
2013年8月16日金曜日 -

Yifan - Takarazuka Revue


My name is Yifan. I'm from Beijing. I have been to Tokyo, Okinawa, Hokkaido, and Kyushu and so on.  The seafood in Hokkaido is so delicious. I always want one more bite, then one more bite until I'm too full. Then I regret that I ate so much. The sea is so beautiful in Okinawa.  The beautiful beaches are so romantic! I also like going to spas (onsen) in Japan. Imagine you are in a spa and are looking at a scenic landscape of snow. It is so relaxing and makes you carefree!


In addition, two months ago, I finally went to the Takarazuka Revue, which I have wanted to see for a long time. I saw "Romeo and Juliet", Their beautiful and touching voices resounded in the theater. and I was impressed by the actress' convincing performances! That has kept me excited about the show for a long time. Sometimes they sounded soft, and other times their voices were so strong they echoed throughout the theater. Images of their vivid and realistic portrayals of their characters still linger in my head.. I feel like I can understand a bit why a lot of girls envy those actresses and want to join the Takarazuka Theatrical Company. Have you ever seen their Review?


Who knows, perhaps the next time I travel in Japan or go to see a Takarazuka review, I might bump into you.

One more bite  (再zài吃chī一yìkǒu) :もう一口食べる
Too fullchīdewèikuàiyàobàozhà:胃が破裂しそうな位食べる
Romantic  (浪làng漫màn) :ロマンチックな
Scenic landscape of snow (雪xuě景jǐng) :雪景色
Carefree  (心xīnkuàng神shén怡yí) :のびのびとして気持ちのいい
Resounded (响xiǎngchè):響き渡る
Impressed by (wèi/bèi……所suǒ震zhèn撼hàn) :~に震撼する
Convincing (惟wéi妙miào惟wéi肖xiào) :迫真の
Vivid and realistic (栩xǔ栩xǔ如rú生shēng) :生き生きとした
Portrayals (演yǎn技jì) :演技
Linger in my head (浮fúxiàn在zài我wǒ的denǎo海hǎi里li) :心に浮かぶ
Envy (憧chōng憬jǐng) :憧れる
Bump into you (pèngshang) :ばったり会う