
2013年1月4日金曜日 -

Paul - Back to Japan!

I have recently returned to Japan after teaching English in South Korea for five years. While I was in Korea I rediscovered my love for darts. I played darts a lot when I was a teenager in England. I played in several leagues and even represented my home county of Yorkshire.
After playing in several competitions in Korea with some success, my friends and I decided to come to Japan to play in the Phoenix Fly Darts Tournament. It was a soft-tip darts tournament using darts machines rather than conventional steel-tip darts. The tournament was held in Chiba.
The tournament was played over two days and my friend and I competed in two doubles tournaments, one held on the Saturday and one held on the Sunday. Each tournament involved group stages with the top two teams progressing to the knockout stages. Unfortunately, we narrowly missed out on qualifying on both days. One of the teams that beat us went on to win the tournament. I did have some success in an event game where I managed to win a set of darts but that didn't really make up for losing in the main events.
Despite losing out on both days we had a great time in Chiba. The trip reminded me how much I missed Japan. Now that I have returned to Japan I hope to compete in more tournaments, hopefully with more success than I had at the Phoenix Fly Tournament!
Thanks for reading and Happy New Year!
rediscovered =再発見した
several =いくつかの
represented =代表として出場した
county =州
conventional =通常の
competed =戦った
doubles =ダブルスの
progressing =進出する
knockout stages =決勝トーナメント
narrowly =辛くも
qualifying =予選通過
make up for =埋め合わせをする
despite =~にもかかわらず
now that =今や~したのだから