty minutes each time. As soon as the park opened, we rushed to the panda nursing area and ended up being first in line to see the panda. We were really excited to see it. However, the mother panda was very protective of the baby panda and covered it in her arms, making it very difficult to see. Also, we were not allowed to stand to watch the panda; we had to walk in a line, in order to allow everyone a chance to see the panda. We entered the line a total of five times, but we were unable to get a clear view of the baby panda each time. It was a bit disappointing, but we were able to glimpse it, at least.

But aside from that, the safari tour was as enjoyable as always. And I was pleasantly surprised by the dolphin show. It was different from the summer version I saw earlier this year, and the fall show was actually more interesting, despite the summer show being touted as the better one.

All in all, a good day trip!

high-five ハイタッチ
get going 急いでいって!
I'd say ~だろうと思います。
heading back 戻る
take the opportunity すかさず~する
visible 見られる
rushed to 急いでいく
ended up ~することになった
in order to ~するために
aside from that それはさておき
despite ~にもかかわらず
touted : ~だとうたわれている。