
2025年2月14日金曜日 -

Bob-Great Places to Visit in the UK


タイトルは「Great Places to Visit in the UK」です


Great Places to Visit in the UK

By Teacher Bob

I’m sometimes asked “Where are the best places to go in the UK?” There are many great places, of course, and in a blog like this one, it’s impossible to describe them all. Here is a short selection:

London is the capital city of England and is famous for its architecture, parks, museums, art galleries, theaters and shopping. It’s a large, lively city and there are plenty of things to do and see there. If you like football (soccer in US English), there are several Premier League football clubs so it’s a good place to watch a game.

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland and is renowned for its rich history, cultural festivals, impressive castle and beautiful streets. If you go there, you might see men wearing tartan kilts (skirts) or hear the bagpipes (a traditional musical instrument).

The UK countryside is pretty special, too. Scotland and Wales are famous for their beautiful mountains and coastline while England is more well-known for its rolling hills, woods, fields and villages. Areas of outstanding beauty include the Cotswolds, the Peak District, the Yorkshire Dales, and the Lake District.


2025年2月14日金曜日 -

Susana-Navidad, Fin de Año, Año Nuevo y Día de Reyes en España


タイトルは「Navidad, Fin de Año, 
 Año Nuevo y Día de Reyes en Españaです。 

Navidad, Fin de Año, Año Nuevo y Día de Reyes en España

By Teacher Susana

A finales de año la mayoría de la gente en España tiene días de vacaciones para descansar y pasar el tiempo con sus seres queridos. Normalmente las vacaciones de los niños en la escuela suelen ser más o menos del 22 de diciembre al 8 de enero y se suelen tener los adornos de Navidad puestos durante todos esos días.

En diferentes regiones de España a veces las costumbres son un poco diferentes, pero en general los días más importantes en estas fechas son el 24 de diciembre, el 31 de diciembre y el 6 de enero.

El 24 de diciembre por la noche, que en España se llama “Nochebuena”, solemos hacer una gran cena en casa con nuestros familiares donde comemos y bebemos bastante. No hay ningún plato típico en particular para esa cena y cada familia tiene sus costumbres diferentes, pero después de cenar a menudo comemos dulces típicos de Navidad (turrón, mazapán, polvorones…) y cantamos canciones navideñas, que se llaman “villancicos”. Los niños no suelen acostarse muy tarde esa noche porque están deseando dormirse pronto para que así la mañana llegue más rápido y puedan abrir los regalos que les ha traído Papá Noel (también conocido como Santa Claus). 

El día 25 de diciembre, o día de Navidad, suele empezar de manera muy excitante con todos los miembros de la familia abriendo sus regalos de Papá Noel. Los niños, por supuesto, son los que mejor se lo pasan. En algunas familias la comida del día de Navidad es también un evento familiar importante y se reúnen todos juntos de nuevo.

 Después viene el día 31 de diciembre, también llamado “Nochevieja”. La cena de ese día también es muy importante, tal vez incluso más que la de Nochebuena. A las 00:00 de la noche, mientras vemos en la televisión las campanadas de medianoche del reloj de la Puerta del Sol de Madrid, nos comemos las 12 uvas y brindamos para celebrar el principio del año nuevo. Después, la gente joven suele salir a bailar y a divertirse toda la noche y volver a casa por la mañana después de desayunar chocolate con churros.

El día 1 de enero en Japón es un día importante pero en España normalmente no hacemos nada especial. Es un día para levantarse tarde, quedarse en casa tranquilamente viendo la tele y comer las sobras de la cena de Nochevieja.

El último día festivo de las vacaciones de Navidad es el 6 de enero, es decir, el Día de Reyes. Según la tradición, los Tres Reyes Magos de Oriente llegaron ese día a Belén a llevar regalos al niño Jesús que acababa de nacer. Por eso, el día 5 por la tarde, en muchas ciudades de España suele haber un desfile, que se llama “cabalgata”, en el que se puede ver a los tres Reyes Magos llegando en sus camellos y saludando y tirando caramelos a los niños. Igual que Papá Noel el 24 de diciembre, el día 5 por la noche los Reyes irán a las casas de los niños y les dejarán regalos si se han portado bien durante el año y carbón si se han portado mal. El carbón, en realidad, es de azúcar y se puede comer, así que a muchos niños no les importa recibirlo como regalo.

