
2013年7月19日金曜日 -

Johnny - The Artist

I originally came to Japan on a traveling scholarship that I got from the university in which I was studying, The Royal College of Art. I went to Kyoto Art University and was given a studio for three months.

At the end of the three months I displayed the efforts of my labours in their gallery.

All of the people I came in contact with were so kind. I think that is why I ended up living here. Another reason I think is that I am free from the constraints of my own culture. What I mean by that is, I feel I can use whatever images I want without feeling any pressure because of their cultural associations

I am in the unique position of making my pictures in Japan and sending them all to Germany. Many people don't believe I'm in Japan. They think the gallery is just making stories up, as a sales pitch.

As I get older I enjoy the process of picture making more and more. I make hundreds of pictures and squirrel them away. Then I’ll come across them, sometimes years later. Only then do I realize what I was trying to do and understand what needs to be done to finish them.

efforts of my labours努力の結晶
came in contact with出会った
ended up結局
pressure = プレッシャー
cultural associations文化協会
making stories up話を作る
sales pitch宣伝・セールストーク
more and moreますます
squirrel them away溜め込む
come across思い浮かぶ
needs to be doneする必要があること