
2012年11月21日水曜日 -

William - The Monkeys in Minoh

Buildings alongside the first half of the trail to Mino Waterfall

This weekend, I went hiking with my friends in Minoh, Osaka. It was the first time for me to go hiking in Japan so naturally I was very excited. We arrived in Minoh around 9am. It was already very hot and I was starting to regret wearing such a thick top. There are plenty of shops at Minoh station so we stocked up on some rice balls and water. I was pleasantly surprised how easy the hike was. It was more like a leisurely stroll along the river of a picturesque town. We walked past some beautiful old teashops and quaint old toyshops from yesteryear. It was all very nostalgic.

At the base of the mountain the trees start to overhang the path. It reminded me of a Tim Burton movie.

I was surprised to see lots of cheeky monkeys hiding in the trees. Although the monkeys didn’t approach us nor do anything mischievous I was wary of them the whole hike.

At the end of the trail there was a beautiful waterfall! The spray from the pool cooled us all down. We sat for a while taking in the views and enjoying our rice balls and a much deserved beer.

regret = 後悔する
stocked up =買出しする
pleasantly surprised =いい意味でびっくりする
stroll =ぶらぶらする
picturesque =絵になる
quaint 古風な趣のある
yesteryear =昔風の
nostalgic =ノスタルジックな
cheeky =やんちゃな
mischievous =いたずら好きな
weary 用心深い
spray 細かい水しぶき