El día 6 de enero se come un dulce típico que se llama “roscón de Reyes” que está muy rico. La mayoría de la gente lo reserva en la pastelería pero algunas personas lo hacen casero y también está muy rico. La tradición varía ligeramente dependiendo de la región de España, pero normalmente dentro del roscón se esconden una figurita y un haba. Quien encuentre la figurita tendrá fortuna y prosperidad durante todo el año, mientras que quien encuentre el haba tendrá que pagar el importe del roscón.

Y estas son algunas de las costumbres españolas alrededor de las Navidades. ¿Ya las conocíais?

Espero que os hayan parecido interesantes y que hayáis aprendido algo nuevo.


12月24日の夜は、スペインでは 「ノチェブエナ 」と呼ばれ、家で親戚を招いて盛大に飲み食いする。特にこれといった代表的な料理はなく、各家庭で習慣が異なりますが、食後にはクリスマスの代表的なお菓子(トゥロン、マジパン、ポルボロネスなど)を食べ、「ビランチコス」と呼ばれるクリスマスソングを歌います。子どもたちは、早く寝て朝を迎え、ファーザー・クリスマス(クリスマス神父)が持ってきてくれたプレゼントを開けたいので、その夜はあまり遅くまで寝ないのが普通です。







2025年2月13日木曜日 -



今週のブログはフィリピン人講師の Gen先生です。



By Teacher Gen

Cebu, known as the "Queen City of the South," is home to several thriving industries, and one of the more fascinating ones is its guitar manufacturing sector. The island's guitar factories have gained recognition for their craftsmanship, producing high-quality instruments that are sought after not just locally, but internationally as well. Today, Cebu is also known by most Filipinos as the “Guitar Capital of the Philippines,” thanks to the thriving guitar-making industry found in Lapu-Lapu City.

One of the key aspects that set Cebu's guitar factories apart is the dedication to detail and the use of locally sourced materials. The use of indigenous woods, such as mahogany and nara, lends a unique tone to the guitars. This connection to local resources not only supports the local economy but also promotes sustainable practices. The craftsmen in Cebu are well-versed in the intricacies of guitar-making, and many of them are trained through apprenticeships passed down through generations.



2025年2月13日木曜日 -

Jean-Zumba for Stress Relief: Dance Your Worries Away




Zumba for Stress Relief: Dance Your Worries Away

By Teacher Jean

Are you fond of freestyle dancing? Some of us are gifted with dancing skills while others are not. What if you need to sweat for the sake of your overall health?

I do enjoy Zumba after my working hours. At least we can maintain it three times a week. I bet it can change your energy level and outlook on your life goals. It can also make you happier for no reason. Any exercise releases several hormones that can improve your mood, including endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin. So why not give it a try for an hour? It can make a big difference in your entire week. The older ones are inspiring me to continue. It's not their age that makes me go, but their positivity and discipline. As they said, "Life begins at 40.".

Lately, in some places of Cebu, some municipalities are doing some Zumba activities, like in our place, where the mayor encouraged everyone to join the Zumba sessions, and the first 150 participants will receive pink shirts. It's indeed fun! A lot of residents happily joined in. What drives you to go to do Zumba? What's your favorite exercise routine? When we learn some resilience from older generations, we cannot just catch up but can also keep up continuously every year.

So, grab your towel and dance till you sweat!




2025年1月28日火曜日 -

Junghwan ‐한국 사람과 마라탕


Junghwan Lee先生です。


한국 사람과 마라탕

By Teacher Junghwan Lee

안녕하세요? 오늘은 요즘 한국에서 젊은 세대를 중심으로 유행하고 있는 음식을 소개해 볼까 합니다바로 '마라탕(麻辣湯)'이라는 음식입니다

중국의 쓰촨(四川)성에서 유래한 음식으로 마라(麻辣)라는 얼얼한 맛을 내는 중국 향신료를 이용해 만들며, 여러가지 채소와 고기, 등을 넣고 끓인 음식입니다.

손님이 양푼에 먹고 싶은 재료를 담아서 카운터에 내면 무게에 따라 가격을 매긴 , 주방에서 재료를 넣고 조리해 탕으로 완성해서 가져다 줍니다.

기호에 따라 마라탕의 매운 정도를 조절할 있으니 새로운 음식에 도전해 보고 싶은 여러분에게 적극 추천합니다!!

