
2023年5月27日土曜日 -

Lewis - Moving House


タイトルは「Moving House」です。


Moving House

By Teacher Lewis

I really enjoy living in Japan, mainly because of the weather, the food and the atmosphere. However, living in an apartment has been challenging for me, I've been struggling to find space to cook or put things and to feel comfortable. This year my fiance and I decided to buy a house so that we would have more space for ourselves and our dog. If I’m honest, everything has gone pretty smoothly,  we found an estate agency that helps foreigners with the process of moving in Japan. The company has been really great for us as they know the issues which are most likely to come up and deal with them preemptively.

Now we are near the end the process. All that is left is to get the keys and move in. The last time I moved in Japan I didn't have many things to move, so it was pretty straightforward.  This time I have a lot more furniture and appliances, so I am bit apprehensive. After moving however, I know I will be very happy and comfortable. I'm looking forward to having more space, storage and a little garden. The exciting thing for me about moving is planning where to put all the furniture and designing the rooms. It's like a puzzle. I like finding and matching furniture and colours, thinking about where the sofa can go, buying decorations like plants and things like that. Another thing I like about moving is learning about the local area. I can walk my dog and find new places like parks and convenience stores.

We get the keys to the house tomorrow and we will be moving in over the space of three weeks. After I move, I'll make sure to write another blog to let you know how it went.

an estate agency : 不動産業者
preemptively : 先制して
straightforward : 簡単な
appliance : 電気製品
apprehensive : 懸念して


2023年5月20日土曜日 -

Le-an - Local Diner - Karenderia


タイトルは「 ローカル食堂 カレンデリア」です。


Local Diner - Karenderia

By Teacher Le-an

Would you dare eat at a restaurant every day? If your answer is no because you think it's expensive, worry no more. Here in the Philippines you can see restaurants here and there. Karenderia—that's how we call it. A karenderia is a local restaurant that serves a variety of food such as fish dishes, vegetable dishes, and meat dishes. It can be fried, stewed, or raw. When I was a university student, I and my friends always ate our lunch in a karenderia. We love eating there because the food is delicious. The best thing about it though is that it's ten times cheaper than a normal restaurant, and you can eat whenever they have food available. It's nice to eat out and the best part of doing it is enjoying your food with your friends' company.

stew : とろ火で煮る、シチューにする


2023年5月13日土曜日 -

Rich - Birthdays in the Philippines


タイトルは「 フィリピンの誕生日」です。


Birthdays in the Philippines

By Teacher Rich

“Are you available?” This is a common question you hear from someone if they’re going to celebrate their birthday. Philippine culture in celebrating birthdays is very unique. You know why? Celebrants will be the ones who treat their guests, unlike in other countries, where they will be the one to get treated. We also follow the practice of going to church to thank God for giving us another year to live. We also believe that having pancit or spaghetti (noodles) will give us a long life so we always have this food every birthday.

In the Philippines, the most important birthday for girls is when they turn eighteen because that’s the time that they reach the legal age. You may find it absurd but it has been like this since the colonization of the Philippines by the Spaniards. During the Spanish era, celebrating the eighteenth birthday was very important because this was the time that girls were introduced to men. We don’t follow this tradition now; we celebrate our eighteenth birthday to be happy and to enjoy the life that God has given us.  

Image Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/happy-asian-family-celebrating-birthday-together-2162344709

absurd : ばかげた
colonization : 植民地化
Spaniards : スペイン人


2023年5月6日土曜日 -

Ramin - Foods in England


タイトルは「Foods in England」です。



Foods in England

By Teacher Ramin

England has some very delicious foods. You of course know the most famous of them: Fish and Chips. The most popular foreign foods in England are Indian, Chinese, pizza, and doner kebabs. Sushi is also popular and you can find it sold in most supermarkets in the country.

I myself love cooking, if I can make time for it. I cook traditional foods and I very often cook new foods I haven't tried before, almost all of them foreign foods.

There are many interesting foods in England, one of the most notable is Marmite. It's a spread based on yeast extract. It looks like chocolate, and what makes it unique is how strong the taste is. Even just half a teaspoon can surprise people (if they don't know what to expect). It's great with bread or toast. 

Traditional English foods after Fish and Chips include: Shepherds Pie, which is minced meat topped with mashed potato and baked in an oven; Toad in the Hole, which is sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter; Steak and Kidney Pie, which is a traditional pastry crust filled with kidney, chunks of steak, and gravy; and, Lancashire Hot Pot, which is a casserole of meat and vegetables topped with sliced potatoes.

notable : 有名な
yeast extract : 酵母エキス
chunk : 厚切り
casserole : 蒸し焼きなべ