
2016年7月19日火曜日 -

Club 9 Lessons: July Week 4

Club 9
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can currently be found in smart phones and video games, and soon in self-driving cars. It is predicted that within the next five years the AI market around the world will grow up to $70 billion. In Japan, some companies have already begun developing AI for use in the business world. As AI becomes even more embedded in our daily lives, what consequences, good or bad, do you think will come about? What limits, if any, should we place on AI and its use? In what ways would you like to see AI make your life easier?

A Stress Free Lifestyle
Some people claim that life is getting more hectic and stressful. However, there are things a person can do to minimize the stress in their life. Some experts offer the following tips for leading a stress-free life: eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, laugh more, spend time with inspiring, uplifting people and be grateful. What do you think about these tips? Do you think it’s possible to incorporate them into a daily routine? Are there other things a person can do to lead a stress-free life

7/27 – Lawry
The News
We’re going to talk about what’s been happening in the world and in Japan.