こんにちは。今日は最近韓国で若い世代を中心に流行っている食べ物を紹介したいと思います。 それは「麻辣湯(マーラータン(麻辣湯)」という食べ物です。


2025年1月23日木曜日 -

Dane - How to celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year's Day


タイトルは「How to celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year's Day」です。


How to celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year's Day

By Teacher Dane

Chinese Lunar New Year has always fascinated me – the colorful decorations, the joyful parades, and the meaningful traditions that come with it. Growing up, I never had the chance to celebrate it, and as an adult, I started wondering why I’d never taken part in such an exciting and culturally rich event. This year, I decided to finally dive in and experience the celebration for myself, despite having no prior knowledge of the customs or traditions. It’s a little intimidating, but I’m determined to make this Lunar New Year special, and I want to share how I’m approaching it as a complete beginner.
I’ve quickly learned that celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year is all about embracing the spirit of renewal, family, and good fortune. You don’t need to be of Chinese descent to take part – it’s open to anyone willing to learn and enjoy the festivities. I started by researching key traditions like cleaning the house to sweep away bad luck, decorating with red lanterns and couplets, and preparing traditional foods like dumplings and fish for a prosperous year ahead. While I don’t have a big family celebration, I plan to create my own little traditions at home, like making dumplings with friends and writing out a few wishes for the year ahead.
What I love most about this journey is that there’s no “right” way to celebrate – it’s all about infusing your meaning into the holiday. Whether it’s learning to cook a new dish, practicing some basic customs, or simply spending time with people you care about, the Chinese Lunar New Year is a beautiful opportunity to start fresh and embrace positive energy. So if you're like me, with no prior experience but a big desire to celebrate, I encourage you to join me in making this holiday your own. It’s all about celebrating the joy, hope, and renewal that come with the beginning of a new year!

Image source:

dive in:飛び込む
sweep away:掃き出す


2025年1月20日月曜日 -

Han Jungeun ‐ 새해에 하는 것에 대해 알아보겠습니다.


今週のブログは韓国語講師のHan Jungeun先生です。
Han Jungeun先生のレッスンを受講してみたい!と感じた方


새해에 하는 것에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 

By Teacher Han Jungeun

2024 마지막 날인 31일에

카운트다운을 하기 위해

서울 종로구 보신각에서 타종을 보기 위에 사람들이 모입니다.

새해를 맞이하는 특별한 순간을 알려줍니다.

해돋이를 봅니다.

해돋이를 보며 새해에 목표를 다짐합니다.

해동이로 유명한 장소는 강원도 강릉시에 있는 정동진 가장 빠른 시간에 일출합니다.
그리고 한국에 가장 끝에 위치한 제주도에 한라산에 등산해서 일출을 보는 사람들도 많습니다.

신정 차례를 지냅니다.

새해를 맞이하여 조상님께 인사드리고

가족들과 친구들에게 새해 인사를 합니다.


한국에서는 새해에 떡국을 먹습니다.

떡국을 먹는 이유는

몸과 마음을 깨끗하게 해를 시작하자는 의미

장수하라는 의미

재산이 불어나기를 바라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다.







2025年1月15日水曜日 -

Sherwin - Sinulog Atmosphere


今週のブログはフィリピン人講師の Sherwin先生です。
タイトルは「Sinulog Atmosphere」です


Sinulog Atmosphere

By Teacher Sherwin

The Philippines, an archipelago country located in Southeast Asia that holds 7,641 islands, is a land widely known for its hospitality and archipelago. The country that had been colonized by Spain centuries ago for three hundred and thirty-three (333) years got some of its traditions that remain present on this very day, especially in the religion aspects as majority of the population are Roman Catholics. 
With that in mind, Filipinos love to celebrate festivals to show their love, faith, and devotion. There are roughly forty-two thousand (42,000) festivals being celebrated each year, making it known as the "Capital of the World's Festivities." These festivals can be found at the town, city, provincial, national, and village levels, and most of them take place in what we call barangay (village).
And out of those forty-two thousand (42,000) festivals celebrated each year, one among those festivals really stands out the most, which is Sinulog. The Sinulog Festival, celebrated on the third Sunday of January every year, is held in the Queen City of the South, Cebu and solely devoted to Cebuanos' patron, Senior Santo Niño, or the Child Jesus. Millions of people, not only in the Philippines but all around the globe, gather each year to witness this world-class festival. The main highlights of the festival are street dancing, street parties, and Sinulog dance. Apart from all that, the Cebuanos is what sets this festival apart. Their optimism, charisma, and amicable smiles are to die for.
