
2013年4月5日金曜日 -

Jason - Digital Portraits

My interest in Japan began at an early age, going all the way back to my first year in elementary school. I remember my school days ending early in the afternoon, and that left me ten minutes to pack my books and run to the day-care center to catch the beginning of "Space Battleship Yamato" and "Gatchaman". Afterwards, my friends and I would sit around a table and draw all our favorite characters until our parents picked us up.

That began my interest in art, which led me to study art and illustration after graduating from high school.

A few years ago a few Japanese friends of mine asked me to participate in an art exhibition they were putting together  in Osaka, and I readily agreed.
I decided to focus on portraiture, so I began by asking friends and acquaintances to model for me. I then had to decide what medium to work in! Would I use oils, acrylic or watercolor? In the end I decided to try digital art, using Photoshop, Illustrator and Painter to execute my work. For eight months I brought my laptop with me to the MM Center and painted during my lunch break and for many hours after work and on weekends. In the end the effort was worth the experience; I was able to display ten works of art, receiving praise for my rendering ability.
Nowadays, if I see an interesting person when I'm out and about, I ask if I can take their picture to use as reference for my next painting!

to catch = 間に合う
picked us up = 自分たちを迎えにくる
led = 導いた
illustration = イラストレーション
graduating = 卒業
participate = 参加する
art exhibition  = アートの展示会
putting together = 一緒にする
readily agreed = 2つ返事で同意した
focus on  = 焦点を当てる
portraiture = 肖像画を書く
acquaintances = 知り合い
medium = 材料や技法
acrylic = アクリル絵の具
watercolor = 水彩絵の具
to execute = 製作する
laptop = ノートパソコン
in the end = 結局
worth = ~する価値がある
rendering ability = 表現力
nowadays = このごろは
out and about = 外出する
reference = 参考